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Step It Up!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 26, 2023, 09:48:46 PM

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Date Posted:12/04/2010 11:14 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Step It Up!
 Lacey Daniels, Gabriel Brooks, Shane Mack
Getting my roleplay's started early!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, the scene shows Lacey Daniels walking backstage with a big smile on her face, so she goes inside Chris Orton locker room finding him getting ready for his match with Gabriel Brooks in World Title tournament. Chris Orton sees Lacey Daniels, and he looks very serious started talking to Lacey Daniels about stuff been on his mind.

Chris Orton: You know Lacey I'm sick and tired of people thinking I need to step it up, because I'm not performing well like I use to, so I'm going to step it up show everyone exactly why I'm greatest wrestler in this company period.

Lacey Daniels: Well, I think you will do just fine out there, because people are just jealous that you have more success than anyone on the roster.

Chris Orton: I know Shane Mack runs his mouth saying I need to do this and that to step up my game, but I don't need to do a damn thing just do what I been doing since I got here work my ass off getting titles that's who I am I'm not changing for nobody!

Lacey Daniels: That's why I like you! You are total package like I been saying, so you be who you are don't let people get to you.

Chris Orton: It's going to start on "Extreme" this week, because I got a match with Gabriel Brooks, and I know he and I will put together a great match, but I want to win to get my hands on Shane Mack again, because I want to prove to everyone I have the ability to beat Shane Mack. I'm sure Gabriel Brooks wants another shot to prove that he can hang with Shane Mack, but I feel this is my match to win.

Lacey Daniels: People don't want to see Gabriel Brooks vs Shane Mack more like Chris Orton vs Shane Mack is headline main event will make people order pay-per-view's to see two biggest superstars go at it to prove who is the best. I really feel next time you and Shane Mack meet will be your match to win, because Shane Mack will have to step it up against you.

Chris Orton: Shane Mack and I always went to wars, and he ends up winning the battles, so I'm going to step it up on "Extreme" tonight and beat whoever gets in my way in World Title tournament, because I'm going become World Champion again!

Lacey Daniels: I'm going to be Women's Champion very soon, and we both can be champions together proving to everyone that we are most dominant couple in SEF.

Chris Orton: I like the sound of that!

Lacey Daniels: I'll let you finish getting ready for the match, because I know you are going to win, so I'll see you soon...babe!

Chris Orton and Lacey Daniels share a long passion kiss on the lips, and Lacey Daniels leaves the room, so Orton moves his arms around getting prepare for his match as "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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