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Rebirth(Spawn & Divas read)

Started by Midnight, September 25, 2023, 05:40:40 PM

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Date Posted:31/03/2010 6:58 PMCopy HTML

It has begun. Oh yes folks. She is reborn once again, in a new form, stronger and much more herself then she was in the past few years. She has came back, shocking everyone at Wrestle X by becoming the NEW Women's Champion of EFN'W. Midnight was perched high in the rafters, studying her newly won belt when the camera is noticed being in front of her, capturing her pale white face smirking at her accomplishment. Midnight moved only her eyes upward and gave a slight smirk into the camera and then spoke.
Midnight: They never saw it coming. Never saw that I was always around in the building, lurking in the shadows, as always. I warned them all and told them that I would be the most dominate force in the women's division. And yet Lacey, Amy and many of the slutwhore we see today, did not heed my warnings. Lacey feel victim to two losses by me, or should I say to my disguised self, Vikky Lynn. I must say that Lacey is more stupid for thinking that Midnight was gone. Boy was she wrong. As for Lee Spawn...
She pauses and jerked her head back, revealing her fangs some and then her expression changed some, before she spoke once again into the camera.
Midnight: I would say me and you had many encounters in the past. You hate me and I hate you. But I will tell you this Lee Spawn..you have my full respect. You do not need reminded how you are the baddest man on the planet. I will heed to your future warning and stay far away from you and even out of your way, but if your little pet wants to go after my title, then I must take care of business and do what I must to protect my title and keep it around my pretty waist. You know and I know, it would only be business. I am taking a risk by speaking your name out of my wretched lips and it would probably earn me a one way ticket to hell, but you know that I would enjoy hell anyways.
Midnight pauses.
Midnight: I have a message for any of the divas in the back. And heed to what I am about to say.
She gets close to the camera.
Midnight: Beware of the Shadows,Stay away from the Light, Beware of.......MIDNIGHT!
The camera goes black and the scene ends.

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