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Are You Dumb? ----- THC Extreme Promo

Started by Da Gangstas, September 27, 2023, 07:08:27 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:06/05/2010 10:37 PMCopy HTML

Xanthus is seen pacing back and forth in front of a typical SEF backdrop of barbed wire and mesh fence and he is looking all amped up, furious, a blank stare on his face. He sports track pants and a THC shirt while Corez stands in front of him in the jeans shorts and a THC shirt, thumbs hooks in his pockets and he says.
What a fucking joke this Nikky VD is, or wait, he got a little soft over that rib we pulled on him, better call him Venom. Wouldn't him to cry again, fucking bitch. Get a clue Nikky, get your facts straight, there was never any accident where anyone died. It was a weird ass plan by the then owner. The two of us, we never faked our own death, we were fired and held down and now were back as stated once again as we seem to have to do with your dumb ass, our contracts for returning were negotiated to give us a Tag Title shot upon returning, simple as that. We never lost them, we were caught up in Ric's politics because of what HE wanted to do despite it almost killing SEF because that was his whole plan. Don't ya remember when it was revealed and why Ric now sits at ringside calling matches? Because when he lost control of SEF he manipulated himself into being able to work here, fucking prick.
Xanthus stops now and leans over Corez's shoulder saying.
Fuck Ric, Nikky needs to realize that Ric cannot screw us over anymore, we cannot be held down or held back. As far as the West Coast Connection goes, Nikky, they were are fucking friends and we worked together a lot and here's another fact, we were in SEF before they were doing what we do now, so don't speak of shit you don't know about. Try to hide your fear of facing us for the gold by accusing us of being unoriginal all ya want, it only shows how much of a true bitch you are and why you and Camaro are a perfect pair, but far from a perfect team! Those belts were never earned by you because you never beat us, simple as that, get it through thick skull son. I mean hell, after how many weeks of you just moping around here doing jack shit, not pulling your weight one bit and now ya think, oh, I'm the man, fuck off, fuck you, suck my dick bitch! I'm gonna own you two ways to Sunday and twice the sale of Tuesday, so get ready to have your ass handed to you and that's a fact Nikky, your fucking dead, I'll go postal on you and Corez, well he'll make sure I stay focused and those titles are ours, hook, line, and sinker catches two fucking suckers, so fuck you!
He backs up to the backdrop and does a crotch chop, sneers and Corez smirks, then says.
And by the way Nikky, I don't know why ya even care what my body looks like, but I'm curious where ya got your vision of how I look from? Anyways, maybe the problem is that you're the crackhead and Johnny is the one with the vd, not sure, don't really give a fuck. You two can go back to blowing each other after we get down taking back what we never lost. Get it through your heads, we did more for SEF than you ever have. You came in when Sef was struggling behind the scenes, had the right timing yes, but what have ya shown for it? Huh Nikky? What have you shown for holding the International Title or the US Title or the Tag Titles, what have you and Johnny shown for it? Not a damn thing. How many times did you defend those titles, huh Nikky, very many, every week? The answer is no! You have been sinking to the bottom of the ladder the past month and Johnny, he's had some stand out matches with Mack and who else? Oh yea, no one, because if its not someone who can carry him, he doesn't stand out! Good thing for you is that we can carry your dead weight asses, but it won't be as pretty of a classic as Mack gives, but it will never be forgotten because it will be the moment that one of the biggest wrongs will be righted, so fuck off bitches!
Corez does a crotch chop now, then Xanthus come sup behind him hanging an arm around his neck and says.
As for being just crash test dummies, well yea, he may look like one, but its not about weapons Nikky, not by a stretch. True hardcore is not about simply abusing your body, it's a high threshold for pain yes, it's a state of mind that says you will go as far as you can push yourself and that is beyond any limit made because you can only limit yourself!
Xanthus now pushes Corez to the side some and gets shoved away for it. Then they head away from the camera just like that, focused and ready to take back the gold, to get what they earned and then the view just fades to black and we get ready for Extreme.

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