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Hotel Heartbreaker (Extreme Threads)

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 25, 2023, 02:24:59 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:07/03/2010 10:11 PMCopy HTML

Johnny Camro is walking down a hallway wearing a pair of designer jeans, a Vex alcohol promotion t-shirt on and a open black dress shirt. A camera crew was following him so he could cut a promo while he did what he needed to do.

"Steve Weigel, on Extreme me and you have to team up and face the new faction of Drew Stevenson and Rayo. I know you don't want to team with me, and I don't you. But we need to put our differences aside so one of us can win. I'm gonna tell you riht now that if I win and pick my WrestleX opponents, you and the rest of the Predators-including those associated with the Predators-disrespect the Infection, then I can garren-damn-tee you that I won't pick you. The thing that will influence my choice is respect and their in-ring ability."

Johnny goes insidean elevator as with the camera crew and he presses a button sending it downward.

"Also, Weigel if you think that you will leave me hanging in that match, it doesn't matter to me, I'll just kick our opponents asses without you. and trust me I'll win. Besides, the only person you're damaging is yourself. You see, if you do that the rest of the Predators will beat you down, and for once it won't end with your suicide. It will end with your homicide. So again, I hope we can put our differences aside for one match. As soon as that bell rings we can brawl if you want, just not during the match."

The elevator doors open and they walk out.

"As for one of my opponents, Rayo. I've got a question. Why do you honor you brother while he's in jail? That's not generally something you honor, it's something that you should look down on. So you gotta answer that for me. But still, Rayo, you aren't getting my belts. And just like the Predators, you gotta learn your place in here, and you gotta learn that I am a threat in here. I'm not giving up my tag title easily, and I'm not going to give it up anytime soon. So Rayo, just like everyone else, you too will be infected."

Johnny heads over to the front desk. The crew follows him.

"Rayo, you said that there are problems right now with the Infection. Well that is a falsehood. Right now, the Infection is better than ever. We have recently added Gabriel to our group and we officially have Megan Sorrow with us. The good thing about us is that there is no leader, we are like the private corperation of wrestling. The leaders are the members in it, each one of us make the our decisions as a group. The Predators are like the Government run corperations. Power is held by the most important person."

They reach the front desk and Johnny says something inaudible to the girl there. She tells him a room number and they head back to the elevator.

"The fact that Nikky has someone that he loves, I respect that. The fact that the person he loves is like the equivalent of one of the former owners (Many hae said she was a cool person outside the company, I haven't met her though) I respect her too. She may have screwed up, but they have gotten over it and me and Megan are cool again. There are no problems wit the Infection right now so you better get better facts next time buddy."

They goes in th elevator again, and Johnny presses a button.

"Now Drew, you said that your loss to me ddn't set you back, well it did. Because since for some reason, everyone thinks I'm shit in the ring, your loss should affect you big time. But you didn't comment much on me so I won't on you. One last thing Drew. You know I respect you, and everything you've done. And this week, I want to see you at your best."

The elevator door opens and they all leave, Johnny walks down the hall with them folllowing him.

"This week, I face two tough opponents, both with end up like the rest, Infected. But my real concern is with Steve Weigel. I've said it earlier , me and you need to team up and put our differences aside. If not, you will lose your shot andyour team will be angry at you. So I'd like to kno, will you work with me for one match to win. Now, guys go away, I've got some 'business' to attend to."

He gives a I'm about to get laid smirk and opens a hotel room.

"Peace, brrrrrrrrup!"

The Camera Fades Out.


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