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Surprise- Lacey read

Started by Kristin Fox, September 26, 2023, 11:10:59 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:02/05/2010 8:06 PMCopy HTML

. . T h e   W a r n i n g . .
This roleplay might be a little to risky for those of you who are little virgins, when it comes to sex, rough language, and violence! So if you don't think you can handle the heat the get the hell outta dodge!  I warned you!
. . T h e   R o l e p l a y . .
{We open on a car where a beautiful blond with black streaks is driving.  She's wearing a DH Hart WWE Shirt and black and pink juicy coture warm up pants with black and pink Nike Shox.  The other girl is blond with pink and black streaks and she's dressed in black Addias Wind pants and a black and pink baby doll shirt that says "Rock N' Roll."  She's wearing black ray bans.  They do not turn off to go to Calgary but continue on towards Edmonton.}

passenger girl:"Hey! I thought we were going to work out in Calgary with Uncle Keith?"

Driver:"No, {she gives a glance to the other girl} "We are going to Edmonton."

Passenger girl:"Why?  Just because Justin and Katana are in town?"

Driver:"No, Lucas flew up seperately but Ash and Maegan are here with the baby."

Passenger girl:"OH! I can't wait to see Baby Chris!"

Driver:"I know he's adorable.  Looks a little more like Matt's baby pictures but with Ash's coloring.  You'll love him, Jade, I swear!"

Jade:"I loved being in Japan with Matty & Sara.  Owen is adorable!  I missed Katie though.  She cried when I left, Hayden."

Hayden:"I know.  You get close with people and...wait you were talking about the baby, and not Aunt Katie?"

Jade:"Werent' you paying attention?"

Hayden:"Sorry, I'm just preoccupied.  Dusty and Katana trained this girl and she's turning out to be a monster.  Lacey doesn't know we're coming."

{Jade turned to her}

Jade:"My Lacey or T's Lacey?"

{Hayden rolled her eyes}

Hayden:"Who's the only Lacey that we pay attention to?"

Jade:"Oh, right.  {she grins} "She's working SEF right with Justin?"

Hayden:"Earth to Jade! Justin got married remember?  The heartbroken Nick Lachey listening guy is way over, Thank God!  You'd think he'd totally gotten over that poser!  I mean really, so maybe she was Aunt Shannyn's adopted kid but she was like so trying to tell people she was the Rock's kid, I mean, as if, just because Aunt Shannyn got her rocks off with a hot guy like that she thinks she can call him, Daddy.  Whatever!"

Jade:"I think you're still pissy about that foster home chick that tried to do Harry."

{Hayden veered off the highway to the shoulder.  She unbuckled and turned to face her.}

Hayden:"She's rearranged her name and is hinting at people that she is you."

{Jade does the Family Guy 'What? before recovering}

Jade:"Oh that biatch is totally going down!"

Hayden:"You sure?  I mean you weren't so concerned when Harry took her out a couple times."

{Hayden signaled to get back on the highway}

Jade:"Harry was just trying to be nice.  It's nobody's fault but that skank that she believed Harry wanted anything more than to try to help her sorry ass."

Hayden:"I know, right?  As if he'd do anything with that skeebie thing!  I mean has she not seen the pix of the girl he's hot for?  I mean I'm not being a bitch that she's like Kristin's executive assistant but I mean she's not some orphan with no family who tries to lie and scam her way into people's life.  Oh My God! I forgot!"


Hayden:"I didn't tell you what she tried to do to Justin.  I mean after everything poor Dusty tried to do for the girl and even forgave her for coming on to her in the shower and everything!"

Jade:"Tell me!"

Hayden:"She somehow gets this camera crew into Windermere Estates and then tries to play off that the money she scammed from Chai paid her, wait for it, Kristin's house!"

Jade:"No!  OMG! Not the one Uncle Chris bought for her when she graduated law school with a 4.0 and raising Justin by herself!"

Hayden:"Oh yeah!"

Jade:"Tell me Katana tore the ho apart."

Hayden:"Oh, no.  Justin was to much of a gentleman or whatever to let that bitch get what she deserves.  He outed her and it was amazing!!!  Told her off and told her that no hotel in Edmonton rents by the hour!"

Jade:"He didn't!"

Hayden:"God, it was priceless!"

{Jade laughs and then fiddles with the radio and hears an update from SEF's XM affiliate.}

Jade:"What?  I know I'm great but what the hell?  Oh! {she rolls her eyes} The Wannabe!  Why would anyone in their right mind go off againist Lacey but love Jadan?"

Hayden:"IDK, I mean she must be a lesbo or something who lusts after Jadan thinking that the big mansion really was her's."

Jade:"As if!"

{They listen and make random comments about how stupid she sounds.  The SEF crew is about to load up when they pull in blocking them in}

Hayden:"Look guys."

SEF Interviewer:"Hayden?  What are you doing back?"

Hayden:"You can address me as Mrs. Smith-Rodgers or Mrs. Rodgers but never by my first name got it? You are so not on my level, k?"


Hayden:"This is about my cousin, see?  {she points to Jade to slips on the hood of the classic Hunter green porche with the custom interior}  She has a few things to share."

{The camera sets up and focuses on Jade}

Jade:"See, when I grew up, wrestling was a game.  My dad built a wrestling ring in the backyard and an ice rink in the front.  I tended to wait to be a ice dancer and I did pretty good until some ugly bitch in a class I was teaching tried to do a triple she so wasn't ready for and broke my ankle.  Fat Cow ruined my hopes of going to the Olympics, fortunately Maegan was able to pick up the family pressure by playing for the Canadian National Women's Soccer team.  You just can't be beautiful in a family like our's.  You have to have brains and talent which is why that no good skank in SEF going by the name Jade Hart is about to get her face shattered!  If Lacey would give me five minutes with the bitch before she goes postal on her."

Hayden:"Calm down, honey, you'll get wrinkles.  Breathe."

Jade:"I'm way to young and fab to get wrinkles.  Anyway, this business has been my family's life for like a hundred years.  Poppy made us realize that determination starts in school.  You earn your first creds in our family by protecting the family name and reputation.  You get good grades, you stick with your cousins and siblings, and you excel in sports.  Like Miss Kristin, Miss Jen, and Miss Andrea I did it all.  I was a cheerleader, a soccer player, I played Lacrosse, and at Bishop Carol, there was three queens of mean honey that ruled the school.  One was my cousin, Nattie.  Two was {she does a voila thing} Myself, and three was my twin sister by another mother, the devasting Lacey Daniels!  See some chick wants to make a public nusiance of herself by calling herself a Hart.  Yeah whatever, baby keep dreamin', Lacey would see to that skank never walks again and would mess up her face so bad she'd HAVE to go back to wearing a mask, know what I'm saying?  {she and Hayden high five}  "Yet, when you come to an international powerhouse like SEF and make cheap amatuer lesbo porn with my name! Oh Hell No!  I may not have done a lot in this business professionally, sure, I did the valet thing with Mat Rats when the family paired off.  HayHay did the valet thing for Harry, Nattie & her puppy TJ, and I with my cousin Teddy.  See, I was one half of Mat Rat's power couple's ok?  Not some sick twisted thing like I know you people are thinking!  Not with my cousin! Ugh, I was in a full on relationship with Rene Dupre! {holds up a sparkling ring} Not anymore though.  Might reveal my man at a later date, but not now.  {she smirks} "No, Rene and I did do a few mixed tag matches.  It was about the time that Nattie and Lacey had a following out.  See Nattie called me a family traitor when I chose Lacey, but what she didn't understand, and still doesn't that, Lacey, may as well be my sister.  I couldn't very well chose between her and Alexandra so why would you dream that I could chose againist my own house?  Luckily Alex is smart enough to know that what her big sisters say is the rule.  Hayden wasn't dumb enough to get into your petty squabbles and even Harry tried to talk you out of it.  You threw some very disgusting hurtfully things about her and Daddy and well, you had to delay that precious WWE debut didn't you, hun?  See, you didn't listen to Poppy.  Families do not let their pride interfere with what they show the public.  You disparaged my Daddy and one of my closest friends, who has been like a sister to me.  Poppy taught us better than that.  {she motions to Hayden} Uncle Davey and Aunt Diana taught that to Hayden, Harry, and Georgia too.  Something Uncle Jim and Aunt Ellie should have taught you.  {she snickers} Are you sure you aren't Uncle Bruce's kid and like Aunt Ellie adopted you so that there was no illegitmacy rumors like this bitch Jada wants ppl to believe?  See, I'm "The Real Deal" Jade Hart....for the record people, the name on my birth certificate is Jade Sky Hart!  It's why my moves are Sky High and the Jade-a-kiss.  I do however do the Sharpshooter and I do have a variation known as the Twist N' Shout cuz in Mat Rats I was the Rock N' Roll SweetHart, Jade Hart.  My father is the Hall Of Famer Bret "The Hitman" Hart, {crew gasped} Yeah, "The Excellence of Execution."  I didn't know until a half an hour ago that I'd be coming to SEF.  Hell, Lacey is kicking ass and taking names without any help so I was all like check my sissy out!  She's a bad ass bitch who is going to show the world just what a Dynasty Darling can do."

Hayden:"OMG!  That is such the perfect name for us!"


Hayden:"The Dynasty Darlings! I mean we are blessed with these God giving knockout boobs, ya know?"

Jade:"Duh, what do you think pays the bills?  Why tap into the trust fund if I don't have to, right?  Hefner would pay a fortune to unveil these babies, but no.  A Hart doesn't do that sort of thing.  We stand for honor and tradition!  However, kicking ass as a page three girl in the Sun, FHM, and for Sports Illustrated is good money.  I know about money too.  {she taps her temple} Brains remember?  Once I destroy this wannabe trick trying to steal my name, well I do have an EMBS from NYU in Sports and Entertainment marketing.  I could take these thousands of dollars that they are paying Lacey and make the paycheck sky rocket well up and over the hundreds of thousands.  Hayden, even completed Harvard's dual degree program with an MBA and a JD.  For those of you to stupid to pick college... it means that Hayden is a lawyer and the holder of a Master's in Business Management."

Hayden:"Concentrations in Sports law and Finance.  National Honor Society and I only lost out on Valedictorian because Chai was in my graduating class and the poor dear got dumped by Matty for Sara."

{Jade nods}

Jade:"She's not bad for an American.  Former Ms. America, Pediatric Specialist from Duke University.."  {she gets sad} "I wish she'd been the other Matt's doctor."

{Hayden pats her}

Hayden:"Frown lines remember?  We can't blame Sara for being a couple years to young to save our cousin Matt.  Teddy doesn't blame her and that was his favorite brother."

Jade:"I know but she's like that friggin' hot dude on t.v."

Hayden:"You mean House and he's a diagnostican and not a blood cancer doctor."

Jade:"But she's super smart like Justin."

Hayden:"Uh, duh, that's why Kristin bribed her to take 2years off from school to baby sit Justin when she was only 14."

Jade:"Oh, I know, right?  This bitch is messin with my head."

Interviewer:"Um, Miss Hart? Excuse me for interupting but what about that other chick?"

Jade:"Oh God, not another one?  Is there someone claming to be Nattie here or something?"

Interviewer:"No, but there is this new diva, Dawn...who..."

Hayden:"Oh you mean that 6 foot or something chick?"  {Hayden gestures to herself} "I may not be that big...{she grins} "Well in my shox, but in boots or heels?  Well, it seems my husband and his family are the only ones taller than me then.  She thinks she can team up with the fake beast who wants Lacey?  Let her.  Let her team with her and her lesbo girlfriend if she wants to even though she talked shit about her too.  Lacey isn't going in this alone.  We'll have her back if she needs us.  Hotness Incorporated, {she grins} I like that too.  We could incorporate Lacey's looks and talent and make some major bank."

Jade:"If those brain dead sillicone sluts down in Florida can tease lesbo stuff and make money, just imagine what a Trio of Talent like Hart Family Ladies can do."

{Jade does the double get out of my face pathetic bitch pose that Maryse does in the WWE}

Hayden:"In case you didn't get that. It means you have out lived your usefulness, be gone fat one."

{They giggle and kinda do the 'oooh, burn' finger to finger air kiss thing and saunter into Hardcore Heaven}

. . T h e   D i s c l a i m e r . .
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