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Shane Mack Will Lose!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 27, 2023, 06:46:18 PM

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Date Posted:06/05/2010 12:03 PMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
Shane Mack Will Lose!
 Shane Mack
Roleplay #2 for the show! Enjoy!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, the scene opens up with Chris Orton appearing on titiantron, and SEF fans are booing him already, so Chris Orton address SEF fans about his match with Shane Mack.

Chris Orton: Two biggest superstars in this business once again step in the ring, so everyone expects Shane Mack come out a winner thinking I have no chance of beating him, because everyone believes I don't have what it takes to beat Shane Mack in that ring. Shane Mack believes there is no competition, but he needs to realize I am his competition, and I will get his face and spit everything he has said about me, because this time around he not going to beat me on "Extreme". I know Shane Mack thinking to himself is this guy for real, because everytime we have face each other he is the one with his arm raise in victory. You see Shane Mack thinks he knows everything about me, but what he saw early in the night wasn't me being out there more like a man on mission that mission is for me to beat you. When I walk out from that curtain looking straight at the ring, I'm going look straight at Shane Mack coming out, and I want him to look at me see this is not going to be his night, because this is going to be my night that I beat Shane Mack lead this company as number one superstar on the roster. Shane Mack wants to get ugly, brawl outside the ring, give SEF fans one hell of a match to remember that exactly he going to get, because Shane Mack will lose. Shane Mack and I can set an example what a great feud can be, because we both hate each other guts, and we both want kill each other in that ring. SEF fans are going go nuts seeing Shane Mack and I kill each other until one of us is standing with our arm in the air in victory. Tonight on "Extreme" Shane Mack will lose on "Extreme", I'm going to have my arm in air in victory, and I take my place as greatest SEF superstar in SEF history...Tonight!

"You're Going Down" is playing on the speakers, Chris Orton lift his arm in the air, and SEF fans are booing at him, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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