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Extreme rp 1 - Wrestle X Hissy Fit! (Chris Orton pls read)

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 25, 2023, 05:08:49 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:23/03/2010 12:59 PMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Wrestle X Hissy Fit! - Extreme rp 14 Way Dance vs Amy Summers vs Tina & Vikky Lynnmmm maybe ...Chris Orton ? lol / Vikky LynnNone .. yet!Just something quick to kick it off


The scene opens with a backstage lackey knocking on a locker room door, it opens to reveal Lacey Daniels, wearing only a Chris Orton t-shirt. He hands her the call sheet for the next Extreme event and the Wrestle X card. She takes them from him with a smile as she closes the door. The camera follows her into the room as she sinks down onto the sofa to read the card, tucking her legs underneath her which reveals she is actually wearing very short shorts under the t-shirt.  As she glances down the Extreme call sheet, she smiles to herself as she sees that she has Megan Sorrows one on one. Good! Time for a little payback, god knows that bitch has got it coming! But then her smile quickly turns to a frown as she scans the card for Wrestle X.  What the fuck!!  She turns her burning eyes to the camera and spits out her words in anger.

LD: What the fuck is this?

Lacey holds up the Wrestle X sheet.

LD: Is this a joke? You're holding the biggest PPV of the year and I'm not even on it?! Jesus Christ on a crutch ... the ratings have gone through the roof, the PPV has sold out, the arenas are selling out faster than ever and merchandise is shipping out faster than we can print it and one of the main reasons for all that increased attention is not even on the fucking card!! This cannot be right!!

Lacey runs her hands through her hair as she takes several deep breaths trying to calm herself.

LD: What kind of lame-ass promoter doesn't use his best assets? I mean .. it's totally and completely insane. I know I'm newish around here but hell, I've given some real kick-ass performances and I deserve to be there ... aw hell, this just ain't happening ...

Lacey gets up and walks out of the room and heads down the hall towards another locker room. She pauses in front of one and knocks before the door opens revealing Chris Orton. He smiles when he sees Lacey and the t-shirt she's wearing ... but that soon turns to worry when he sees the expression on her face.

CO: Lacey .. what's up?

Lacey heads into the room as Chris sits down on the sofa as she paces around.

LD: What's up? Wrestle X is what's up!! Chris I'm not even on the damn card! Can you believe that?! After all my hard work and getting screwed out of the Women's Championship match .. I'm not even going to be there ... I just can't believe it! I just have to be there .... I can't sit in the shadows and watch .. I gotta be out there, you know

CO: Yeah I totally understand why you're so upset ... you're way better than Megan Sorrows or Vikky Lynn .. you should be challenging for that title ... you're right you should be there ...

Lacey nods her head agreeing with him. She slows down as her anger fades a little and Chris reaches out and pulls her onto his lap.

CO: But it's not the end of the world babe, there'll be other PPV's .. other Wrestle X's ...

LD: Yeah I know but I wanted so bad to be at this one. Once I beat Megan Sorrow's sorry little ass on Extreme this week then maybe they'll have no choice but to put me in the match ... even better if I cripple her so bad she won't be able to compete I can take her place ...

CO: True that's an option ... of course there's always another option ...

Lacey looks up into Chris's eyes, intrigued.

LD: What option?

CO: I know it's not as good as being in your own match but you could always be in my corner for my match .. I'd love to have you at ringside ...

Lacey smiles: You really think I could do that?

CO: I don't see how they could stop us ... so do ya wanna?

LD: Of course I wanna ... I would love to be in your corner when you defend and keep your title babe ...

CO: Good that's settled then ... now about our celebrations after Wrestle X ...

The door to the locker room closes as the scene fades to black.

End of rp

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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