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Lacey the Whiner!(EXTREME)

Started by Midnight, September 25, 2023, 05:09:45 PM

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Date Posted:23/03/2010 1:32 PMCopy HTML

OOC: Good Luck!
Poor Lacey Daniels. It was a crying shame she was being a whiner because poor little her is not on the card for Wrestle X. Even funnier, is the fact she wants to cripple Megan and end her career. Doesn't she know that you can't keep a Sorrow down. Megan has been through hell and back throughout her life and no one could ever stop her, not even Lacey or Vikky. The fact remains, Lacey is renamed the Whiner Bitch, cause she whines for not getting her way.
Megan was in the empty area, standing in the ring, checking out the scenery and getting a feel for the area so she get familiar with her surroundings. She bounces off the ropes some and then chuckles before she eyes the camera watching her, then speaks.
Megan: Lacey, you whine too much. You think I haven't heard the claims from everyone that steps foot to me, saying they will cripple me to end my career? You ain't the first and you won't be the last. I don't feel a bit remorse for what I plan to do to you inside this ring. Everyone is going to know when I pin you, 1...2...3, that you are nothing more then a sexpot little whiny whore from Canada. I go on to(giggles sadistically) Wrestle X and face Vikky Lynn for the Women's title, and you don't.
Megan skips around the ring and then chants about Lacey not being on Wrestle X card.
Megan: Lacey is not going to Wrestle X...WEEEEEEE!
Megan laughs and then gets a serious look on her face. She gets real close to the camera and speaks.
Megan: Lacey Daniels...tommorrow night is the night I defeat you and shut your whiny ass up.
Megan then laughs hysterically as the scene fades to black

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