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Jade And The Walker Sisters in Tag Team Action

Started by The Perry Family, May 25, 2023, 11:16:21 PM

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The Perry Family

Jade is in The Ring, With Savanna and Lexi Walker she then Begin's to Talk.

Jade. All Right Tonight me and my Friends The Walker Sisters, Are in The Ring.

Jade. Tonight,We Are Going To Take Out Chris Orton, Simon Nash,and the Moxley Brothers.

Jade.Me and my Family Are Going To Finally Destroy, Simon nash, Chris Orton and the Moxley Bros.

Savana Walker: Simon Nash me and You, Got Some Long Time History, You Know, Nobody Tells Me  Off Like You Did!

Savanna Walker I Can Not Wait to Finally Get my Hands On You Bitch, You Are Finally Going to See What a Beaten From a Walker Actually Feels Like!

Savanna Walker: Simon I Tried to Be your Friend i Really Did But you Did Not Treat me Like One, U Actually Yelled at me like i was a Dog and i Dont Deserve That.

Savanna Walker. There is Stuff About me Nobody Knows About ! And Tonight Nash me and my friends are Going to Give you and your Loser Friends the Beating of a Lifetime.

Lexi.Walker And Im Sure we can Take Down the Moxley Bros and Chris Orton Trust me They can be Big But They Are Losers.

Jade Takes the Mic from lexi and she then Begin to Talk But Lexi does not seem Thrilled.

Jade. Say Goodbye Simon Chris Orton and the Moxley Bros Tonight you 4 Are Done! My God we Are Going to Destroy Humiliate Everyone of you!

Savanna Walker: Takes the Mic from Jade and Continues to Yell at Simon

Savanna Walker Simon Nash, You Are Going to Get What is Coming, to you We Are Going to Get What is Coming to you Soon Very Soon!

Savanna Walker Mabye Next Time Your Learn How to Show a Walker Family Member the Respect we Deserve!

Savanna Walker:  You Want Talk About my Family and my Legacy! We Are Going Show You Why, My Family and Legacy Mean Everything to me and my Family, our Legacy Mean the World to us Understand,

Jade Then Takes the Mic from Savanna but Savanna Takes it Back, and end up having a Stare Down With jade,

as Somebody Music Hits 

Jade West

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