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Tonight I will show everyone why I'm a Champ an why I'm larger than life!

Started by Johnny Camaro, September 25, 2023, 03:14:26 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:10/03/2010 10:06 PMCopy HTML



Out of Character: o

MARCH 10TH, 2010; Belfast,Ireland.

"God-fucking-damn it." Johnny is in the interview area with Smokey Mcweed, looking rather pissed but still looking hoooootttttt! He's in his normal just-walking-into-the arena wear on. He has glasses on that have diamonds over them that make the letters Q&S(Quintessencial Star). "I'm tired of people critizing me in the ring. I'm done with it, alright!? Done! Rayo, you bitch about shit then say how you're taking the titles away from me. Ya Right! Drew, you're no better saying the exact same thing. Well, both of you listen, alright. I'm a fighting champion, and I'm not going to just stand by and let you take this title." He pokes his title belt with athourity. "Beside, right now, niether of you have done anythng involving titles or made an impact. I have! I have brought life to a dead tag team division, I have gone toe to toe with Mack and almost come out victory." Johnny takes off his sunglasses and tucks them in his shirt. There's intensity in his eyes, right now would not be a good time for him to be screwed with.

"But lets go back to Rayo's promo. Where he said No where did I said I'm honoring his jail sentence...Well I didn't say that either. I was pointing out the fact that you are honoring a criminal. You may notbe honoring the jail sentence but yor still honoring the criminal. You also said How do you know he's not wrongfully in jail?Well idiot, he's in jail. And how does that saying go? Oh yeah! Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Well your bro was proven guilty so that makes him a criminal. And if you're convinced that he's innocent then prove it! h wait you can't so I guess you're out of luck and you can shut up!" He says and he spit a little on the mic leaving a little white blob on it.

Finally, on the topic of Rayo. No one in the Infection is the leader because we all make our own decisions. No one can order anyone around, we can think aloud and pass around but in the end it ends the democratic way." He says a-matter-of-factly.

"As for Drew Stevenson, I've always liked you, and I've alwaus repected you. But all that has changed with this week. I thought you were a good man, someone I could turn to if The Infection were unavailable. Not anymore. You've recently showed this side of you which is just terrible. A side that I can't respect." He says as the camera zooms in on him a bit. "Drew, you consider your lose to me to not be a set back. Well this week it will be, and just like I said with The former Predators. It's all about your respect for me as a competitor, as a wrestler, as a person, and as a champion. You don't give me that, then you can't get what you want. Drew, start showing me respect, and you may still have a shot at my title." Johnny says and Smokey brings the mic close to his mouth to talk.

Johnny, people have mocked you. Called you the man making a pizza (In your indie days), they've critised you calling you 'lazy in the ring.' And many have thought tht you will never step out of the shadows of the sports generation. They said you will be just another croach-stuffer that no one wil remember. What do you have to say about that?" Smokey says.

"Well to be honest, I've heard those claims and they're all false. As you can see, I have stepped out of the sports generation along time ago. As for me being lazy in the ring, I try to be more actively involved, doing the high-flying stuff people love. But sometimes it doesn't always work out. As far as that goes, back in my indy days I was really athletic and doing all sorts of crazy crap. Now, I haven't done as much but I'll try from now on. But the crotch stuffer thing, well I was never a crotch stuffer, and after tonight I will be someone to remember."

"Well thank you for this interview, this is the first I've ever done sober." Smokey says.

"I though there was something whack with you. But you know this was just a time to vent so thank you Smoke.Goodnight man. Peace y'all." Johnny says as the camera fades out.

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