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universal6 star tag team

Helping Megan ----- Julie's Extreme Promo

Started by Taylor Andrews, September 26, 2023, 10:17:17 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:21/04/2010 11:42 AMCopy HTML

A haze in the hotel room, gee, wonder why?! Anyways, the camera view shows us Julie, whoa, Mack must be filming, no, its really steady and off to the right on the bed is Mack, well someone's legs and they appear to be a mans, plus Julie who is sitting at a table relaxed back against the wall looks towards him and says.
So Mack, why didn't you wrestle two matches on Extreme instead of me having to be in one?
He just says.
Um, because my match is the main event!?
Julie just says.
So, your Shane Mack, you carry the show, you should wrestle two matches, c'mon, your not scared are ya?
Mack just laughs and says.
Are you scared to stay in your match?
Now Julie laughs and says.
No, but you know I didn't come back to wrestle. I will though, why not right?
Mack just says.
Yea, sure, why not?!
Julie now looks more towards the camera and says.
Well, Megan Sorrow could use the help now that her mom, no, scratch that, her ex mom Midnight got tossed out of here by yours truly. Truth be told I think her out of here was the best move for Megan in the first place, now she gets to team with one of the women who broke the barrier in SEF for women, she gets to team with the Queen of SEF and still the toughest fucking female in this business!
Mack claps mocking her and Julie rolls her eyes, then says.
Anyways, Chris Orton and Lacey Daniels are the opponents, a couple, a tag team, a great partnership and maybe Lacey could be following in the footsteps of many great women who came through SEF and made themselves here, maybe Tag Team gold is in the couples future, after all, if they want to shoot for being a dominant couple, they got a long way to go in SEF! Ain't that right Mack?!
She winks at him and he just says.
Uh yea, sure, I guess, I mean hell, me and Whitney worked together and won many a Tag Team Titles, World and Womens together, yea, we did ok!
Julie smiles and says.
Lacey has a shot coming for the Womens Title too. Megan just won it, so who is more hungry, who will strive the most to make sure that belt goes around their waist? And Chris Orton, were no strangers to one another as I remember your debut year here, a good one, but I remember beating you in your first King of SEF tournament and going on to win it to become the first and only Queen of SEF! You were good though, a tough challenge and I expect you have only gotten better, plus I have watched you and believe you have gotten better, so I expect an even harder challenge Wednesday. You and Lacey got a lot to prove individually and together, of course, so does Megan and as for myself, I suppose I should prove I can still go, that I still got it, that the Queen of SEF is not about to get dethroned, not now and not ever!
We hear a chuckle from Mack who says.
So how about being called a slut and being told ya got no chance against Chris Orton by Lacey?
Julie just arches a brow towards him and laughs now, then says.
The first comment she made during Chris Orton's spiel is so farfetched and outrageous that is all I will comment on it for Lacey simple needs to do her homework. As for battling Chris Orton, its as I just said, I know who I am facing, I have wrestled him and I have studied him just as I have studied you Lacey and the only downfall that can see me lose is because I am in this to help Megan, no other reason. Chris Orton will challenge me, but he and most certainly not you Lacey, neither of you can demolish me. Watch and see little girl, watch and see, but you may want to actually out something into action because its not about being a spectator, a tag team match is not about half and half in every match. Teaming together and forming a bond as a team whether it's a man and woman or siblings or just any two people who have a bond as strong as any alliance, that is what makes a team, not having one person target one and another someone else, its about going full force together. Maybe Mack and I will have to show you two wannabes how its done one of these days, what ya think about that Mack?
And a pause is heard, Mack seems to not wanna answer or something, but finally says.
Well, we could, but why?
Julie just answers him.
To lead by example, to teach the new stars how its done, how a real tag team works!
Mack just says.
Been doing it for a decade now, so why not, but I ain't gonna promise anyone is gonna learn unless they want to!
Julie just shrugs and nods, then says.
True, true, so enough of that then, tonight is about helping Megan and maybe she doesn't want my help, but regardless, Chris, Lacey, neither one of you are going to be demolishing anything about me or my legacy as one of the best in this company, so do your homework. Chris, you have more to prove in this company than you realize and thinking you don't is just sad to see because it shows a lack of desire to continue competing. Though you seemed to fire up for the tag match, but as I said, its tag, not one on one, both of you need a lesson taught and I will do my best tonight to teach, however I have double duty in that respect as Megan, well, what can I say for she has said nothing, not even to me, just nothing. This right here tonight is shaping up to be a real handicapped match, but if you two ever want to face a real tag team, then challenge myself and Mack. Don't get too cocky about tonight thinking you have me where ya want me, I been wrestling for a while now and I know how to get things done, I know how to accomplish what I want, I know how to be resourceful. Just ask everyone who has ever stepped into a ring with me and they will tell you that I am one of the toughest of any gender and I am here to tell you and make sure you know that there is one Queen and your looking at her, so I just got two more words for ya!
She jumps up and does a crotch chop and shouts.
Then Julie just laughs and steps towards the camera and Mack says.
They wish they could, fuck, can I?
Julie kicks at Mack and says.
And then her arm reaches past the camera view and flick, the view fades to black just like that.

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