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His Slience Screams! - Rogue's DEBUT

Started by Rogue, April 07, 2023, 11:58:21 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:16/02/2010 2:35 PM
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Date Posted:17/02/2010 3:18 AMCopy HTML
Returning from a commercial break; the live Extreme broadcast is an exciting one, as various cameras, gliding throughout the arena, exchange the footage of unruly EF'NW fans. After a few seconds of the enthusiast's pandemonium, the broadcast image finds its way back to the familiar announcer, Nick Miller, at ringside.
Nick Miller: Its been a hellacious night tonight folks! Completely outta' control! We've seen passions rise, new talent boasting, and alliances forming! And the night isn't over! I think it will get even better! ...
As if an eerie precognition had just occurred; the intense arena lighting begins to pass away, leaving a trail of solid darkness behind it. A hush spreads across the capacity crowd as the arena sits in sheer blackness. Moments pass ... no theme music plays, nor do multicolor strobe lights dance on the stage. The fans begin to mutter amongst themselves while confusion strikes them.
Nick Miller: What's gong on!? Did we have some kind of technical difficulty? Apologies to the fans at home...
Without warning, an intense blast of sound projects over the PA system ... the sound of thick rain drops showering hardened ground. The sounds of lightening and thunder expose the severity of the storm that approaches. The titan-tron now shines with video images that sync with the clashes of lightning. The images show a screen, overtaken with static. For brief moments a dark mass can be seen moving in the distance. The video clips, now more frequent, show the figure to be an individual, walking toward the screen.
The atmosphere is a disturbing one. The fans begin to feel the tension as the sounds become more violent, and the figure becomes larger on the tron. At once, the video disappears; startling, brief, exploding pops now begin to command attention in the rafters of the arena. Every eye now rests on these intense strokes of white light that accompany the noises. These streaks of light now begin to form an image as a thick bass string taps over the PA system.
Nick Miller: What is this!?
The streaks of light now form an outline of a long haired figure, monochrome designs spread across his face. A haunting symphony is played in the background as a child's voice overtakes the speakers:
When a man's heart is full of deceit it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow falls over his soul.
From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse, a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator, someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.
The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the Dark Warrior, the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence, and a mission of justice.
This is Rogue.
As the music continues to thunder through the arena, a spotlight from ground level projects its beam into the rafters. The eyes of the crowd follow. The fans have a mixed reaction most of them in just awe, not knowing what to expect next; the face of this tormented individual proves unforgettable in their minds.
Nick Miller: Who or what on earth is that?
Rogue stands motionless above the multitudes, as if reminiscing the feeling that currently faces him. The music drops to a slow bass string, and the spotlight dims. The fans are left in the darkness once again. But this time only a few seconds pass before, what appears as a flash of lightning, drops from the rafters and strikes near the entrance stage.
Nick Miller: Good God!
The arena lights now shine with full authority. The rafters, however, now lack the presence of the "man in black".
Nick Miller: He's gone! Where'd he go!? Hopefully we'll find out.
Disappearing into the depths for a time; everyone expects this shadow to rise again.
-C O M M E R C I A L-
The arena, after the return form the commercial, is brimming with enthusiasm as the multitudes of EF'NW fans pack the seats for this live event. The broadcast swings into an overhead shot of the arena; the aggressive atmosphere, accompanied by the brisk February air, set the stage for a night full of conflict.
The focal camera image now projects a shot of Nick Miller at ringside.
Nick Miller: Welcome back folks, shortly before the break we witnessed the appearance of an unidentified individual in the rafters and we're already starting to hear rumors of tension backstage! There's been a lot of speculation about that mystery guy, we're all still in the dark about who he actually is!
The lingering ramble of the announcer is sharply interrupted, as the arena lights dim slightly, and the titan-tron illuminates with a live video feed from backstage.
The shot is fairly unstable; obviously the cameraman is jogging on foot to reach his destination. Muffled sounds from a side radio, explaining the urgency of the shot, are present in the background. The cameraman passes by numerous superstar locker rooms, before coming within range of two sets of interconnected double doors, above them reads "parking garage".
Nick Miller: Who are they after!?
The camera is blocked for a moment as the operator pushes through one of the metal doors and enters the expanse of the garage. Much to the delight of the mail audience, Samantha Winters is spotted a few feet away; she motions for the shot to follow her as she walks to the intended target.
Using Samantha as a guide, the camera's eye is lead to a far corner of the garage; zooming in for a steady shot as the blur expands into a recognizable image of the shadow from the rafters. The man shows little interest in the approaching interview team; he continues staring into the abyss, as if he were lost within his own consciousness. Samantha slows her pace as she nears the man of the shadows; showing a bit of hesitation and nervousness, she takes a cautious position nearly a foot away. After clearing her throat, she turns to the camera and brings the microphone to her lips.
Samantha: I'm here now with one of the more ... "mysterious" men of the EF'NW who has just made, what could be his live debut! Now, no one had heard anything about your signing with our company, but now that you're here, how do you feel?
She extends the mic for a response. Seconds pass, and the individual continues to stare at the ground beneath him; giving no answer.
Samantha: Uh ... how do you feel about being with our federation? Any plans for your future here?
An awkward silence fills the airwaves, Samantha looks at the cameraman with confusion in her eyes, this is the first time she has not been able to crack a man with her seductive looks.
Samantha: Okay... But, what do we call you?
The man looks up coldly into Samantha's eyes.
Man: ... ... Rogue...
He slowly walks away into the distance of the lonely corridors leaving Samantha confused as the scene fades to a commercial.

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