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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Established (Evolution)

Started by CoC, May 25, 2023, 12:03:38 AM

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(Into the darkness stands Cliff o Clink in a leather jacket and a snarl on his face.)
Its time to evolve and unify two titles, but to do so I must face a woman, a woman I have never really had the opportunity to go one on one with. I spent my early years filming this woman, watching her establish herself as the most dominant woman of the ring. I may have even been squashed by her, although I can't say I remember ever being in the ring with LBD in my career!? Of course when I actually started competing in the ring she was enjoying a more private life, getting set to embark on motherhood. Now though she is back, back from the dead as she says and now she comes face to face with the new establishment, the new DVF, the true dominance of SEF, the CoC. Viper chose me to run his old faction, it is mine, just like this new unified title will be mine. Like the Evolution X Title where I just walked into a match, climbed a ladder and too it without being booked in the match. I can do whatever the hell I want around here and LBD, you will find that out on Evolution when we go one on one in a tlc match. Both our titles hanging above the ring, or maybe we'll have a new unified title by then, I don't know nor do I care about some shiny belt. I care about the championship it represents, what I represent as the champion and establishing a legacy greater than any other. A bold task to achieve for LBD has a legacy untouched by anyone, a legend of SEF, a hall of famer, the founder of SEF. But back from the dead to resurrect a career and re-establish herself as the dominant one once again. This is a different time, a different era, a whole different SEF and this is my SEF. We all may be SEF, all of use who wants to be here, but it is mine, it is all about me, the CoC and I am the true f'n Superstar, the Supa f'n Star!

(Cliff pausing with his snarl intensifying as he remains in the darkness.)
Wednesday I relieve you of one championship and then Saturday I take your other championship, or else there will be hell to pay!! Those 6 Star Tag Team Titles are going to be DVF property sooner than later and Mayhem on Saturday seems like the place to take care of that business. But Evolution is my night, that is where you learn that SEF is mine, it belongs to the DVF and the DVF is mine. We run this show and ANA cannot save you, IXF cannot help you, no one is safe from the Deadly Viper Faction. We have our own re establishment to uphold in SEF, to insure the legacy of this great company does not perish. We will adapt and move forward, but we will do so with the DVF paving the way. The CoC will lead us through the darkness and take all the glory in the way, I will take everything I have to take for SEF. Take a beating, take a title, take a chance to be the greatest of all time, to show the world what they have missed. They will miss no more for the best is to come and the best stands before you right now.

(Fade to black)

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