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The NAZIS send clear message!(EXTREME)(ALL READ)

Started by Midnight, September 25, 2023, 04:05:01 PM

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Date Posted:15/03/2010 12:22 AMCopy HTML

WARNING: The following rp is rated R for violence and hateful nature. The characters portrayed in this, is not to be taken as how the writer really feels in REAL LIFE.


OOC: This rp is not to be taken literal as this is not how I feel in real life. This is to show the hate that is upon us in the world and how the world handles it. Also, no one is to reply to this as it will mess up the story I am writing to continue this. DANKE!

It was a cloudy day in the town of Oberhausen,Germany. The german folks around town were doing what they did best as far as taking care of their business and enjoying their leisure. Not much was going on as far as anyone could tell, until two visitors pull up in their automobile and park by a bakery shop. They get out and come around to the front of their car and began to hold hands as they walked down the street. They was both homosexual males,late 20's, dressed fashionably trendy, and both had facial hair in different styles. Both of them could be heard talking about how beautiful the town was when trouble came brewing down the street. A gang of nazis were headin their direction and not looking like they was coming for a friendly chat with the two visitors from San Francisco,California. The nazis get near the couple and stop them in their tracks, pushing and shoving on them. Dolph and Vikky emerge from the group with looks of anger on their faces. One of the members shout in broken english words of hate towards them,as Vikky and Dolph look on.

Nazi member #1: American faggots...child molesting homos. Do you like raping children? Huh? Answer me faggots!

Brian and Justin, as they was known, began to shout back at them. Brian and Justin were very feminine in how they moved their bodies and started telling the Nazis to leave them alone. The nazis kept taunting them more and more until one of the nazi members pulls out a knife and waves it at the gay couple. Brian and Justin stepped back, so not to get hurt but the nazis inched closer. Vikky waves her hand and nods to her comrades and the beatings begin on the gay couple. One member takes the knife and stabs Brian in the leg with it, while Justin is being pinned down on the concrete ground and being punched several times in the gut. The one with the knife then stabs Justin in the gut and they start shouting slur words both racial and homophobic.

Nazi member 1: How you like that nigger? Would the nigger like to suck my dick? Come on faggots...suck my dick!

Vikky then motions for them all to stop as she leans down to Brian who is holding his leg in pain while the blood runs out of his leg.

Vikky: Your faggots not wanted here. You made mistake in coming. You shall die now.

Vikky motions for them to drag them near a tree and hang them like black people were hung back in the slavery days. Vikky and Dolph watch their handy work as the gay couple die by hanging in a tree. Vikky motions for all of them including Dolph to exit out of the area before the police arrive. Some of the townfolks refuse to say anything as the nazis run the town itself.

~Scene 2~

They are all at the hotel in the town and relaxing to some hardcore thrash metal. Vikky is pacing back and forth slowly when she speaks.

Vikky: These americans, why do they come? They are not belong here. They come to country and do not show the respect. They must die.

Dolph gets up and then kisses his girlfriend on the lips and walks out of the room and into the hallway to stand guard while the rest of the nazis relax. Vikky then sees the camera focused on her and then speaks.

Vikky: You americas are nothing more then sheep to your nigger president. Some president americans have. If he came here, in our country, we kill him and skin his nigger ass blood red. He is enemy and we are strong. Lacey, Amy and Tina will find out that I am dominate woman in EFNW. Lacey may have won, But she never pinned me so she can't say she beat me.

One of the members of the nazis spoke up and voiced his opinion in front of the camera.

Dragiev: Lacey, if you was here, I would stick knife in throat while I fucked tight ass.

Vikky: SILENT!!

Vikky then points to the chair and tells her comrade to sit down. He does as she continues.

Vikky: I will be contender. I did Megan favor..Now she does favor for me if she wants to face me at Wrestle X. And then I win and become Women's Championess. End of story.

The nazis get up and leave the room. Vikky salutes to the camera and shouts out"Seig Heil" as the scene fades out.



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Re:The NAZIS send clear message!(EXTREME)(ALL READ)
Date Posted:17/03/2010 1:00 PMCopy HTML

WARNING: The following rp is rated R for violence and hateful nature. The characters portrayed in this, is not to be taken as how the writer really feels in REAL LIFE.

After leaving the hotel, they head on down the street and into an abandon building where the Nazis have their weekly meetings at. The building itself is rundown and old, and has a decay feel to it when viewed. The building was alot newer back in the World War 2 days but over the years it has been abandoned due to lack of caring by the townspeople of Oberhausen. The camera follows the group as they go through a secret passage door that leads to some brick steps in an underground type dark setting. As they walk the brick steps, Vikky could be heard talking to Dolph about the match she is in with Lacey,Tina,and Amy. Her voice has a bit of anger coming through it as she spoke.

Vikky: Lacey talks too much. She claims smarts but shows dumb. Her talking gives me headaches. Actions speak volume and my actions with give me victory and contendership to fight Megan Sorrow.

Dolph nods and then speaks in his german language.

Dolph: Lacey spricht mit viel. sie hat nicht Anhaltspunkt zu was Ihres fähiges von im Ring. Unser militärischer Hintergrund beweist, dass wir ausgebildet haben, das am besten zu sein. Sie denkt Wörtersiegegegenstücke, nicht machen sie. Siegegegenstücke zu kämpfen, und Sie Vikky wird siegreich gegen die Schlampe des Ringkampfs sein. Sie hat übungs bewiesen, dass sie eine Hure durch Werfen von sich selbst an Orton ist. Selbstverständlich geht Orton für whorish Mädchen.

Vikky chuckles and then the rest of the group make their way into the opening area of the underground hideout they had set up. The walls surrounding the area is made of stone with swastika flags and posters pinned up. The room is not very bright and the only light that is burning is the lamps that rest upon the stoops. A sound system is near a dead end wall and the mic itself is resting on one of the black tall speakers for anyone in the group to speak their mind on. Vikky, the leader, walks over and gets on the mic and shouts into it.


The group: SEIG HEIL!


The group: SEIG HEIL!

Vikky: Diese Versammlung wird gerufen, anzuordnen. Niggers, Schmeichler, Waps, Faggots und Juden werden zerstört werden. Wir werden diese Abscheu nur niederwalzen, wie unser verstorbener Leiter Hitler versucht hat, in Weltkrieg 2 zu machen. Sie gehören nicht in dieser Gesellschaft. Nur unsere Art macht. Emo ekeln Leute und Schmutz der Erde an. Alles, das sie machen, ist bringt Schande in dieser Welt und wir sollten sie zusammen mit den anderen zerstören.

The group: SEIG HEIL!

Vikky puts down the mic and steps away from the area and turns her back towards her group,saluting the flag in front of her as the scene fades off for a while.

~Scene 3~

The group and Vikky, the leader, had already left their meeting area that was underground and was driving to the arena,Koenig-Pilsener Arena that is. Once they arrived, The Nazis walk into the arena and are carrying their flag in tow. The security is concerned and stops them from going further.

Guard: Sorry people...but you can't come in. Unless your....

Vikky spoke up and stands nose to nose with the main guard that spoke.

Vikky: We enter and you move out of way. I have tickets for seat for them to watch show, now move or be destroyed.

Dolph gets in the face of the guard and the guards back away slowly,letting the Nazis go on ahead. Vikky and the rest of them head for the ring while the fans are getting their seats for later on tonight. The German National Anthem plays as the Nazis march down to the ring.

Announcer: Now making their way down to the ring...THEEEE NAZZZIIIS!

You can hear them shout out"SEIG HEIL" several times as they all get into the ring. Vikky is given the mic and she began to speak.

Vikky: I address issue first with Johnny Camaro. Camaro, you do not dictate what we can or can not do. If Dolph or I come in ring, we come into ring and interfere. We do what we want and no one stops us. We are the Nazis and we follow our own orders. I will do what must to show power against all who oppose us.

Boos begin to be heard from the fans who hear what Vikky had said. Vikky shakes it off and continues.

Vikky: And to Lacey, who talks until she gives headaches to all that listen to her ramble, YOU are nothing. You will always be nothing. You think shacking with Orton helps career? I pity you swine.You have not clue to what I am capable of in the ring. I was highly trained to destroy in the ring, and I do so with ease. Megan and I will face each other, not you nor you slut opponents. Amy and Tina are jobbers who waste career in not showing up, which is fine. I do not duck opponents, but merely played it smart and waited for right time to pounce. Now it time to pounce and destroy you. I will break spine and you will suffer many hardships as results. Broken spine, broken career.

Vikky throws down the mic and all of the group salute to the flag as the German National Anthem plays in the arena.


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