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Your Going To Hell With Satan Himself ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 25, 2023, 02:44:20 PM

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Date Posted:09/03/2010 1:44 AMCopy HTML

When people think of this company, one name sticks out among them all, one man stands above the rest as the most recognized face there is and that one man is Shane Mack! So Chris Orton, your claim that he is jealous of you is a false based off actual facts. Mack has sold more merchandise than you can dream of, he has had more media appearances than you have watched, he has headlined more pay per views, been featured more than anyone because has put in far more work than anyone else.
I always was a big fan of his though, I tried to help Chris Orton a lot and stuck up for him when few would.
And you know that's true Chris, you know Mack was the one guy who never put you down because of your brothers bigger fame, Mack never held you in any lower regard because of any similarities you portrayed and may have "copied". Hell Chris, when you first arrived in this company, you had very few similarities, aside from the last name and the look, but being brothers, that's obvious. Since you came here you changed, you became more like your brother and even still Mack never put you down for it because Chris, you showed up a lot, you put in time and effort, you worked hard, almost as hard as Mack! You earned the top title, twice, earned it, you will never be forgotten, but Chris Orton!
You will never beat ME for the World Heavyweight Championship!
It will be hell, Mack already stated that, he told you how it would be and he recognized that it wouldn't be easy. Upsets have happened and as over confident as you may like to think it is, Mack just knows what he can and cannot do. Sometime she doesn't know, but this Wednesday, on Extreme, Hell in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Title, he knows he will win, its as simple as that.
Every one of these people on the roster today could learn from you Chris, they could learn a thing or two about working hard and being loyal, but Chris, you still have a lot to learn about what happens in the ring!
Its almost as if Chris Orton is the jealous one like the whole roster is jealous of Mack, jealous that he is more loyal and hard working than Chris and a better talent than any of them, he is the epitome of great, he is good to be, he is the best, the hottest wrestler today.
And ya better get used to it cause I ain't going nowhere else, why should I?!
He's done been to various others places already, made his mark in a few just like this company, the difference, this company actually stood up longer than the rest and on good, strong legs kicking ass! No one can deny why this company exists and nobody can deny what keeps it going, but forever, then someone better actually step up. Chris?
Two many steps backwards, not enough talent!
Its all over for you Chris, ramble on and on all you like, Mack is nowhere near overconfident, he simply tells you the way it is, he tells them all the way it is and he doesn't need to spout a nifty phrase to do it, he actually, really does! You are not and will not be in Mack's league, no one in this company today will be, at least not this year!
And that's a shoot, so c'mon Chris, get a clue!

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