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A Return

Started by Kristin Fox, September 26, 2023, 10:20:29 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:23/04/2010 6:44 PMCopy HTML

For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
bodybuilding.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
||The Prodigy returns||
{[A camera crew comes into a huge almost Olympic size training facility.  The walls are white and in red "Damage Inc: Failure Is Not An Option" has been airbrushed on them.  As you come in through three different doors you can see three different rings: in ring one an extremely tall man with a blond ponytail is teaching boxing, in a second a woman with honey blond hair is teaching muay thai, and in the third which is in the main room is a wrestling ring.  A petite, familar young woman is in the ring with a older woman who is very tan.  They are going hold for hold while another woman, blond and blue eyed, (very pregnant) gives pointers from the stands.  An annoyed groan sounds and the camera turns to see a girl dressed in ballet tights, bun, but with crocs on doing the much dreaded math homework}

"Not another camera crew!  Dusty!"

{The petite woman in the ring glances up and sighs}

Dusty:"When it rains it pours.  {she points at the camera and the brunette turns around} Oh...its SEF.  {shakes her head} I'm out of here."

{The brunette drops to the ground and two identical twin boys rush up with a towel and a water bottle.  She raises an eyebrow at them before looking back at the camera}

Jade Hart:"You know when I signed up to train at Damage Inc I didn't realize the place was going to be over run with munchkins.  Little did I realize that in South Texas the wrestlers breed like rabbits."

{We hear a man chuckle.}

"No, just my parents."

Jade:"Well Jus, I just don't know what to think.  They are old and your mom is pregnant again."

Justin:"No, that's not my parents.  {he chuckles} "The one that's pregnant again is my mother-in-law."

{Jade rolls her eyes}

Jade:"Anyway, SEF's camera crew is here."

{Justin comes over and sits on the ring steps}

Justin:"I can see that.  {He gives a cocky smile} "I bet you didn't think you'd see me again.  A lot of things have happened since we went on hiatus.  We originally went on hiatus for one reason and ended up taking longer off because of a family tragedy.  As you can see, {he points with his thumb over his shoulder} as you can see Maegan got knocked up....{camera blurs her rude gesture} Matt & Chai split and now Matt's married to my old but still very hot baby sitter and she's knocked up.  Hell, I think Hayden might even be knocked up!  Doesn't anyone around here practice safe....{he glances down at the twins} "Hey Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum aren't you suposed to be at Tae Kwon Do with Tao?  Move it boys or I'll tell Dad about the FHM's your hiding....{he pauses and thinks about it and grabs one} "Yo, Ranger, you don't have Katana in one of those magazine's do you?"

Twins Together:"Eeew no!"

Justin:"Yeah you better keep thinking so, get outta here!  {he pretends he's going to kick them in the butt} "Baby brothers, can't live with them and you can't kill 'em.  She's right, no one who is married around here practices safe sex, except me.....I escape that bullet I guess.  {He pauses looks off into the distance before turning back} "Like I said, alot of things have happened.  Somoa and I split despite what she may have said shortly after I went on hiatus.  It seems someone else was hitting that like I suspected when I dumped her the first time.  I'm not her baby daddy like I thought.  Which helped me out a lot since I'm married to a smoking hot woman.  {he smirks and nods his head toward the other side of the camera where a hot brunette is doing yoga} Damn she's fine and she's all mine, {he raises his left hand up} Yep, took the big step.  Now I'm coming back and while I was in Beijing I came across some commercials for SEF being in China.  Interesting since I see some of my old nemesis....sadly Corez was killed because I would have loved to get my hands on that bastard.  Now the only woman I have to worry about in SEF is the one who keeps me warm at night and normally she can't protect herself.  As for this one, {he nudges Jade} she was fostered by my uncle's family....Jade no I'm not a member of the Dynasty Hart, is training with us.  I'll coach her if need be but basically she's flying solo."

Jade:"Like I really need help."

Justin:"Heh, sure, you talk the lip you do to Whitney Marrett and see what happens to you.  Retired or not I see her knocking the taste out of your mouth if you cross the line."

Jade:"I'm not worried about your old crosses or your sister's past feuds.  I'm going to make a name for myself one way another."

Justin:"I wonder if I was this cocky my rookie year."

"More so."

{A huge half mex/half commanche man comes around the camera}

"Time to bring the students in, I need this ring."

{Justin gives him a mock salute}

Justin:"Yeah Dad whatever you say."

Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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