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The Baddest Bitch Arrives!(ALL READ)

Started by Midnight, April 08, 2023, 12:02:08 AM

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Date Posted:18/02/2010 8:50 PMCopy HTML

It was a cold snowy afternoon in Detroit where a certain new diva was at the arena walking the halls. She was a five foot seven inch redhead with luscious red lips and a curvaceous body. There was one thing about her that everyone had not known about her or will know about her. She was the first transsexual in wrestling history. Viktoria Lynn Kaswell was her real name, Vikky Lynn was the moniker she was referred by. Everyone was about to meet this devilish bitch very soon in the ring. She was going to show up at Extreme and watch the matches and pick out who her victim was going to be. Vikky had been known to just kick ass and ask questions later. She was the type that didn't care who you was. If she wanted after you, she went after you.

Vikky was walking the halls when she spied on a certain diva who was on their cellphone, talking to whoever was on the other line. Vikky walked up behind them and grabbed them by the back of the head and slammed their face onto the table nearby. She then picked them up and slid them across it,letting them fall off the other side and onto the floor. Vikky picks up a plate of food and leans down on the other side of the table and smashes it into Megan's face hard,smearing it all over. Vikky then chuckled.

Vikky: You know this could be a good look for you gothie! Go back to your cave emo where the rest of the freaks are. Haha!

Vikky walks away giggling up a storm as she runs into.....



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