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Another Four Bite the Dust - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 26, 2023, 09:47:28 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:12/04/2010 6:56 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Another Four Bite the Dust!Fatal Five Waymmm maybe ...Chris Orton ? lol / Megan Sorrow & MidnightNone .. yet!Let's kick this off, good luck chickas!


Lacey is struting down the hallway of the Basketball Stadium, confident as ever when she hears a man's voice holler at her. She stops and turns to face the man only because she recognises the voice. He catches up to her, panting a little as he catches his breath. She smiles.

LD: You might want to think about hitting the gym once in a while now you're back doing interviews Greg ...

Greg Boone gives her a questioning look and she smiles slightly.

LD: Just a thought ...

Lacey shrugs her shoulders.

LD: So what can I do for you?

GB: What do you think Lacey? ... I wanted to make my first return interview one of interest, so I picked the one diva that everyone is talking about ... you! So how about it?

LD: What here in this grubby hallway?

Greg shakes his head.

GB: Naw I got a locker room put aside. So?

Lacey tilts her head to one side as though she's thinking hard about it and then smiles.

LD: Sure why not?

Greg gestures down the hall towards a room as they walk off together.

LD: Oh and by the way Greg .. it's good to see you back where you belong ...

GB: Yeah and I don't have to listen to that prick Nick Miller anymore ...

LD: I know! ... What the hell does he know ... I mean he wouldn't recognise talent if it bit him on the ass ... not that I would .. you know, bite him on the ass ...

Greg and Lacey laugh as they reach the room.

GB: His ass isn't worthy of being anywhere near your mouth Lacey ... if anything he should be kissing your ass ... after all it's pretty damn obvious you're going to be the Women's World Champion once you get that title shot ...

Lacey smiles at Greg as he holds the door open for her and she enters the room.

LD: It's so nice to meet someone else, aside from Chris who actually knows what they're talking about!

She smiles up at him as he nods his head in agreement. He gestures to one of the chairs for Lacey to sit on as he checks the camera and then takes a seat next to her.

GB: Welcome to SEF ... I am Greg Boone, interview extraordinare! ... and this lovely diva needs no real introduction but for the plebs watching ... this is the one and only Lacey Daniels!

Lacey smiles at Greg's comments, enjoying his nastiness and his flattery.

GB: So Lacey you've been creating waves since you got here ...

LD:  Well as you've probably guessed Greg I like to stir things up a bit! I know I upset some people when I arrived and that's just too bad. See I know what I want and I go all out and get it ... I have the skills and the brains to exactly that so why not? ... I don't care if I come across as arrogant or conceited .. the truth is I am the best diva here .. simple as that.  And if you can't handle it, then it's your problem, not mine!

GB: Well you certainly made an impact .. within hours of your arrival the whole of the company was abuzz with rumours about you  and Chris Orton ...

LD: Yeah well I guess everyone sees a new diva on the scene with an established superstar and assumes that she's whoring herself out to him to get noticed. Not that it's anyone's damn business but for the record, I did no such thing. I'd heard good things about Chris before I got here and introduced myself to him as a matter of respect.

GB: So you're not dating then?

Lacey gives Greg a hard look and then smiles slightly.

LD: You know we are .. the difference between us and the other couples here is that we  took our time getting to know each other before we started dating and we have a mutual respect for each other, rather than just me putting out and him taking advantage. Because let's be honest the majority of divas here are nothing more than a bunch of whores ... spreading their legs for anyone and everyone who'll have them.

GB: Well you certainly seem to have drawn the attention of one specific superstar, one Steve Weigel ...

Lacey crings and makes out she's putting her finger down her throat as Greg says his name.

LD: Oh dear god .. poor deluded Steve Weiner ... what a grade A loser! I can't stand him and yet he seems to be obsessed with me. I guess it's one of those things .. him wanting what he can't have. I bet he's never had a woman who's said no to him before. A real woman who has some respect for herself. Naw all he knows is skanks and hoes, after all look at little Amy Wingebag ... what a fucking mess!

GB: Speaking of Amy ... you've certainly ruffled a few feathers in the divas division ... hers, Megan Sorrow's

LD: You know I could give 2 shits about Megan Sorrow or her mother for that matter. The only reason they're even on my radar is that Midnight is holding something I want and as soon as she grows a pair and puts it on the line against me, one on one .. we all know that I'm gonna be the new champ and that's a fact!

GB: Well Megan and her mother hold wins over you ...

LD: Are you trying to play devil's advocate here Greg? ...

Lacey rolls her eyes.

LD: Whatever! .. Yeah the record books show they each hold a win over me but neither of them beat me fair and square. I mean I now hold a win over Megan Sorry-Ass, not that it's anything to brag about but I stomped her ass straight up because her mother couldn't interfere. See I might be full of myself but it's not bragging when you can back it up! Everyone here knows I not only talk the talk but I can walk the walk and that's because I was trained by the best to be the best and I'm not going to let anyone get in my way of getting my hands on that gold. I'm not cheating to get what I want, I'm ready to step in the ring and fight straight up for it and that's something you can't say about every diva here. I mean, let's be honest there's no way Midnight would be holding that title right now if she hadn't schemed and cheated her way to it, am I right or what Greg?

GB: You'll hear no arguement from me Lacey.

GB: Well last week you did get a little revenge on the 2 of them by beating them but it was a tag match ..

Lacey laughs.

LD: Did you even watch the match Greg ... or were you back here licking your wounds? .. I dominated that match from start to finish .. yeah Amy got into the ring a couple of times but really I did all the work so I'm going to take all the credit. I got that win and that's all there is to it.

GB: Well this week you have a chance to receive a shot at the Women's Championship if you can win the Fatal Fiveway between yourself, Amy Summers, Megan Sorrows, Midnight and Karrie Winter ...

Lacey smirks.

LD: What do you mean a chance? I have a better chance than most because like I said before I'm the best diva here. There's no-one in this match that can compare with me in that squared circle, not when it comes to wrestling. They might think they know what they're doing but I could teach all of them a thing or two. For instance that Karrie Winters ... last week's match on Extreme .. did she even get one offensive move in? ... All I saw was her getting her ass kicked from pillar to post. She showed her true colours last week and as far as I'm concerned she's just making up the numbers!

GB: Well you know Amy Summers will be gunning for you after what you did to her last week...

LD: Aw poor little Amy Whinehouse ... is she upset because of what I did? ... Like I give a damn! That dumb-ass skank was trying to muscle in on my glory ... share in my limelight ... sorry hunni I don't think so! She did pretty much fuck all in that match and I don't share with anyone! She pushed her luck and it backfired on her ... too bad, so sad, bye .. bye! She doesn't worry me.

GB: And you know that Megan Sorrow and Midnight will also be looking for a little payback ...

LD: You know what Greg .. lately it seems like everyone wants a piece of Lacey Daniels and let's face it why wouldn't they?

Lacey laughs.

LD: I know it looks like I've painted a big bullseye on my chest and made myself the prime target and maybe I should take this time in this interview to kiss some ass and make life a bit easier for myself but ... shitfire! that just ain't the way I work Greg. I'm not here to kiss ass and make friends I'm here to show the world how a real diva can be a top-notch wrestler, just as good as the men and to win me some gold and be a fighting champion. That's just the way I am and that's just the way it is ...

GB: Well you certainly don't have any problem with being modest ...

LD: You know what Greg a great man once told me why be modest when you can be honest? .. And I truely believe that. I am going to be the greatest Women's Champion SEF has ever seen and then once I've beaten every skank here to within an inch of their lives and proved beyond a shadow of doubt who the best diva in SEF is .. then hell maybe I'll move on to the men's titles and show them a thing or two. I can think of one man in particular I want to kick the crap out of  ...

GB: Who's that .. Steve

Lacey holds her hand up to stop Greg finishing.

LD: Please don't say that name around me anymore ... he already gets way too excited about me. Nope .. I'm talking about the coward who wears a mask when he attacks people. I don't appreciate being CKO'd and when I find out who he is .. he better watch his back because I will be coming for him.
GB: Big words ... but back to your match tonight ... if Midnight wins she gets to pick her opponent ..

LD: Yeah like she's gonna pick me .. ha right! That bitch is running scared of me, there's no way in hell she'll want to give me a straight shot at that strap because she knows she'll get beat! Naw she'll pick her daughter again .. so Megan can lie down her for again ... or Amy Whinehouse .. cos she loves lying on her back. Truth be told she could pick anyone else and stand a better chance of walking away still holding the belt but if she faces me ... then she knows she's gonna be staring at the lights whilst I stand tall with the title and that ain't a threat ... that's a promise!

Megan smiles nastily as Greg closes the interview.

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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