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A Real Shoot & Extreme Promo

Started by NBD, September 26, 2023, 09:41:22 PM

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Date Posted:10/04/2010 12:21 PMCopy HTML

Still laid up in Japan at his house is Mack, just chilling on his sofa, yea nigga, just chillin the fucking hood, heh. Mack just poses all thug like and then laughs as the view focuses in on him and its from a handheld camera as we have seen before filming Mack. He just sits there in his ol' school HBK retro shirt from way back in the day, a pair a blue jeans and his hair brushed back, his eyes kinda glazed and a half ass smirk on his face as always and Mack just lays down the law like usual.
Ya know something, let me spill this before I run down my opponents for next Extreme. Steve Weigel, I caught what ya had to say and it was interesting, but alas boy it failed to be delivered as anything, especially the truth. The only thing real ya mentioned was that the World Title is indeed holier than thou, not who holds it, but the title itself, it is the biggest prize there is, it is the holy fucking grail, but here is why it is that way Steven. Ya see son, I made it that way, myself and others who have come and gone through SEF have made it the top fucking title and through the years only one constant remains as I have said and if it wasn't for ignorant people such as yourself failing to accept what is, I wouldn't have to repeat some lines that I do cause I admit it, I do in some cases, but so does everyone. That too though was a lie by you for what little I do repeat to the ignorant ones like you is very few compared to the unique, original shoots I always deliver and that is something your jealous of which is why you have to go on and lie your ass off.
He pauses and readjusts his pants, kicks his legs up on the table in front of him and says.
You can't get over the fact, yes son, the fact that I am bigger than you here and when it comes to all time, to this business as a whole, no one knows who is bigger because ya gotta go head to head to figure that out and ya gotta go for months or years non fucking stop to truly find out who is better. You, your mentor Burnout, Jimmy Stryker, both who I honestly say are my friends, but then again, not real close, just brothers of the business. None are better than me and I am better than none, but here in SEF I am the top star on the current roster, that is undisputable no matter how many dispute it. By the way Steven, speaking of Burnout, when exactly did you enter NRA and when exactly did Burnout create it because I think another lie on your part has just been revealed. Now I know you were there, I know ya held gold, and you may have debuted in this business in '99, but NRA never existed until after this company was created. I forget the actual date, but I believer it wasn't even until almost a year after SEF was created, but it may have been somewhere in '02. Fact is son, ya got that wrong, so another lie exposed.
He pauses again and laughs, rolls his eyes and just continues.
Just like when ya said you know what's like to hold the World Title, fact is son, you don't. You have experience in another company main eventing there and being their top champ, but not here, so no, it is not the same thing. That would be like saying that since one human swam in water or climbed a tree that no other human needed to do it because its all the same for everyone. It is completely false Steve, it is a lie for you have a clue as to what its like to hold the World Title, you simply do not know because well yes, Bobby James does have gold here, you however have held none in SEF. Could it be the World Title first for ya? Hey man, maybe so, I don't rule out any possibility because I admit, there is one, though I believe nothing is impossible, just many things we have not figured out how to do in this universe!
Mack just shrugs and smirks, then says.
Speaking of Bobby, yea, he did turn on me just like you did, ooooh, like I wasn't expecting it from ya both sooner or later!
He speaks sarcastically and then says with a smirk.
Fact is I was leery on teaming with ya two anyways, leading the Predators to the biggest limelight they ever had, but I did it and I did it like no one else could, I carried ya two chumps on my back for a few weeks, then you got pissy because you couldn't call the shots and walked away, hell son, ya damn near walked out of SEF and all because you couldn't handle being second fiddle to me and all you ever had to do was work to be better than me, not rely on some lie that you were big, over, legendary, heh, what a joke!
Mack just laughs, then says.
Bobby got a small taste of gold and his ego inflated, it happens, and as I said, so what, I stated it would happen when we formed the team together, but I accepted it as well, the only problem is, neither of you two have a clue as to what I am all about and just like Bobby will find out next week that Shane Mack is bigger than he can imagine, so will you the week after and you'll see who the real predator of this business is. I done proved that by carrying The Predators, now I expose it by beating ya both in back to back weeks and that's all a fucking shoot, so fuck you!
He flips up both middle fingers and then drops his hands smirking and says.
Number eleven boys, yea, that's what are ya in my book, ya see that!? Heh, but anyways, Steven, I know exactly what is on the line in our match, I know exactly how an Iron Man match works, I perfected the Iron Man match, especially when I created the DOGG Fight. Your going to school in that match, our Iron Man match, your gonna find out who the real Iron Man is around here! Mack ain't going down in the rankings, I ain't gonna be starting over here, only spot for Mack is where he has been for a few years now, on top resting comfortably and ready for anyone who comes close to knocking him down. Fact is Steven, your not even close, you're a joke of a man, just a little boy who, an immature kid who cannot grasp reality and accept truth. You are the one out of your league, several notches down below me, but I hope you scratch and claw your way up to me and do indeed give me the fight I am looking for, that is the least you can do. Remember Steven, I had you on the brink, I made you almost leave SEF and leave this world and what I did to was make you leave your girl, dump her on her ass, physically assault her and just like when I knocked you out in the back the night ya tried to have me arrested, there was no stand in, no actor, you dumped your girl because of me, ended it because of me and if only you knew the truth of the matter Steven, if only you knew who really was an actor and who wasn't?
Mack gets a big chesire cat grin his face now and just leans back on the sofa all relaxed and says.
What ya think, should we expose the truth to Steve now?
Mack looks past the camera to whoever is holding it and winks, then the persona speaks and it's a females voice.
I thought we were gonna wait, ya know, until it gets closer, devastate lil wiggle?!
Mack smirks and says.
Ah, we can do it now, makes just as big a impact, so how about it? Toss me the camera and get ready!
Some hesitation it seems and Mack just looks on like whatever, its her choice, then the camera has tossed over and we see an interesting view of the house in a twisted circular motion, damn, worse than a roller coaster, what a fun ride that would be! Anyways, Mack has the camera up and focused down the legs of the woman, her legs covered by tight blue jeans and Mack is heard saying.
Alright, so were rolling now, what'd ya say your name is again?
And he not moves up to her upper body showing she is wearing a white baby tee with QUEEN in silver letters across the front, then up to her face and she is a blonde, green eyes and a seductive smirk on her face that could melt the north pole. She looks sorta like a newcomer to SER we had a few weeks back that didn't stay long, Tina, hmmm. The girl just says.
Hi Steven, guess your wondering just who I am, so maybe this will give you a clue!
She turns now and bends down, Mack zooms in on her ass in the tight jeans, damn. Anyways, she turns and he raises back up to her face, now she wears a wig of a brunette with some curls and has contacts, what the fuck? She looks like Amy Summers now, whoa, what? She just smirks and says.
That night when Mack put the fear of god or whoever you believe in in you with the monster truck it was supposed to be Amy Summers pleading for Mack to stop, but Amy was knocked out at that time and I was the one acting as her, Mack's plan to crush you and it worked for look what you did to Amy afterwards and unless you were lying like usual, you stated why ya did what ya did and its all because of Mack and of course my superb acting!
She winks and pulls the wig off, pops the contacts out and tosses them down. She teases her hair some, then says.
Now you still don't know who I am because well you may be thinking Tina is who it is, no, that was short lived stint that got cut short due to an emergency back home. Now I am back and Tina is history for who look at right now is who you thought didn't exist anymore, the Queen of SEF...Julie!
She just shows a big smirk on her face and pauses, then looks at Mack and raises her arms up asking.
Ok, so can I have the camera back now, I am done?!
The view stays on Julie who folds her arms over her chest and says.
Alright Mack, anytime now or I'm gonna kick your ass, maybe I'll get Whitney to help and we'll tag te-, never mind, no, don't even think anything about that!
She starts laughing and the camera view now drops to the floor, then its picked up and turned on Mack, Julie must be holding it again. Mack is just staring blankly with a huge grin on his face and Julie says.
Ok, snap out of it and shoot, c'mon Mack!
Nothing changes about his expression, he just keeps staring into space with that huge grin and Julie now says.
He snaps out of it and looks, then gets a scowl and just laughs now saying.
That wasn't cool, never lie about the girls, the fun bags, the-
She cuts him off now.
Shut up and talk about your damn match or your gonna get your ass kicked!
Mack just laughs and says.
By who?
She yells.
He just shrugs and says.
Oh, ok, well who else could ya have meant? Certainly not Wiggle or Weigel or Widget or whatever he is called, Lil Stick Wiggle, yea, that's it or was Lil Stick Wick The Hick Who Likes To Pick His Shit!
He breaks up laughing now and Julie is heard snickering, then Mack composes himself and says.
Of course its not like my opponents on Extreme could do it either, certainly not Drew Stevenson, certainly not this washed up, pathetic version of Drew Stevenson! Yea, I know you pal, well, of you, we know of each other a bit and I always considered you a real friend behind the scenes no matter what ya thought of me. That is that though and this is in the ring and despite making it in other indy companies, you have proved nothing here and that is what matters. Thing is, I do know you can do better, I know you can compete with me, if you tried, but Drew, your not trying, you have no passion, and that sucks bro, but its your choice. My choice is to continue doing what I do best and that is out doing everybody I step in the ring with. Next week on Wednesday night Extreme I'm gonna beat you and Bobby, but sadly, that is just it, I will beat ya and I don't want. I want intensity, I want someone who is passionate to come in and push me hard, push me to my limit, make me question who will win, not whether my opponent will cop out and make me carry the match for him! Thankfully Bobby is in there and I don't question it as much as with you, but I still do for Bobby doesn't give what I give either. He seems to have more desire to be here and strives to be the man where as you just go on and do nothing, show nothing, give very little, so ya get what ya give, the philosophy of this business! On Extreme Drew, your gonna get what ya give and Bobby, your gonna get put in your place and shown why there was only one true leader of the Predators and that is who I said it was, the real predator of this business, me, Shane Mack, the one and only and original Daddy Mack and sure as hell the SEF World Heavyweight Champion. Now boys, I only gottta tell ya that's a shoot and a couple more words...
He jumps up doing a crotch chop and yells out as Julie yells the same.
Mack then falls back on the sofa and Julie says.
Alright, that's a wrap, now lets go get Whitney and have some lunch!
Mack shrugs and says.
Alright, but let me roll a couple to build my appetite up!
He grins and stands up walking out of the room as the camera is set down and shut off bringing the view to black and just like the view of Bobby, Drew, and Steve will be brought to black when Da Shows Ova!

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