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Justin Rodgers

Started by Kristin Fox, September 26, 2023, 10:31:42 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:27/04/2010 11:13 AMCopy HTML

For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
bodybuilding.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
||The Prodigy returns||
{[OOC: Sorry guys: I was in a hurry so I didn't get to use the awesome banner Whitney Marrett made me.}

{Scene opens on Justin Rodgers dressed in a button down, black blazer, jeans with a fedora {thats the gangster hat right?} and Armani shades.  He hears some guys snicker and turns in that direction}

Tech 1:"It was so hot, I'm telling you bra, Shane Mack is the best!"
{Justin snickers wondering why the stage hands are kissing mack's ass and thinking that he was probably in ear shot or something.}
Tech 2:"Dude I know I saw it too!  I can't believe Sky Sports let it be aired but then again that Jade chick is Canadian right?"
Justin:"Holy mother of God," {Justin groans}  "What did she do that was so hot?"
{The guys freeze as Justin is quite a bit bigger than they are as most SEF stars are.  Justin quirks an eyebrow}
Justin:"Guys, just because I'm married doesn't mean I don't appreciate a fine female body like the next man."
{{It takes a few minutes before they fill him in, they start with Jade's body but then work their ways into telling him how they came about seeing her naked.  Justin covers his face}
Tech 1:"Prodigy, you trained her right?  Did you guys scam on girls together?"
Justin:"Damnit, no wonder my boy Harry dropped her so fast!"
Tech 2:"So Prodigy, did you get any HLA action when she teamed with your old lady?"
{Justin fumed and almost lost his cool....but he hated bullies and would never attack guys smaller than him just because he could and even if he was out numbered.}

Tech 1:"Mr. Rodgers we didn't mean anything by it...."
Justin:"No, if my woman was into that, I'd be the first to admit that I would be front row and in the middle of it, damn but....{now he groaned and looked ill} She's been locker rooms with my sisters....{now he really became irate and kicked at a case before venting} "One of my sisters just made 12!  Christ, my wife's baby sister just made 12! What locker room did you say she was in?"
Tech 1:"Mr...Mr. Mack's...."
Justin:"You, {he puts his hand on the guy's shoulder} "I'm not going to fight anyone.  Although, if she's touched one of my sisters I can't say my wife is going to be so kind."
{Justin walked down the hall to Shane Mack's domain and stopped as he saw Lacey Daniels promo}
Justin:"Sweet Jesus, she's stirred up a hornet's nest now."  {he turns realizing that he's being followed by a camera man} "Hoping for some controversy?  Please, I'm smart enough, {he snickers} to know that being anything but honest with Shane Mack is a death wish.  {He shakes his head}  "I think you pegged her, Lacey......I think my cousin Maegan may have said something....but then again I don't think Maegan was at Bishop Caroll when you and Nattie were.  I think she may have taken the early admission to college.  There is only a couple years between you two and as Nattie's former best friend, trust me you would have known each other.....she captain the Cardinal soccer team....anyway I'm avoiding the inevitable.  {he knocks on the door and it comes open to show Jade and Julie going at it again.  Justin leans back againist the door watching for a second and then shakes his head.} "What the hell am I doing?"
Jade:"Enjoying the view?"
Justin:"I would if I knew for sure if you didn't molest any of my sisters."
Jade:"Eew, no!  Well, there was one time I tried with Dusty but Payton a baby, so is Katana's sister Chey, and Gabby's still way to young.....and Justin as for your wife, damn!  I wanted to hit that so bad....{she notices a look from Julie}  "I didn't show you her Playboy spread, trust me youll like..."
{Justin grins}
Justin:"My wife is damn fine and I know that....{shakes his head.}  Although, I'll have to talk to her....a three way with you girls would be....{he turns and sees who's filming the girls}  "Sup, Mack, {shaking hands. he turns to Jade} Look you may want to take a breather because Lacey is....well you got her attention.  I told you about stirring up a hornets nest and well, if you got Shane and Julie backing you then you'll probably be fine...but well I have to take a step back on this.....I'm not crossing the real Hart Foundation.  I go way to far back with them and my mom even farther.....Harry is my cousin's best friend....TJ and I are best friends.....we did some growing up together before my parents got married, you know that.  Hell, Martha and Julie used to baby sit my mom when my uncle was training....Owen is the one who nicknamed my mom Spaz!  nope, hitting to close to home.  I know you like to say Jade Hart but you and I both know you hate it if anyone asks you if you are related to them.  The closest thing you've ever gotten is dating Harry and that's only because I set you two up.  The irony is I think you like your name because it really screws with people's heads since Bret has a daughter with the same name.  Anyway, {he smirks at Shane Mack} now I see why you say its good to be Shane Mack."
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.



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Re:Justin Rodgers
Date Posted:28/04/2010 12:16 AMCopy HTML

Mack just says nothing and stays back off camera as the only camera in the room is the one he's holding, duh. Julie and jade sit full clothed, though maybe skimpy, they are fully clothed and Julie looks to Justin saying.

No one is going against any Hart's around here, hell, the only Hart around here is in this room and rather friendly, least to me!

She winks at Jade who just licks her lips and shivers a little, but in a good way, then Mack says.

I remember the Hart family, I trained under Stu, wrestled with the brothers, though never officially, just training, worked odd jobs up here for my training, fucking people even fed sometimes, man it was a hell of a start to my career.

Justin is looking over that way and says.

Yea, wow, I didn't know you had any ties to them.

Mack just says.

Ah, it ain't a big deal, but don't jump to conclusions about anything or anyone, especially in this business. Were just a laid back bunch, enjoying life, riding it out, having a blast and yea, it is good to be me, I earned that, maybe one day you can, after a few years.

Justin nods in agreement and Julie now says.

Oh shut the fuck up Mack and Justin, for your sake you better hope the three you spoke of was involving your girl and not you or Mack will be filming your demise and as for coming in thinking ya can get a peek in the flesh, think again cause as ya can see were dressed hun. Though like Mack said, ya earn your way up and who knows what ya can be in the middle of, well not literally in the middle of, that's for me to be in between Jade and your girl, if she can handle me!

Julie just grins as we know why she said it, she's a slut for women. Justin just smiles and says.

Its all cool, I was just curious about Jade and my family, sorry for assuming what was happening and being wrong about it. As for my girl, well, as I said, if she wants, but I'd like to watch that!

Julie still grins and says.

We'll see about it all when it comes around, as for now.

She turns to Mack and says.

So bitch, ya gonna get us some beers or just keep drinking your own?

Mack tosses the camera at Julie who catches it and turns it towards Mack and we see he reaches to the side of his sofa opening a mini fridge and says.

All I got is Becks Dark, who wants one and Justin, you wanna sit down bro, no worries, this sofa is safe, the observation deck so to say.

Justin nods nah and says.

I'm gonna step out and let ya all be, just was curious about Jade is all, take care.

He leaves now and Mack shrugs, then looks to the ladies and says.

So ya wanna beer, wait, yea, you asked right, Jade, you want one?

Mack grabs a couple out and pops the tops as Jade just shrugs and nods ok. Mack hands her and Julie each one, then raises his own off the table taking a drink. He sets it back down and leans back on the sofa smiling, then Julie says.

So Jade, what's with Justin, he seems like he needs to relax a little, maybe his girl needs to give him some!

Jade gets wide eyed and chuckles, then says.

Oh my god, I think their doing ok, he's just awkward being around Mack I think.

Mack shrugs and Julie says.

I gathered that, but its like Mack said, why assume when ya can get to know?

Jade shrugs and takes a drink of beer.

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