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universal6 star tag team

To the promise land.

Started by Drew Stevenson, September 25, 2023, 03:18:12 PM

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Drew Stevenson

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Date Posted:07/03/2010 9:19 PMCopy HTML

nn.jpg picture by Pride_Fighting
//. To the promise land.

"Last week just didn't go as I had planned..."

There in the center of the ring stood Drew Stevenson. He already had a microphone in hand as he spoke out to where everybody listened on rather intently.

"... We all have our setbacks within this industry and believe it or not, last week's loss to Johnny Camaro really didn't set me back much, if at all. This week, myself along with my good friend and partner Rayo are set to face the team of Steve Weigel and Johnny Camaro for the number one contendership at the EFW Tag Team Championship's..."

He paused briefly, before continuing.

"... Weigel, I sat back and I heard you loud and clear, you want to step into this ring and you want to beat the unholy crap out of me and quite frankly, if it's because of the fact that you are still bitter and looking to seek redemption over your loss to me back in UWA long ago then brother, all you have to do is come out here in the next twenty-four hours and bring your best in an ATTEMPT to beat me because when I looked at the card for this week and I saw your name on it, I saw Camaro's name on it, I saw my name on it and I saw Rayo's name on it and above that it read for the opportunity to face the tag team champions at THEE GRANDEST stage of them all... Wrestle X."

He lowered the microphone as everybody cheered at the sound of Wrestle X. Drew then nodded his head; he continued not missing a beat.

"Then and there, I knew that it was time to shine. Weigel, you have had your time to bask in the sun here in EFW. You have tried to take this company by the balls and make it your own and some might say that you have done a pretty good job. I however know that Rayo along with myself want this opportunity, we want the chance to show that we are the greatest tag team today and this week on the one hundred and sixty third edition of Extreme? Everybody is going to watch as we earn our way to the promise land. You can try to beat the crap out of me all you want Weigel but brother? At the end of the day? It will be the team of Rayo and Drew Stevenson who walks out as the winners, heading to Wrestle X to get the opportunity to put championship gold around these waists. You might not like it, you might completely disagree with me but that's fine because like I said, in twenty-four hours? EFW is going to witness a team like no other, EFW is going to see the light coming over the horizon as this new era shines bright, bank on that."

Drew lowers the microphone as he stands in the center of the ring looking out at everybody. We fade out as the camera pans up to the Wrestle X banner which hangs high and proudly.


Drew Stevenson

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Re:To the promise land.
Date Posted:10/03/2010 5:51 PMCopy HTML

jarrettstevensoncopy.png picture by Pride_Fighting

"Let me start this thing off by saying that Weigel, brother; as great as you are in that ring? You might want to put Mack into the back of your gray matter and stay focused onto tonight's match up where the opportunity at championship gold is within your very grasp."

We opened up backstage right in front of the EFW backdrop. There stood Drew as he was in his casual clothing currently but was obviously ready for tonight's match up as he spoke out sounding pretty determined.

"I'm not taking anything away from you because it is everybody's wish, no; their DREAM of being the Heavyweight Champion and that is admirable but, figuring you want to get this redemption on me for beating you in UWA then maybe it isn't in your best interest to piss the champion off right before you have the opportunity of a lifetime. I don't know, I could be wrong and maybe you don't give a crap about the tag title opportunity but brother? You have two very hungry competitors knocking at your door looking to gain that title opportunity at Wrestle X and if you keep worrying about Mack then you could find yourself adding a loss to your record which could very well put you down towards Mack's don't give a crap about meter which means that you'll be waiting even longer. Personally, I have a lot of respect for you Weigel but you need to make sure that you got your proverbial ducks in a row or you just might find yourself walking out hoping that you had paid more attention to the team of Rayo and Stevenson."

He reached up stroking his chin, he continued to speak.

"Now I didn't forget about you Camaro. You see, losing is only a set back if you allow it to be and quite frankly, I'm not allowing it to be. Yeah, it was just a bad week on my part but after losing? I simply picked myself up, dusted myself off and decided to go at it again and isn't it ironic that an opportunity comes my way after suffering defeat? So tonight is the week where two phenomenal teams step into that ring out there looking to prove that they are the very best but as the four of us already know, only one team can walk out as the winner and as the number one contender's at the EFW Tag Team titles. I could stand here and preach all night that it will be us walking out as the winners but quite frankly? I would prefer to let my in-ring actions do all of my talking for me. So buckle your proverbial seatbelt because this will be one HELL of a ride, guaranteed."

With a smile stretched along his face, he walked off as that was it.

Made by Phoenix Media Productions. No stealing. kthxbai.

Drew Stevenson

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Re:To the promise land.
Date Posted:10/03/2010 11:43 PMCopy HTML

untitled-4.jpg picture by Pride_Fighting
//. To the promise land.

As Drew and Rayo are walking down the hall, they stopped walking as Drew caught Camaro's most recent promo. He reached out stopping a cameraman as he decided to cut an un-sanctioned promo regarding Extreme and his match up.

"What in the blue hell crawled your butt and died Camaro?"

Drew shook his head looking quite dumbfounded.

"One minute you're on the respect train then all of a sudden your pissing vinegar simply because I said that my loss last week didn't set me back? I'm not going to apologize for saying that my loss last week wasn't a set back because quite frankly, as I have already stated, I don't believe it was. So if you're pissed off at me saying that then you'll be even more pissed off tonight after Rayo and I defeat you and Weigel and TAKE our opportunity the old fashioned way. I already said that I respected you; you beat me last week fair and square within the confinements of that squared circle but Johnny? If you expect me to stand back and say that you are the greatest thing walking God's green Earth then brother, you might want to look elsewhere for a compliment. I gave you your credit where it was due but if that isn't good enough then maybe you'll be happier knowing that after tonight, you could very well be humbled."

He paused as the look stretched along his face showed his pure and utter determination, he continued to speak.

"You see, I want you to clean out them ears, take a good hard look at your monitor that you are watching me on right now and pay VERY close attention. Johnny, you are one HELL of an athlete. You have the proof as you carry around that EFW strap. So if you think that it's going to take you GIVING me an opportunity to get my shot at championship gold then quite frankly, you never respected me or my talent to begin with. Tonight? Myself along with my partner here Rayo, well; we are stepping into that ring with the same purpose that each and everybody here has... To be the best. So if that pisses you off brother then well, you might want to start evaluating why exactly you are in this industry because well, you get pissed off and start throwing around rants because we are looking to beat you and yet you hold championship gold yourself looking to be the best. Quite frankly, that is extremely hypocritical of you and I refuse to stand back and let you talk out of your ass to try putting us down."

Rayo nods as Drew keeps on talking.

"Tonight? You are looking to prove your dominance just as we are so if that bothers you that we are trying to beat you then to quote James Storm... Sorry about your damn luck."

After saying that, Drew and Rayo walk off.

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