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Tonya Has Fun Backstage

Started by Tonya Walker, August 26, 2023, 04:53:06 PM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. Is Shown in the Dunk Tank, She Wearing her White Tang Top and Blue Shorts, she looks Around She Waves To Some People And She Then Begin to Talk.

Tonya Walker. iam Going Have Some Fun Today This is Cooling Us Off yes i Wonder if Anyone Else Going To Show Up And Knock Me Down in The Water.

Tonya Walker.i Mean This is Summer Time We Can Have Fun if We Want to im Sure People Wil Come Out Soon And Have Fun With us.

Tonya Walker. iam Going Come Out a Winner Tonight When i Defeat Sara Marie That Wil Be a Tough Fight But im Sure i Can Win, Tonight.

She Wait For Reply
Tonya Walker.

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