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JJB & SVD vs The Rocket & Gabriel Brooks

Started by Tim Stone, September 25, 2023, 02:43:31 PM

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Date Posted:08/03/2010 7:35 PMCopy HTML

Role play title: You clicked it
People featured: Read and see for yourself
Achievements: EF'NW employee
Next match: w/ SVD vs. The Rocket & Gabriel Brooks
Word count: Count it and find out
OOC: Controversy makes me comfortable.  MMFWCL!!!!!

Warning: If you're scared by obscene gestures and bad language then get the fuck off here now.  Click the little damn X in the top of the screen and run along and play on the short bus.

With EF'NW taking their next Extreme to Belfast, Ireland, Johnny Blaze finds himself teaming up with a man who he studied vigorously and would loved to have faced in the ring if given the opportunity.  SVD or Salman Van Dam always puts out his best in front of a live crowd and Johnny couldn't have asked for a better tag team partner as he loved watching SVD in his hardcore matches and even seen him in other companies where he would put his body on the line to get what he wanted.  In that aspect, they were a lot alike and to team up and take on The Rocket and Gabriel Brooks, it would be a great match to say the least.

As Johnny was inside his locker room inside the Odyssey Arena in Belfast, Ireland, he was handed a piece of paper when he entered the arena with the line-up of the nights card printed on it.  Prior to arriving to the arena and on the plane trip to Ireland, he had thoughts in his head on what he would do when he got to where his "hardcore" wrestling style was an everyday thing in Ireland.  He had also thought about his plan on getting on the "in's" with a team around EF'NW.  With the talent that seemed to arrive daily, he didn't want to see his spot be taken by some newcomer.  He wanted to stick as close to the guys that have already been in the company as mentors and possibly even friends.  His next objective was to do whatever it took to climb the ladder and get a chance to possibly hold some gold in this company like he had in all the previous.  Johnny looked over the paper again before turning and laying down on the couch with his head propped up on the arm of the couch to where he could see the door.

Minutes after closing his eyes and resting, a knock came to his door and Johnny opened his eyes.

Who is it?

The voice on the other side of the door answered.

Mr. Blaze...

It was a females voice and Johnny quickly stopped her and got off the couch and walked towards the door.

Hold on, just a minute.  I'll be right there.

As he got to the door, he opened it to see one of the EC'FW interviewers, Samantha Winters, and a camera man standing there.

Yes?  Can I help you?

/Samantha Winters\
It's me, Samantha Winters.  I think we talked before but it was briefly.  Can I get a few words before your match tonight?

Sure, come in and sit down.

Johnny steps aside and lets Samantha and the camera man walk past him and inside.  Samantha walks over to the couch and sits down as the camera man sits on a chair and sets the camera up and focuses on both Johnny and Samantha.  The camera man cues Samantha and Johnny when he was ready to begin taping.  Samantha looks towards the camera then begins the interview.

/Samantha Winters\
I'm sitting here Johnny Blaze, who later tonight, will be in a match with his tag team partner, Salman Van Dam as they take on the team of The Rocket and Gabriel Brooks.

She turns and faces Johnny.

I know what you're going to ask and let me go ahead and answer all your questions.  Tonight is going to be a night where you're going to see "extreme" take shape.  Now I've seen SVD and he's good.  So we'll work well together.  Now earlier when I was on my way here, I was deciding on what to do next with my career.  I heard rumor going around that Shane (Mack) wanted to I guess try and recruit me.

/Samantha Winters\
The Heavyweight Champion?  Recruit you?  That would make you a part of The Predators.

That's what I said, why me, but then again why not me?  With the short time that I've been here, I managed to pull off an upset last week.  It's only a matter of time until some team would want me to be a part of them and Shane sees it.  He sees my talent and knows that I can be a huge asset to his team.  So Shane, my door is always open so let's talk business.

/Samantha Winters\
Back to your match tonight, do you have anything to say about your opponents?

You want to know what I have to say about them?  It's simple boys.  Tonight is going to a long night.  I came here for one reason and that was to make a name for myself.  I did it last week and tonight I'm going to do it again.  Not knocking SVD, but if it was just me then I'd still go out there and beat the hell out of you two.  I'm doing what I got to do to make it to the top around here.  And tonight that means going through you two.  So you better be ready 'cause I'm not pulling no punches.  Mack and the rest of The Predators, you like what you seen so far?  Then watch this match and again later, let's talk business.

Johnny looks at Samantha then back at the camera.

I'm all about business but tonight, SVD, you won't have to worry where I stand.  I don't like these two punks and I don't even know them.  As long as we're on the same page, which I'm sure we are, we'll be fine and maybe we'll get a chance to show each other what we got in the ring.  Like I said, as much as it'd be cool to face you one-on-one, it'll be cool tagging with you tonight.  So I'll see you out there.  MMFWCL!!!!!

=Later in the evening=

As time for his match got closer, Johnny exited his locker room and walked down the hallway towards the entrance curtain that lead out into the arena.  As he reached the curtain, he looked around and saw his tag team partner, SVD, walking towards him.  They both walked inside and stood next to each other in front of the entrance curtain.  They looked at each other and then gave each other a high-five before the sound man cued Nick Miller, the ring announcer, and then made sure that both SVD and Johnny was ready.

=Inside the arena=

The live camera cuts to inside the ring where EF'NW ring announcer, Nick Miller, is standing with his microphone in hand as the timekeeper sounds the bell to signal the start of the next match.  The crowd begins screaming, whistling, and cheering as Rian begins to talk.  Ring announcer, Rian Cross, is standing in the ring with a microphone in his hand.  The timekeeper rings the ring bell three times to signal the beginning of the next match.  The crowd begins cheering as Rian lifts the microphone to his mouth to speak.

Nick Miller/ The following contest is scheduled for One Fall.  Introducing first, making his way to the ring...

SVD entrance

After SVD had entered the ring, the live camera cuts to the entrance as his tag team partner is introduced.

Nick Miller/ And his tag team partner...

The lights in the arena go dark as "Chicken Huntin" by ICP blares over the P.A. system. 

The crowd cheers and screams with whistling heard as a image for "Juggalo" Johnny Blaze is shown on the Titantron.

The announcer begins introducing "Juggalo" Johnny Blaze.

Nick Miller/ Making his way to the ring from West Grove, Pennsylvania, he is "Juggalo" Johnny Blaze!!!

Johnny emerges from the entrance curtain and out into the arena with his traditional ICP shirt and bandanna on his head, red hoodie sweatshirt, and black and red bandanna tied around his mouth.  With his wrestling boots, cut off jeans, he stands at the entrance and looks around to the crowd.  With his wrists wrapped in red wrestling tape, he lifts one hand and wipes his nose on the back of his hand.  He then crosses his arms and forms a pitchfork with his hands (as seen in stats picture).  He walks down the aisle to the ring with his hands waving in the air as to get the crowd hyped and cheering behind him.  He reaches the ring and walks up to the ring and grabs the second rope.  He pulls himself up on the apron and stands straight and looks again at the crowd. 

He puts his hands on the second rope and bends down and steps through to inside the ring.  He walks to the nearest corner and puts his hands on the top rope and steps on the second rope.  He just looks at the crowd and then crosses his arms.  After a few seconds, grabs the top rope and climbs down to the mat.  He turns around and then holds onto the top rope as he leans back as to warm up on the ropes.  He takes off his hoodie and lays it across the top rope and then looks into the camera and taunts by forming a pitchfork with both his hands.  He then reaches behind his head and unties the bandanna and folds it then places it inside one of the pockets on his hoodie.  He turns to his tag team partner, SVD, and then to the referee and waits for him to signal for the bell.
Match 4/ SVD & "Juggalo" Johnny Blaze vs. The Rocket & Gabriel Brooks

Disclaimer: This layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. If you are found claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and be fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any real life events or people. It is just a mere coincidence.
Tim Stone

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