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Oh Canada: SEF Divas Read

Started by Kristin Fox, September 26, 2023, 10:21:33 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:24/04/2010 2:54 PMCopy HTML

JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
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××roleplay title.. Oh Canada
××inspiration.. The Canadian National Anthem
××out of character comment..This is her first official rp by herself anywhere so bear with me! I also read bios and noticed Lacey is Canadian.  Thought we might be able to feud
××to be continued by..Lacey or any diva
834-975x643.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
{The scene opens in downtown Calgary.  Canadian Flags are flying on buidlings and we zoom in on Jade Hart in jeans, a Calgary Flames jersey, and a black leather jacket that has seen better days.}

Jade:"I'm back in Canada.  {shakes her head} I can't shake the feeling of nostalgia and homesickness that I feel when I cross the border.  Even though I'm from Edmonton, a good deal of my high school years were spent here, and even at Bishop Carol, which I admit when I first was introduced to wrestling I didnt have a chance in hell to get in there.  Now I know that Bishop Carol is the breeding ground for Canadian Wrestling Divas to make an early name for themselves.  Nattie Neidhart and now I find that Lacey Daniels, a fellow SEF Diva went to school there.....as did I.....{she stops to ponder something and then continues} "I'm not particularly interested in Lacey, per se but I do find it interesting that we went to the same high school and now work for the same promotion.  I do say that we ran in different crowds, she's seems the kind of girl the boys would write about on bathroom walls and talk about in the locker room as a quick lay.  Anyway now that I have your attention, {she grins} as I'm sure that I have Lacey's, I am issuing an open challenge for any diva, hopefully Lacey to come dance at the next Extreme in Canada.  This is our home Lacey and I want to show the world what I am made of, if I have to do so at your expense, so be it.  Now as for the women's title, Megan, I love gold as sure as you probably do.  I would love for a shot, even non-title to see how far I still have to go to reach championship status in SEF."

{scene changes, a little later and Jade is sitting on low fence made of brick surrounding an old mansion.}

Jade:"See this place behind me?  This is the group home that I grew up in.  A miserable hell on Earth where I cut my teeth learning how to take care of myself.  I got my first broken bone here in a fight with an older girl....broken hand and all I still whipped the bitch's ass.  No big deal in the real world or in an SEF ring but at 14 it was a defining moment in my life.  I realized what I could take and still keep fighting....a skill that helped me out a lot in Japan.  I am not saying that I'm the toughest girl in the fight and I'm not even the biggest, but I'm a fighter.  I would like someone to accept my challenge.  Someone I've never faced before, which in SEF is everyone.  I signed up for competition and I'm hoping someone will answer my challenge."
»quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts for Harley using the character of Christy Hemme. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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