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Vikky and Mack train in Gym(all read)(Extreme)

Started by Midnight, September 24, 2023, 10:35:36 PM

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Date Posted:05/03/2010 4:12 PMCopy HTML

Vikky had her tag match with Tina and basically assaulted her before leaving her to her demise in the ring. Vikky had good reasons. One of them, was the fact, Tina showed her disrespect and made claims she was jealous of Tina. So Tina felt the Vicious Vixen of Wrestling assault during their tag matchup. Vikky had warned her that if she disrespected her, she would find out what happens to those that do. And well, she did.
Vikky was spending time with Mack and snuggling with him in the hotel when Vikky began to speak.

VK: Thee american swines Lacey and Tina. What jokes! They do not have clue what wrestling is if they staple instructions to their massive foreheads. Lacey thinks just cause she screws Orton, she gets ahead. She is fool. Tina on other hand, learned what payback is from Vicious Vixen. I shall break spines Mittwoch(Wednesday)and teach these jokes that you no mess with the german bitch named Vikky.

Mack chuckles.

Mack: Sounds like your confident in your next win.

VK: I am, how you say, proud to have beaten Tina in tag match. She was fool for not learning warning from me. I know I will beat these jokes in ring. They do not have the makes to be great like I am.

Mack wraps his arms around her and softly kisses her neck. She turns around and strokes his face.

VK: Your match, will be piece of cake. You will beat Orton with ease.

Mack: Orton knows nothing.

VK: Orton will give up that title. It belongs on a true european like me. I am a true champion then he ever be. He is not european, so title belongs on him not.

Mack: So what you think about Lacey and the other divas saying your jealous of them?

VK: HA! Jealous no. We germans are not jealous of american swines like the sexpots here in EFNW. I do not fear any of them. They are but,how you say, jealous of me, because I am seeing a real champion and they can't handle truth. Come now. We train in Gym.



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Re:Vikky and Mack train in Gym(all read)(Extreme)
Date Posted:06/03/2010 9:24 AMCopy HTML

Mack just sits there on the edge of the bed as Vikky gets up getting a small bag ready. Mack just smirks and says.

Well yea, no one should really be jealous of anyone hence why its odd so many around the locker room are jealous of me, but ya know, some of these chicks coming in here are pretty hot!

He acts all cocky and Vikky just shakes her head and says something in German, then speaks English.

Whatever you say!

She looks ready to go as Mack just says.

Ah, ya know I'm a free thinking son of a bitch who pulls no punches and speaks my mind and as for training, I got other shit to do, so go take care of that fine body of yours and I'll meet ya back here or at the arena, we'll be in touch.

Vikky leans down kissing Mack, then walks towards the door and says.

I will see you later then.

She walks out the door and Mack just lays back on the bed staring up at the ceiling and says.

So then, what is it I gotta do now?

He pulls a joint from his shirt pocket and a lighter, sparks it up and puts the lighter back in his pocket, then puffs away as the view begins to fade out.


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