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Your Not Ready ----- Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 26, 2023, 09:34:44 PM

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Date Posted:07/04/2010 10:51 PMCopy HTML

The scene opens to a typical promo spot backstage, Shane Mack stands in his gear chewing some gum in a cocky manner, World Title around his waist and smirk on his face as the camera is lit up and he starts to shoot like only he can!
Not ready for anymore hell Johnny? Well then son, that is exactly why ya ain't ready, that's why your not in my league, that is why you have not made it to my level and that is why you can't beat me...YOU cannot beat ME!
He gets a serious look on his face now and says.
You don't want the belt on the line because you think I won't try as hard to win, put as much effort in as I did Wrestle X? That's a joke Johnny and so are you for writing this match off the way you did, milking it for days, not giving half of what I do and ya think you can beat me. Well I admire the self confidence in you to think that way, I find it pathetic you think I would blow off this match. I gave my all at Wrestle X and showed everyone I was ready to give it all for tonight and what do I get, some half ass bitch instead of Johnny Camaro!
Mack now smirks at that line and continues.
From day one I said you had it inside you, I was a fan of yours Johnny, I have been a fan of quite a few lately and I never said otherwise, I simply stated fact and people couldn't handle the truth. I never badmouthed you or Venom or Gabriel or anyone unless it was in defense of being talked down to. I ain't saying I am almighty and right, but I ain't saying I was wrong, just saying bro, just fucking doing what very few have it them to do, a real shoot! And in true shoot fashion, I'll say it again Johnny, your not ready, but to make ya feel better if indeed you need to hear it, you could be, you could be the main event at next years Wrestle X, its all about personal choice, sacrificing other things to put forth your focus on climbing the ladder and never falling down, but if ya do, climb back up even harder and faster and I have done that for all these years, before this company and for damn near eight years in this company, the longest active wrestler today and your looking at him, the World Heavyweight Champion and title or not on the line, you better be ready for me to give you my all. I wrestle every match as if everything is on the line, I put forth the same effort for Wrestle X as I do for any show on any day or night of the week, televised or not!
Mack is looking serious again, smacks his gum though and smirks now, then says.
I know you can be somebody here Johnny, as I said, I never doubted ya, but I hope you put more effort in next time or its gonna be the same thing over for ya again, Da Shows Ova...but hey man, maybe ya need to wait until the third time, lucky number three, or maybe it really is all about me because no one else has the balls big enough to do what I do?!
He just shrugs now and smacks his gum, pats his title now and smirks, then says.
A quick shout to Nikky Venom, kid, you need to start speaking the truth and not lies and accept that you had not near as many people barking up your tree as I have, so get a clue or get shut down. Now then, as for whether or not I am loved or hated, Johnny, maybe you need a reality check, so here son, watch and listen!
Mack walks past the camera and motions to follow him, so that we do and he steps towards a curtain and pulls it back revealing the aisle to the ring and fans already packed in spot Mack, the place goes up in huge cheers and suddenly the whole fucking place is chanting.
And then the curtain closes and Mack is outta view now, the fans still heard chanting his name loud and now the view just fades to black.

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