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universal6 star tag team

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Started by Rayo, May 02, 2023, 09:11:59 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:21
  • Posts:15
  • From:USA 
  • Register:01-22-2010 9:16 PM
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Date Posted:02-23-2010 5:26 PMCopy HTML

"I did it"

Indeed he did...February 16th, 2010 marked the return of Rayo to the wrestling world and what a return it was. Ray Ray clashed with El Psicopata and Drew Stevenson. Some critics are saying it stole the show as it showcased two highly skilled luchadors and one of the greatest technical wreslters in professional wrestling. But in the end only one warrior stood victorious, and that man was Rayo. All three men showcased there ability but on that night it was Rayo time.

Now were heading into another addition of Extreme on the bumpy road to Wrestle X, the EFW's grandstage. Rayo finds himself teaming with one of his opponents from last week, Drew Stevenson. Together to the two promising stars will go against the team of Azreal and Shadow Dragon. Will Drew and Rayo be able to co-exist? Or is there some anomosity between them since there encounter at Extreme? Only time will tell..

We open the scene on a Gas station where inside is Rayo buying a few things while traveling to the arena where Extreme will be held. Rayo is looking around slowly walking down each snack aile to decide what he wants. The Clerk seems to be watching him like a hawk. Rayo knows he's being watched but just ignores it. He makes his way to the drink aile and opens up the clear glass door and grabs a gatorade. Once he grabs it he notices another clerk behind the doors looking right at him from the back stock area. Rayo then slams the door and walks over to the clerk on at the register.

"Ok esse' what's the big idea huh? Let me guess..the latino man is going to rob you huh? I'm going to steal something. Whats your problem don't you know it's 2010 holmes? How would you like it if I called the cops claiming you were a terrorist? Exactly... wouldn't be very nice. I don't stereotype but if you want to go that route we can esse'"

The clerk who is clearly of middle eastern decent looks intimidated and quickly picks up the phone and starts dialing nervously.

"Oh great are you kidding me holmes your really calling the police?"

Clerk:"Uh huh yes he is here at the gas station..uh huh yes I know...Of course I will! Yes get here as fast as you can!."

Rayo shakes his head in disbelief.

"You know what holmes fuck your gatorade then I'm outta here I can't catch charges right now."

Rayo heads for the door to exit when the clerk leaves the counter and charges at him.


Rayo turns and clenches his fist ready for a fight when the clerk comes at him and gives him...a hug!

"What the..."

Rayo is very confused at this point

Clerk:"Rayo where heard you were coming back to wrestling! We didn't believe it! Then we saw you on EFW and you were amazing!."

Now Rayo Understands.

"Haha Oh alright man your a fan, sheesh you really had thinking something else esse'. So if those weren't the cops you were calling who were you talkin to?"

Just as Rayo finishes his question the slam of a car door can be heard in the background and a 10 year old looking middle eastern kid runs and stops in awe as he see's Rayo.

Boy:"You were right daddy it is Rayo!"

The boy runs to Rayo hugging his leg. Rayo just giving off a embarassing smile for his mistake.

Boy:"can I have you autograph?"

the boy hands Rayo a piece of paper and a pen and Rayo quickly signs it. Hands it to the boy and looks at the clerk

"Hey I'm sorry holmes I had no idea I gotta say this is a first for me and.."

The clerk cuts him off and hands him the gatorade

Clerk:Please just take the gatorade and let me get a picture of you, me, and my son.

"I dont have a camera"

Just then the other clerk comes in from the back with a camera

Clerk2:ok stand together.

Rayo poses with the two as the clerk snaps the picture.

"Well thanks for the gatorade esse' I never turn down free stuff and don't forget to catch me on the next Extreme."

Clerk:"We will never forget to watch Rayo! Thank you.

Rayo turns to leave he looks back at them one more time and the boy is waving with a huge smile on his face. Rayo waves back before exiting. When he makes his way outside he nods to the clerks wife who was waiting in the car.

"Well Damn I gotta admit that was pretty awesome. That's never happened to me."

Rayo notices the camera crew

"Damn you caught all of that huh? Pretty amazing shit right there. I must have really proved to everyone with that win last week that I still got it."


"That triple threat match did not dissapoint at all, and I guess they figured Drew and I got good chemistry because they got us teaming up at the next Extreme. Well all I got to say about that is, boy do we got some talented bookers. That triple threat match we put on was pure athletisism, pure talent, and it was definetly Wrestle X worthy and with the road continuing on to premier event Drew and I had to show em we belong on the card. Hell even El Psicopata gave it his all but my theories were right as he was just not expreinced enough to secure that three count. As for Drew Stevenson well holmes you were an excellent opponent and I'm sure we'll against each other one on one some point down the line and it will truly be a classic. However for now it's time to become the classic tag team! I am looking forward to teaming with you, two different styles meshing together will make for a great combination."

"I Know the fans are probably thinking that Drew and I can't co-exsist after that hellacious match we had last week. However they need to remember that Drew Stevenson and I are professionals. Were no newbies to this buisness, we both have a ton of respect for each other especially after last week. If anything were more comfortable teaming with each other since by now we have both witnessed first hand just how skilled and great we are inside that sqaured circle. I've never seen Azreal or Shadow Dragon in the ring and I'm sure they posess great athletic ability. Are they better then me? Well I can't honestly answer that question until after Extreme but If they saw what I did in that triple threat match last week and I know they were in the back watching. Well if they thought that was spectactular shiiit I'm just gettin warmed up you know what I'm sayin esse'?"

"Bottom line is Extreme Wednesday night your going to see two of the best wrestlers today form into one hell of a tag team hell maybe go as far as to say the best damn tag team but we'll see at Extreme. Now I gotta' get to the arena I'm sure I'll bump into you or another camera crew later."

Rayo twist opens the gatorade and takes a sip.

"Ahhh gotta love gatorade"

The scene fades as Rayo gets in his car.

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