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Countdown to the Championship - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 27, 2023, 06:38:47 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:05/05/2010 11:45 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Countdown to the ChampionshipTV Title vs Megan Sorrow in a Steel Cage MatchChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Rogers/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasNone .. yet!kicking it off! :)


The scene opens up with the camera following a diva in the dim lights of the Skyreach Center as she makes her way down the steps to the front of the arena. There in the middle is a ring and a few lights surround it. As she gets closer you can read the wording on the back of her tee-shirt .. "Yes I am as good as I look!" and it becomes obvious who the brunette with the sexy swagger is. She looks around her as she approaches the barrier and swings her leg over it and jumps down to ringside. She caresses the canvas on the apron as she slowly walks around the ring before perching herself on the ring steps.

LD: So it's here in the imposing Skyreach Center that I finally achieve my first piece of SEF gold.

She sighs deeply as she takes in the vastness of the building and you can see the desire burn in her eyes.

LD: In my home country of Canada, in front of fans who actually recognise greatness when they see it, I will put on a show the likes of which people will talk about for generations. They will smile fondly as they remember the day when they saw Lacey Daniels lift the TV title for the very first time and they will speak in awe of the talent and sheer  ...

Lacey pauses and then gets an evil sneer on her face.

LD: ... brutality they witnessed here! Oh yeah I know you thought I would brag about how immense my wrestling talent is and how I could tie Megan Sorry-Ass in knots if I wanted to and you all know that's true but this championship match is not about wrestling ability. Oh no, this match is about who can take the most punishment and still overcome! Who can batter and break their opponent and still be able to stand tall. Who can take everything that's thrown at them and still have the intestinal fortitude to walk out of the door or climb over the top. This match is all about who wants it most and let's be totally honest here ... it ain't Megan Sorry-Ass!

Lacey huffs in disbelief.

LD: Do you really think that if Megan gave 2 shits about this belt she would be hiding in the back like a scared little puppy? ... She knows the truth, like everyone else knows it. This Extreme I will become the new TV champ and there's not a damn thing she can do about it! I've beaten her clean twice already and this week will be no exception. I know she'll probably come out with some crap like how this is different because it's inside a Steel Cage , or how she's going to unleash hell to defeat me but honeycakes, we both know you're bluffing! This week will just be more of the same, me kicking your ass all over the ring and getting my arm raised in victory but this time I will have that beautiful gold strap as my reward. See you have no idea how to be a fighting champion ... you didn't even really win the belt ... it was given to you by that fake-ass mother of yours. And have you defended it even once since you won it? Nope, don't think so! That's because deep down you know you're nothing more than a paper champion ... you don't deserve the gold because you didn't earn it. I had to go through 4 other divas in a fatal five way match .. one you were in by the way ... to become the No 1 Contender and get this shot, I worked my ass off to get where I am. I paid my dues and this week on Extreme I'm collecting what I'm owed .. the TV title!

Lacey smiles as she tosses her hair over her shoulder and walks up the steps and climbs in the ring. She walks around with her hand on the ropes.

LD: Surrounding each side will be a fifteen-foot high steel wall ... locking us in and keeping everyone else out. Oh I know you think that maybe my Dynasty Divas will interfere for me but let's get real I don't need their help to handle you Megan, naw .. that I can do easily all by myself. They're just like an insurance policy because if your emo arm-slicing freak of a boyfrield decides to get involved in this match they won't hesitate to put him in his place! Just like I'm going to put you in yours on Extreme! I will use every single inch of this steel cage to punish and destroy your body, split your skin and shatter your bones ... and I'll laugh while I do it because when it comes down to it this match is about pure brutality and who is prepared to take that one step too far to do so much damage their opponent can't come back from it ... and you know as well as I do  who is more heartless out of the two of us. And Megan Sorry-Ass it ain't you! So do yourself a favor and keep hiding and don't bother coming out to this match because I'll make you so very sorry if you do. This is my night, my crowning glory and you are gonna end up a bloody, bruised side-note ... the former TV champ who was never quite the same again! ... Mmmmhmmm ... sorry-ass indeed!

The camera moves away from Lacey as she gets a dreamy look on her face.

End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

Kristin Fox

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Re:Countdown to the Championship - Extreme rp1
Date Posted:06/05/2010 12:13 AMCopy HTML

__.xxDynasty Darlings

JadeHartBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97

Final Word count: 

{{{Jade waits till the camera crew starts to wrap up before coming out.  She is holding hands with a guy with multi colored her.  He is a little detached from really paying attention to where he's going...in a cool Jasper Cullen sort of way.  He's wearing loose Tommy jeans, a black thermal shirt, work boots, and his fingernails are painted black.  He's sexy in his own uniqueness and quite the opposite way than Chris Orton is.  They stop and he looks as if he's tracing out the dimensions of the ring and the way the cage will go.  Lacey raises an eyebrow to look at him.  Jade gives her a big grin}}

Jade:"He's not a big talker.  He's an artist and his appearing distracted really throws people off."

Lacey:"The whole thing is off puting."

{Jade gives her a playful frown}

Jade:"He used to be worse when I first met him he was...."

{He turns to them and you can see real depth and intelligence in his hazel eyes.  His focus on them both is a little startling}

"What you want to say is I was a freak that you were afraid of.  Don't think I didn't know that.  You pretty much told me the same before you let me meet your dad.  Now, my dad, my dad is intimidating.  My dad is going to dwarf your dad at the wedding on physical size.  I told you that my dad would have to be almost a foot taller than him to have something to combat his professional stature.  {he smirks and then holds out his left hand} "I'm Riot.  The freak insurance adjuster."

Jade:"Don't say that. You're not a freak."

{he turned to her and shook his head}

Riot:"Not me. I was talking about that guy with his hair going every which way.  I mean I haven't had my hair like that since I was twelve and my dad caught me in a headlock and shaved my head.  I realize now he was right.  It really does look like he stuck his finger in a light socket."

Jade:"We might not be able to rely on Lucas for the have to jobs.  He's got this whole respect the opponent thing going on now.  My hottie's only concern is the welfare of my family.  His loyalty is to us."

Riot:"I like Lucas don't get me wrong but he doesn't have the stomach to kick it up to the next level when the situation demands it.  He doesn't realize that somethings require and all or nothing mentality.  {He pauses and pulls the shirt off to reveal a ripped body only rivaled by Orton and turns his back to them to reveal a back tat of the goddess Psyche. Her hands are framed around a heart with the script "Jade & Riot 4 all eternity} "I drew and inked a similar tat, {he turns and smacks Jade's thigh} of Eros.  My kid brother did the ink on my back piece.  When I asked Jade to marry me and she accepted, I told her that her causes were my causes.  If it comes down to it, I have no qualms getting into it with Justin....if I have to...Lucas.  Just because or dad's have this ride or die bond between them doesn't mean I have the same dedication to their off spring.  {He wraps his arms around Jade.} My dedication is here.  That dude..."

Jade:"Nicky Venom."

{he turned}

Riot:"Babe, you never told me that I had to keep a chick off of you....me? When you and Hayden would tear her up and spit her out?"

{Lacey and Jade laugh}

Jade:"No, Nicky....like Nikki Sixx only this guy wishes he was half as cool as Motley Crue."

{he nods and then looks from Lacey to Jade.}

Riot:"Lacey, I guess you need to call your man and ask him if he's ready to join me in a little bloody production.  A Theater of Pain, {Jade smirks} if you will, because if a man comes out here to try and stop your destruction of that whatever little girl you are locked in the cage with, they are going to get the beating of their lives.  Now technically, I'm not signed with SEF but I'm on a Real Deal retainer. {he pulls an all axcess pass from his jeans and twirls it around} Anytime, any place, I can strike.  I guess I'm like an alligator, I like my prey alive, and I keep beating on it until it completely stops moving.  {he smirks and nods his head in the direction of where the crew is pretending to be dismantling the camera} "Uh guys, it helps if the red light goes off or you covering it, then we might actually pretend we didn't know you were spying on us.  {he reaches into his pocket and comes up with a droid.  he types something in to jade and when her icy pink blackberry goes off she smiles} "Show it to Lacey."

"I'm not as weird as I acted but I like to throw people off.  Is everyone on staff here so blindly stupid to think anyone of the talent wouldn't know that a red light means the camera is still recording?"

©vindictive soul Made for ??? by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...

Lacey Daniels

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Re:Countdown to the Championship - Extreme rp1
Date Posted:06/05/2010 6:17 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:




Countdown to the Championship

TV Title vs Megan Sorrow in a Steel Cage Match

Chris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Rogers/ Megan Sorrow & all other divas

None .. yet!

kicking it off! :)




Lacey rolls her eyes sarcastically.

LD: Nobody ever said they were the sharpest tools in the box, but they do a good enough job of setting up the arenas. I guess cameras are a little past their technical expertise.

Lacey and Jade smirk as Riot nods his head slightly in agreement.

Lacey tilts her head to one side as she studies Riot closely, making Jade eventually poke her in the ribs.

JH: Hey!

Lacey turns her focus to Jade as she still has an intense expression on her face. Finally she holds out her right hand to Riot and turns her attention back to him.

LD: So you're .. hmmm .. different, okay I can deal with that. You keep putting a smile on her face and that's good enough for me

Riot reaches out and grasps Lacey's hand and gives it a quick tight squeeze before letting go as they both smile at each.

LD: Oh and I really appreciate your offer of dealing with any .."issues" I might have with anyone trying to stick their oar in at Extreme this week ... an offer I'll gladly take you up on.  Not that I'm particularly worried about the outcome because I am going to beat the shit out of Megan Sorry-Ass and leave her broken and bleeding in the middle of the ring! The more she ignores me and the more she hides away the more pissed off she gets me and the more determined she makes me to not just beat her for the title, but leave her so seriously damaged she's gonna have to consider a career change.

Jade turns her her towards Riot and nods with a grin expression on her face.

JH: I've seen her do it before ... it ain't pretty

Riot raises his eyebrows in gentle surprise, he's heard a lot of divas talk a lot of smack in this business but not necessarily one who could back it up and this diva obviously means what she says and does what she says.

Lacey turns to walk away down the black carpet to where the ramp will be and Riot and Jade follow holding hands.

LD:  But then from what you said earlier I can see you understand that all or nothing mentality.

Riot nods his head in agreement as Jade smiles at how well her man and Lacey are getting on.

LD: As far as my man Chris goes .. he's got his own fish to fry this week.  All his focus is on beating Shane Mack and proving once and for all that he is the future of this company. The last thing I want to do is distract him which is why you all arriving here this week couldn't come at a better time. It means that both of us can concentrate on the things we need to do to start getting where we want to be. Me as the new TV Champion and Chris as the No 1 Contender to the World Championship.

Lacey pauses and looks at Riot and Jade and smirks.

LD: Yep I think SEF is definitely in line for a shake-up!

Jade smiles back at Lacey as they walk away into the dark.

TBC: If wanted


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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