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universal6 star tag team

8 Person Tag Team Match Evolution Rp

Started by The Perry Family, June 05, 2023, 09:18:06 PM

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The Perry Family

Jade is in the ring with the wolf and the Walker Sisters. She Looks around and begin to talk.

Jade. All Right, Tonight me and my 2 Sisters Best Friends the Baddest Woman on the Planet the Walkers.

Jade. Are Going to Face The Loser Moxley Brows, and Simon Nash, Chris Orton.

[ Savanna is over by herself not standing with Jade and the Wolf, her Sister Lexi is talking to her and jade continues to talk.

Jade.im Sure Simon Nash and Chris Orton are thinking twice about this 8 person tag team Match.

Jade Lets Face it the Moxley Bros and Simon Nash and Chris Orton suck they suck ok mabye they was on top years ago.

Jade. But Let's Face it, They Got Nothing on Us, Nothing! We Are Going to Clean Their Clock Beat them to the Ground, 

The Wolf. Grabs the Mic From Jade she is close to giving Jade the Wolf Bite she looks at her pushes her out of the way and begin to talk.

The Wolf: Nash Orton Moxley bros let me say This you 4 Do not got a chance against us your going down tonight!

The Wolf:I Been Thinking of how to release my anger on somebody soon,

{ She Looks Right at Jade Mouthing at her to Back off she then turns to the camera and talks again.

The Wolf: This is going be a Showcase of Devil Power and let me say this,

Jade Goes to Grab the Mic off of The Wolf Again but Wolf Pushes her Down. and Leaves the ring.

Jade Yells Back at the Wolf for Leaving the ring, she then begin to turn her attention to the Walkers and Savanna is standing behind jade.

{With a Sadistic look on her face she then gets  talked to by lexi who has barley spoken a word to anyone but savanna 

Jade Goes to her and begin to talk.

Jade hey Savanna what your Problem What Your Problem huh 

Savanna Does not Talk, Mouths something Nobody knows what it is,
she then turns to the camera and begin to talk.

Savanna Walker. Simon Chris Orton moxleys your ass is fucking grass when we meet in the ring when i hit you with the 3 Most Dangerous Letters in wrestling History.

Savanna Walker. S K O 

{ she turns to Jade when she says S K O and throws the mic to the ground and leaves the ring. with her sister lexi.

leaving jade in the ring by herself as somebody music hits or somebody begin to talk
Jade West

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