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FINALLY GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Started by Johnny Camaro, April 08, 2023, 12:00:34 AM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:18/02/2010 8:02 PMCopy HTML

Finally I can use this pic!!!!!!!!! 

"I TOLD YOU SO!!!" Johnny Camaro is in the back celebrating his recent title win."I TOLD YOU SANDMAN AND MURDOCK COULDN"T CO-EXIST! AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED WHAT I SAID! That Just Goes To Show Ya, That What I Say Is As Good As Gold!" Johnny tries to calm himself down and does. "This week, I team up with Nikky again and now I have to team with Rayo, a newbie. That's cool, personally I haven't seen his work but he seems pretty...meh. This week we all face the team of G. Brooks, D. Stevenson, and C. Orton. C and G both want the title and proved so when we had Mack cornered, we all could've beat him down but those douche fags 'The Predetors' came out and ruined EVERYTHING. Whatev' I'm more focused on my title and my beauty, all they have to be proud of is a worthless #1 contenders spot and...I can't think of anything, personally I don't know why they're still teaming. They've been fighting all week and Bobby's been the biggest assturd to Steve, so how they can just set all they're mean comments about eachother aside is beyond me." He adds.

"But I Digress. This week we fight people who have been proved as worthy competitors, we're facing people who have been fighting for what they want for weeks." Says Johnny. "G. Brooks I still want to fight you one on one for that WrestleX shot, but I'll put aside all that for this week. What about Orton though? What about the man who just 'cause he lost his World title, he decided on turning on everyone. There's a word for that, it's cry baby, seriously Orton grow up, you lost your title now get your rematch and stop bitching." He adds. "I can't forget Stevenson, the man who has done things in his career. He is a tough oppnent but I do think that we will beat him. So everone get ready because the Infection will spread and Rayo's apart of it." He seems very confident and he should be see as he just won the tag titles with his bud. Goodnight Everybody!


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