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universal6 star tag team

[gettin my ticket]

Started by Rayo, September 25, 2023, 03:10:33 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:22/01/2010 9:16 PM
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Date Posted:10/03/2010 8:40 PMCopy HTML

The scene opens up backstage at the oddyssey arena where in a few hours another exciting edition of EFW Extreme. We find ourselves in the locker room. Rayo is masked up ready for action. He notices the camera and gives all the viewers a salute before speaking.

Rayo:"Got a big match in a few hours ladies and gents. I spoke earlier about it and then Drew and I used a couple days to train together. So if you thought that our first tag match was a squash match then you gotta see what we got in store tonight. As these days went by a few things took place. The predators are well just not even really a stable anymore so there hopes and dreams of one day being a dominant force to be reckoned with are over. You can blame that on one of my opponents too. Steve Weigel is taking it upon himself to challenge his former partner to a world title match. So while he's trying to become the hero of EFW he's completly lost focus about tonight. To be honest I don't think the man cares and that's fine if that's what he wants to do. Not to mention Steve pretty much went AWOL in an attempt to get over on the world champ shane mack. In return he got a kick to the jaw and a car accident. Nice move Weigel. As much as I really didn't want to see the predators take over you really did fuck up by going against them esse'. I mean even if you did have a chance of winning tonight against Drew and myself who would be your partner at Wrestle X? Amy Summers? HA! face it Weigel you just dug yourself a deep hole. Now you gotta watch for Mack and even Bobby James to come and beat your ass before Drew and I do. Not to mention your obviously not a hundred percent after that car accident. Just face it Weigel, you winning tonight is not likely, honestly it never was but sheesh you sure know how to screw your self over."

Rayo shakes his head,

Rayo:"Then there's his partner who also did something in the past few days. He proved how ignorant he really was. Why do I honor my brother with this mask? well obviously it was his mask. How do you know he's not wrongfully in jail? There's innocent people who end up convicted all the time. It's the world we live in. No where did I said I'm honoring his jail sentence so congratulations you get the dummy of the week award. I'm not getting your belts huh? That's what you think Camaro. The only reason you and Venom are tag champs is because the tag division is on life support. What credible defense do you have huh? What have you two done to even be considered great tag team champions? The only reason your group doesn't have a leader is because none of you are that important anyway. If Gabriel wins the title at Wrestle X I'll put my money on him being your leader. That's just how it works. Drew's loss didn't set him back one bit. You needed outside interference to win it you can't say your better then him just yet."

Rayo reaches into his bag and begins taping up his hands.

Rayo:"First match on the card, I gotta be ready. Drew and I are going to finally bring balance to the tag division. Make tag teams actully want to compete again. The tag division needs people like Drew and I as champions, not guys who are named after what Megan Sorrow gave them. So no thank you Camaro I'll skip the whole being infected part. It's time for Drew Stevenson and Rayo to get there ticket to Wrestle X. The grandest damn stage of them all. Let me ask yall something whos more likely to win? The highflying sensation and the technical genius? Or the new enemy having now crippled weigel and an infected no common sense having Johnny Camaro??....Yeah that's what a I thought."

Just then there is a knock at the door.

Rayo:"Yeah come in"

The door opens and it's Drew Stevenson, he nods at Rayo.

Rayo:"Let's do this esse'"

Rayo stands up and follows Drew as the scene fades to black.

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