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universal6 star tag team

[No Pressure] (WX and Extreme)

Started by Rayo, September 25, 2023, 04:56:11 PM

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:21
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:22/01/2010 9:16 PM
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Date Posted:22/03/2010 6:51 PMCopy HTML

Ray Ray's been pretty silent for a couple days now. No one's really seen him either. I guess that gives his opponents for extreme the chance to talk down, two of his opponents are the same opponents Rayo and Drew face this Sunday at Wrestle X. Well fans you can wake up now. The Johnny Camaro promos over.

Open scene on Rayo kicking it backstage in the locker room. Just hanging out a few days early before Extreme.

Rayo:In six days Drew and I will step into a cage with the tag team champions of the world, at the grandest stage of them all. The superbowl of our buisness. Finally a chance to win some gold here in EF'NW. I usually don't play the cocky role but honestly there is absolutley no pressure going into Wrestle X. Sure Drew and I will be stepping into a vile structure but let's think about are opponents for a second. The Infection? Really? After forcing myself to watch a Johnny Camaro promo I am content with the fact that at Wrestle X the tag titles are coming home with new greatest tag team in EF'NW. You see Drew and I are the saviors of the tag division. Before we teamed up there wasn't even going to be a tag title match at Wrestle X. Which probably explains the animosity Johnny has towards me. I guess our victory from last week doesn't help either. Were doing you and your a partner a favor Johnny. You guys have got other matches on the card so surely the paranoia and nervousness has set in to the not so mighty Infection. It has Johnny steady repeating himself in the same promo. How many times must you say we think were the dopest trip? Then the idle threats pour in. Here's a news flash Camaro there is nothing intimidating about you. In fact the only thing you probably scare away is the ladies when they hear your name. Nothing you say can piss me off holmes. I remain cool and calm as always.

a smirk

Rayo:Aside from repeating what you've already said about me. If you listened and paid attention I wear my brothers mask to honor him, not wearing a mask to honor his jail sentence. Im a dumb-tard? A shame that a champion in this company has to not only result to name calling but also make up the words he's using. You say we don't deserve it yet since Drew and I stepped in here we've displayed athleticism at it's finest. How can you critize Mack for saying you don't deserve your titles and then say the same thing to us? I know why, your playing the little game of say anything to justify yourself and your team mate even if it makes you look like an idiot. When that cage door is locked there will be no excuses. Just Drew and I beating you down from pillar to post. Say what ever you want Johnny the fact is that this sunday The Infection meets the cure.

Ray stands up.

Rayo:But before this match we must face the whole Infection and Chris Orton. Drew and I teaming with the two man predator. I don't really have a care for Shane Mack or Bobby James but they seem to have a knack for whooping The Infection's ass and I don't see nothing wrong with joining in on that. So I'll work with the predators at Extreme after all we do have a common goal."

Rayo walks out as the scene fades.

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