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Nothing New Suprises Me Coming From The People We're Facing!

Started by Liz, September 25, 2023, 05:10:44 PM

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Date Posted:23/03/2010 6:34 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The roleplay of  Gabriel Brooks that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

{The scene fades in from a commercial to the view of the parking lot of the Beijing National Stadium in Beijing, China. The camera pans right to left and a car is heard coming into the parking lot. The car is a white two-door 2009 Dodge Avenger with the car itself looking like it was just pimped out. The car is shut off and the driver's side door opens and out comes a man with a duffle bag and a backpack. He is seen wearing a pair of black squarish sunglasses, grayish-black t-shirt with blue jeans and a pair of black leather boots with a black leather jacket. He gathers his stuff and the shuts the door. The man then turns on the security system and walks off. About 15 minutes later, the scene opens up to a view of the interview area where instead of Smokey McWeed standing there, it is a man with a blue sleeveless shirt with a black button down long sleeved shirt, a black leather vest that has a grim reaper with a sickle grasping a crystal ball with a "G" in the ball, a pair of baggy blue jeans, a belt with a chain connecting to his wallet, and black boots. The man is Gabriel Brook and he has a slight smile on his face. He looks into the camera and he brings up a mic and soon speaks.}
Gabriel Brooks:
I sure do have a very confident team with me tomorrow night in my quest to make sure that I am rolling into Wrestle X. I am very proud to have the bunch of guys with me that absolutely hate Mack just like I do. So what if we have to go through a bunch of pawns. But for this King, I am going on to the big dance and facing Mack. The Predators and the team of Rayo and Stevenson, hear me now. On Extreme, you will fall. It's all in how one thinks about how things.
{Gabriel runs his hands through his hair so the camera can get a good look at the look in his clear icy blue eyes then puts his hand in his pocket. Gabriel then continues to speak.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Rayo, in my mind, nothing you said made sense. That you and Stevenson and The Predators have a common goal? Um, dude, would that be everyone's goal. To get the win over the team. Maybe you should stay away from Mexico. I mean, the sun has obviously fired your brain. If you think for one second what fellow Infection member, Johnny Camaro, says is all idle threats, then you are seriously more brain damaged than I thought.
{Gabriel then smirks and says.}
Gabriel Brooks:
And Bobby boy, why would I be confident? I'm so sure of myself in my team's victory. I know that The Infection with an one night only fellow Infection brethren, and in my opinion The Better Orton, Chris Orton. You're just mad that Nikky has what you want. If another guy had what I wanted, I would be pretty pissed off myself. But oh, well. I guess you ain't exactly gonna escape with out one Fuckstar Press on you and it's all over for you.
{Gabriel then looks down as he shifts his weight to his left foot and looks back up smiling a little.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Mack, dude, you should really look at yourself in the mirror for calling anyone a piece of gutter trash. Anyone to sleep around with another woman or man, in my book, is gutter trash. So that would make that biggest piece of trash in the whole world. Mack, man, you should be very careful on how you treat people. I mean, you are down to so many friends since guys like my mentor Viper, God rest his soul, are dead. But that's fine, I guess your punishment will be at my hands. Starting tomorrow night and not stopping until I am at the top of the ladder in our match, what was it, a Japanese Deathmatch, with my hands grasping and holding on to the EF'NW World Heavyweight Championship. Just the title of theme song for Wrestle X fits you and you only. Holdin' on. Yeah, you are holding on alright. Not by much. Your hold on the title is slipping and soon EF'NW will see what I am truly capable of doing. I would have had it sooner but I bet you back in 2005, you seen something in me and saw that one day that I would have the title. Then you had a pawn, The Serial Thriller, help you break my leg. Boy, I am going to do so much more to you tomorrow night and then at Wrestle X,  I am going unleash something in my soul and put you on the shelf for a while. After all, the morning after, you are not going to be able to move. You promise for me that when the big dance is over and that I'm going to be the one laying in a hospital in Tokyo being stitched up, put back together, while you're off bandaged up partying all fucking night in a celebration of the ages? Mack, I think it's time that you eased up on the amount of greenage that you smoke a day because you are delirious to come up with something like that. It's going to be the other way around. And the odd things is that I don't think you are going to be surrounded by loved ones in the hospital. And so fucking what if I couldn't beat Orton a few months back? To me, I learned what it was like to be in the ring with him. Like we all do. We learn from each other. Wasn't you that said we are teachers in some way to one another? And if by some chance my team doesn't win, I'm going to learn what not to do in our match and then I'm going to be giving you an ass kicking from hell. Enjoy what time you have as champ because come Japan, you are going to suffer the biggest embarrassment in your life by getting beat in front of your people in the birthplace of Mack. Your birthplace is going to be the burial grounds for your title run because for you it's all going to end. I am going to shine through the dark. I am going to out shine your old worn out ass because my future as champ is going to be the transfer of old guard to the new.
{Gabriel then digs his hat out of the pocket of his vest and puts it on. He then speaks more.}
Gabriel Brooks:
Well, folks, to put this to bed for now, starting tomorrow night, The Infection are going to be rolling high and then walking out Wrestle X with a victory as well. Get ready, Rayo, Stevenson, and Predators, you are going to be beaten by the four of the best that EF'NW has to offer. Get ready for the ride.......It's gonna be a hellva bumpy one for you four losers!
{Gabriel then drops the mic and walks off as the sound of Wrestle X's theme song is playing in the background of it's entirety as the scene fades to black.}
The day's reality around the bend.
Pain and misery my only friend
I raise a toast and I salute the end.
Six feet in the ground is where the living begins.
I got to get on with living or get the hell on with dying.
Shove a million dollars in my pocket but there ain't no pacifying me.
Anyone can see, what's happening to me.
My life's out of reach of my arms but I'm holding on.
I'm living in a dream, and no one hears me scream.
I'm breaking at the seams of life but I'm holding on.
I've created a world that is devoid of love.
I'm praying to God and up to Heaven above.
My heart and my soul have turned to push and shove.
It's enough to kill me but it's never enough.
I got to get on with living or get the hell on with dying.
Shove a million dollars in my pocket but there ain't no pacifying me.
Anyone can see, what's happening to me.
My life's out of reach of my arms but I'm holding on.
I'm living in a dream, and no one hears me scream.
I'm breaking at the seams of life but I'm holding on

This Layout Was Made For Gabriel Brooks by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at 
armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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