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In the Old School

Started by Kristin Fox, September 26, 2023, 11:06:15 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:01/05/2010 10:08 PM
White static appears on screen as we hear someone's voice begin to talk.
Voice: Ahem. SEF? Can you hear me? I would hope so...if you don't know who this is...then well you're playing into my hands. You don't need to know at this point. All that you need to know is that I am going to make my presence felt on Int the School of Old...and you'll be trying to put the pieces together as to who this is, but as of now, hopefully, it's still an enigma. Whether you people know me or not, it will not make a difference, because soon enough you'll know first hand just who I am and what I'm made of.
Pause...As the face of a man we've been waiting to see appears along side him is a beautiful blonde.
Actually screw that. Why, wait when I can do this now. You know the last time I checked I was anything but, a loyal follower of the Showstoppa's Extreme Federation. I mean this place pride's itself on the old school ways so why here? Why now? To make the assumption for you it is to here by make a name for myself and offically make my run for the world heavyweight championship. Who in their right mind actually wants to see some one named Shane Mack? Doesn't even sound marketable as their champion? I know I for one don't think he deserves it the only reason he holds this companies most prestigous title is because of one thing. He kiss's ass. Gabby your thoughts?  
Pause...As the stunning beauty as a few words to say.
He looks like he just came in walking off the streets? I guess you have to be a hobo to be champion here.
Pfft, amateur bitches running things. I could care less what you people think of me That's the last thing on my mind, on my list of concerns. Your opinion of me doesn't mean a damn thing because it won't be a deciding factor in what will certainly be a first for these moron's who are running things. I don't just try hard to degrade you people with jokes, I degrade your minds. But the truth is, you can't handle that, because you are so feeble minded that the only thing that pops into your head when a promo is next in line is a few cheap insults.  You people will call me dull, you'll have the nerve to call me boring, when you are the one's prancing around, flaunting your pathetic personal live's that everyone could care less about, and you'll call me boring? News flash smarts...whether you find me boring or not, I'm still the man who will be the end to your "the old school" lifestyle, and if you can't consume what I have to say, then don't even try, because you'll make a fool out of yourself, thus emphasizing the fact that the world title is no useless Go ahead boys and gals in the back, lay claim to "Busting my ass" week after week, see where it gets you. Try to understand that in this battle I am bringing to you people is for the sake of mankind. Consider me if you will the anti-hero, and the man dead set on leading a revolution. What? My way is the wrong way? Please, I am the one man show. I could wrestle my shadow and still pull out higher ratings then the guys you call hero's and have handed out championships too.
SEF, I recommend that you do all of us a favor if you intend to survive the era Shane Mack because, from my perspective he is certainly dragging what could be a major force down into the dumpster the same dumpster he crawls out of each day to come to work. You had better heed my advice as I tell you to remember this face because, this is going to be the new face of Showstoppa's.
Brandon turns his head from the camera as the white static pops up once again.

Kristin Fox

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Re:In the Old School
Date Posted:02/05/2010 1:18 AMCopy HTML


Justin2020Katana20Rodgers20Banner.jpg Cena & Eve v picture by kristinbenoit97


In The Old School


Justin & Jade


Mack&Julie/ most everyone else

Next victim

Apparently Hartman

Titles held

Read their bios plz

Next match

Insert here


Got Mack's back



{We open on a gym, girls who look like they should be working at Hooters are walking around in bootie shorts and black tank stops with Hardcore Heaven in electric blue airbrushed across their ample chests.  We hear the clanging of a ring when two people are working out in it.  The camera follows the sound to see two men, one we know is Justin Rodgers and the other is slighting older, Italian coloring, despite his new somewhat shorter pony tail longtime SEF fans would recognize him as Ash Silva, the husband of Maegan Fox.  They are both dressed in mma shorts, hands slightly taped encased in sparring gloves, and they are in their barefoot, (duh) working out.  Justin is going toe to toe with the longtime martial artist and MMA star, until Justin's punch is caught and he is dropped into a Fujiwara armbar.  Ash gives him a light kick to the face before kipping up.}

Ash:"You know, I think you could concentrate better if this place didn't look like a whore house."

{Justin grins}

Justin:"No, see what they are doing is trying to impress us.  They don't realize what Katana's going to school for.  {He snickers}  Once they realize that I'm not going to be running the day to day operations they're going to be in for a rude awakening."

{Ash looks up at the flat screen in the corner.  Sports Center is highlighting some SEF moments. He shakes his head}

Ash:"That boy has more balls than brains."

{Justin turns}

Justin:"Who?  {he watches as this new guy calls out Shane Mack and then even his girl disparages him} "I wonder if I was that dumb to call out the biggest dog in the fight."

{Ash popped him in the shoulder}

Ash:"Your rookie year?  The biggest dog in the fight was your Dad and he would've grounded you and taken your car keys."

Justin:"Very funny."  {He hears the girls titter and turns.  The wannabe playboy models are preening for the camera} "Hey, this is SEF not auditions for Vinny Mac's Ho Train.  Get out of here...."

{They don't listen and Ash grins}

Ash:"Hey Katana, Hayden."

{The girls flee not even realizing that Justin's wife and sister-in-law are out shopping.}


Ash:"Not a problem."

{Ash drops back to the corner to remvoe his gloves and for a water bottle as Justin turns to the camera.  Unlacing and removing his gloves.}

Justin:"Not that Mack needs it, {he leans over the ropes, nonchalantly} but he is the big dog running this yard and I do have a lot of respect for him.  He let me back in here after I basically abandonded SEF right in the middle of what I thought could be a big push for my older brother and I in the tag division.  We're cool now and even though you're a flea on his dog's ass, Hartman, I figure why even cause him to break his 'aroma therapy.' {Ash snickers and Justin throws him a look} "Mack has taught me not to jump to conclusions and while I know you'd be on your back faster than a co-ed on Spring Break on South Padre Island...."

Ash:"There is something faster than that?"

{Justin rolled his eyes}

Justin:"You seen a Mack match lately?"


{Ash starts removing the tape from his wrists and around the palm of his hand.}

Justin:"You know I had my sights on annoying the hell out of the International Champion, Bobby What's his nuts, but I figure the SEF way is to make an impact and earn your shot.  I figure I could pick up some of Mack's light work although I bet you'd be like all of the rest of them and underestimate Mack's manager.  You got your dime a dozen girl with her bleach blond hair who'd be scared shitless when Julie shows what lies behind that easy going smile.  This is SEF Hartman, Julie could kick your ass faster than it would take Mack to....{he and Ash share a look} get a beer from the fridge.  The chicks here, they aren't poster girl posers, the chicks dish it just like the men do, if you don't believe me, check out SEF Shop Zone.  Check out my high school crush, {he holds his hands up in a placating gesture} Whitney, you had to know, but I'm smart enough, {Ash snickers} to know that even if I had any thoughts of acting on it, my wife would kill me before you could.  {He gives a big smile to the camera} It's just an example of the way things go around here.  Some of these guys that come in here acting like their freakin' Stone Cold could go up againist the Divas in a last man standing match while the heavyweight contenders sit back and watch...Oh wait....that technically happened.  Julie is the SEF Queen of the Ring.  I gotta check that match out but you know she's just another example of why you don't judge a book by its cover."

Ash:"You're really coming off like you're kissing ass."

{Justin turned and tossed a glove at him}

Justin:"I'm just sayin, {cocky grin} "That this guy couldn't last five minutes with a chick in this fed.  If you think I'm kissing ass then its been a long time since you've been home to visit the family, Cuz.  I'm sure my mom, my mother-in-law, Aunt Andrea, Hayden...."

Ash:"Yeah, I know.  You spent a good part of your child hood raised with four of the toughest women than Alberta's ever produced.  I get it, married it to it, {tosses the glove back} "You're such as smart ass."

Justin:"Finally you see my point.  Mack doesn't have time for this punk and I need to break medival on someone's ass on Extreme next week cuz its in my town! I love Edmonton, I was born and spent the better part of my life here!  This is my house!  {he spreads his arms around to show the camera a smaller gym than the one in TX}  "My uncle and my mom busted their asses to make this place and PCWF something.  I know its not on SEF's scale, but this is my home, and just as my Dad and the mix nuts that make up his crew, went to war as Marines to protect their home, I need to step up.  Edmonton gets Extreme on May 5th.  I'm with SEF now and I want it to remain great, so it's my time.  This Extreme is the place.  {he turns toward the camera} "No one just walks into SEF and demands a shot at the King of the Mountain and has the whole world crumble to bow at their feet.  Brandon Hartman, I'm "The Prodigy" Justin Rodgers and on Extreme May 5th, expect a 6'4 inch Canadian Ass whipping that will echo from deep in the heart of Texas all the way up the Canadian Rockies because I'm going to show you what old school excellence is truly about."

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