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Figuring Rogue Out - An Extreme RP

Started by Bobby James, April 08, 2023, 12:39:04 AM

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Bobby James

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Date Posted:22/02/2010 4:06 PMCopy HTML

The roleplay of  Bobby James that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such?  Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stolen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!
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Cutting back from a commercial break Bobby James is walking down the hall through the backstage of The Leeds Arena in Manchester.  Approaching The Predators locker room the door is suddenly opened up with Steve Weigel stepping out from behind the door smirking at Bobby.  Looking at him smiling he starts to speak.

" The Legendary " Steve Weigel -- Man its about damn time you showed up here!  Where in the hell have you been?!  I've been waiting to talk to you about the match tonight.

Laughing slightly Bobby starts to speak.

" Boston's Best " Bobby James -- Calm the fuck down and relax buddy.  I know this bullshit match is all about making a statement.  You wanting to prove that you have what it takes to hang with Mack and Mack wanting to prove why he says hes the best around.  Well one of you is gonna be proven wrong tonight.

Steve looks confused and waits for Bobby to clarify.

" Bobby James " - See its like this.  You think that because were friends , pals , partners yada yada yada that I'm gonna call the match in your favor.  Well hell man that just isn't gonna be the case.  I'm out there to call it right down the middle.  No favoritism at all.  In the end the man who does the job gets the pin and that's the way its gonna be.  You understand?

Weigel smirks a bit and responds.

" Steve Weigel " - Yeah I got ya completely.  And that's just the way I want it.  And I'm sure its the way Mack wants it too.  See like you said I want to prove something and that's true Bobby.  Prove I can still make it to the top here.  And with you calling it right down the middle.  I can do just that.  But what about you?  How in the hell are you gonna prove anything by opening the show fighting Rogue?  You've been relegated to opening card while I'm main eventing.  Ha ha ha.  That's some funny shit there buddy.  You beat me and get to be number one contender to The US Championship and are back at opening match.  While I go against Mack.  But whatever man in the end your gonna get your shot at The US Championship against Nikky Venom and then me and you will set our sights on Camaro and Venom to take all of their precious gold away from them.

Bobby laughs a little bit and just shakes his head.

" Bobby James " -- Yeah man I ain't gonna lie to ya.  It does bother me slightly that I'm back to opening card but you know something Steve?  By opening the card it goes a long way towards making the show a hit.  People see the greatness that I can provide right away and they stay tuned for the rest of the show.  But if I or Rogue screw it up then they might turn the program off for something else.  And I can't have that.  So tonight no matter what I'm gonna give it my all.  But it really does bother me that management wants to put me into a match with a girl.  Its just not right.

Steve just raises his shoulders.

" Steve Weigel " - Huh?  What in the hell are you talking about?  Rogue is a guy.

Bobby shakes his head no.

" Bobby James " - What?  I think your confused.  Rogue is a girl.  Yeah shes that girl that fucks Gambit.  You know she flies around and hangs with The X-Men.

Steve starts laughing uncontrollably.

" Steve Weigel " -- Ha ha ha.  Damn dude that's a comic book girl.  Nah man this is a dude that wrestles in white face paint.

A big " oh " appears on Bobby mouth.

" Bobby James " -- Oh great!  Now I'm supposed to be wrestling a fucking mime?!  What in the hell is this company doing?  Its bad enough I thought they were trying to put me in a match with a girl but now I gotta to wrestle a mime?  This is England not fucking France!

Steve just rolls his eyes and snickers a bit.

" Steve Weigel " -- Wow hes not a girl or a fucking mime.  Hes some dude that thinks hes God's savior or some crap like that.

Bobby nods his head in understanding.

" Bobby James " -- Shit so now I'm gonna be facing a bible thumping son of a bitch.  Like hes a fucking Jehovah's Witness?  Damn why don't I just square off with your brother Joe.

Steve laughs a bit at that.

" Steve Weigel " -- Ha ha shit.  Yeah well at least Joe isn't a bible thumper.  But yeah let me show you this promo of Rogue's.

Steve re-enters the dressing room with Bobby following behind him as Steve picks up his laptop and sets it on the coffee table while he and Bobby both take a seat on the couch.  Loading up the EF'NW website Bobby starts to view Rogue's introduction promo and then looks into the camera to speak.

" Bobby James " -- So this is the man I'm facing tonight?  A guy that thinks hes the fucking Crow?  Gonna right wrongs and be a vindicator of justice?  Really....  Listen here Rogue because just like Ricky Ricardo would say " You Got Some Splanin To Do ".  See Crow... I mean Rogue you come out here like you own the damn place standing atop in the rafters looking down upon everyone else.  With your higher moral ground.  Just like Chris Jericho and C.M. Punk you think that your gonna save people or prove your superiority?  Uh-uh not on my watch.  See here's the thing about the wrestlers in this company.  Hell the wrestling business in general.  We all have our demons and we all have a past.  Sure some of us run from it but not me.  I've done things in the past that I'm not too damn proud of and I'll continue to do some things in the present and future that may not be right.

Bobby pauses for a moment and smirks lightly while carrying on.

" Bobby James " -- But I'll be God-Damned if I'll let some self righteous bastard think for one second that he is gonna walk into this federation and make an example out of me.  See about a month and a half ago I walked into...no I'll say it I swaggered into this company making claims about being one of the best.  Hell I claim to be " Boston's Best " and I will not recant that statement.  Not for you or for anyone.  I came to the then SEF and now EF'NW to make a name once more for myself.  To get that gold and glory.  I've wrestled the likes of Diamond Dogg and The Sandman who are no longer with this company mainly because they just bitched out instead of taking a stand against The Predators.  Me and Steve here aren't about to back down from any fight ain't that right?

Steve nods in agreement while Boston's Best speaks some more.

" Bobby James " -- I've got into the ring with people like Mack and Johnny Camaro.  Taken on some of the biggest names in this company.  Held my own in The F'N Rumble.  Yeah I may not have won it but unlike Gabriel Brooks I didn't enter it twice.  But whatever that's in the past.  Its about right now.  About you and me Rogue and about you trying to make a name for yourself at my expense.  Well here's the thing buddy it won't happen.  I didn't sign a contract here to become second rate.  I got one because I have the desire to perform and succeed where others have failed.  Hell man right now your gonna go toe to toe with the number one contender...nah the future US Champion Bobby James.  And in the end you won't right my wrongs or get justice against evil.  You'll just end up knowing two things I'll have my hand raised in victory and why " When God Said Bitch You Answered Back Yes. ".

Bobby is smiling confidently as the camera fades out.
This Layout Was Made For Bobby James by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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