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Justin extreme 170 promo

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 07:22:51 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:09/05/2010 4:28 PMCopy HTML

Justin2020Katana20Rodgers20Banner.jpg Cena & Eve v picture by kristinbenoit97
Justin's Extreme 170 promo
Justin&Katana Rodgers
Mack&Julie/ most everyone else
Next victim
bobby james
Titles held
Read their bios plz
Next match
Justin vs Riot vs Megan vs Orton
i want the title

 The Prodigy
{Justin sits back in the hot tub in the back yard of his mother's house in Edmonton.  Katana is wearing a Brazillian thong bikini and walks over bending down carefully handing Justin a Heineken.  She slips into the water with him with a Corona.  She snuggles up next to him.  Justin takes a drink as Katana throws the bikini to the side.  Justin raises an eyebrow and glances down at her}
Katana:"It's not like they're going to be here forever."
{Justin chuckles.}

Justin:"Okay then.  {He turns to the camera} "Looking forward...{He smirks} to the future but I do have to mention the past.  I did exactly what I said I would.  I won my match.  Granted, I had a few naysayers like Ric but hell, I don't think he likes many people.  He's not my problem.  I won my match but Bobby has raised the stakes in our battle for the International title. He is invisible the entire time before the match and gets pissed that I win.  {shakes head} Maybe he knows that I can beat him, damn near beat Corez and Nick Torres a few years ago....not my time.  Now is my time.  Hartman tapped out and I don't think we'll be seeing him anytime soon.  One win is one win, but in one of my favorite movies as a kid, one line stuck out the most.  'It's not worth winning, if you can't win big.'  Now July 4th is going to be when I win big.  See Bobby, mentally and on the books I hold a win over you.  Just because it was Hartman that tapped doesn't matter.  In the tally books it says Rodgers 1, James 0.  Now Winnipeg, Manitoba, got family there too.  {Katana laughs} Nice penthouse hopefully certain people don't show up claiming it is there place from a long lost relative's will.  Anyway, its another good match."
Katana:"Even though you may have to wrestle a girl?"
Justin:"Not like I haven't ever before.    I've had to wrestle Maegan and Hayden lots of times.  Riot's going to be interesting.  He has several years working with that psycho vamp wannabe uncle of his.  Riot's a unique creature and I never know where his head is.  Usually its where ever Jade wants it to be, which could be a dangerous thing.  The Real Deal is a smart cookie but when wronged she has this vindictive streak.  Megan Sorrow's a pretty good worker.  Now Orton, {shakes his head} if he and Lacey were any closer I'd have to say I'd be going to another huge family wedding.  {shakes head}  It seems that's the only time I see most people I have known forever.  I don't know that much about him but I know that if Lacey is with him, he must be worth everything he claims.  So at this Extreme, I'm looking forward to the challenge.  I might have to pull some old school Bobby Heenan.  Sit back, relax, watch the sparks fly, and watch my back.  I don't know Megan well enough to know if she'd have my back.  Riot, I don't even know.  Orton and I probably wouldn't even get along if Lacey and I were still buddies like we used to be.  {He gets more comfortable and then looks pointedly into the camera} Some of you are probably wondering where my allegiance lie.  Most of my family has already sided with Lacey and Chris Orton.  I stand with this sexy thing right here.  My brother and sister are adults who make their own decisions.  Don't get me wrong I'm not going to let my sister get jumped by a bunch of people but other than that.  I'm here for championship gold.  They are here for personal vengance.  When I was training, I had to give up a lot of the anger and hatred that I held for Corez.  I had to regain the focus I had when I got into this business.  I wanted to be the best.  I got sidetracked by drama and now I got a woman who knocks me up side the head to keep me on track.  {he grins}  I see another Playboy spread when I win the International title. {he smirks as Katana blushes} "Maybe a little unveiling on Extreme when it comes out.  {He leans back and pulls Katana into his lap.} "But I have to win the title first.  Now James, I see what your game is.  So don't expect me to just lay back and take it."

{Scene cuts to a gym somewhere, showing that the previous video was pre-taped.  Justin is in jeans and a black t-shirt.  He stands over the body of Bobby James.  EMT's checking him saying he's just been knocked unconcious.  A little bit of blood...a love tap really.  Justin drops back to an excercise back, propping himself againist the wall to watch the action}Justin:"You know, you aren't as smart as you look.  {he gestures to a screen that is playing his promo.  On the screen he is talking and he echoes what he says.} "Payback is a bitch."

This layout is made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. Any attempts to steal it or claim it as your own will result in your fingers chopped off and fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any wrestlers and their respective companies. It is a mere concidence.


Kristin Fox

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Re:Justin extreme 170 promo
Date Posted:09/05/2010 6:26 PMCopy HTML






The following roleplay may contain material deemed inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little

[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!



Jeff-25.png picture by kristinbenoit97


[[Roleplay Title]] Justin's Extreme 170.
[[People Used/Mentioned]] Dynasty/Justin
[[Achievements]] Living life on my terms
[[OOC]] OOC Goes Here


{Riot is sitting on the roof of someplace.  The video feed wobbles a bit and steadys as if its on a tripod being blown by wind.  He's got his knees pulled up, arms wrapped around, and his chin on his knees thinking.  He slowly unfolds himself, still not looking at the camera.  He actually is looking out on the skyline of the Canadian Rockies.  He stares out at the night and begins to speak}

Riot:"Justin you say you don't know where my head is.  You think Jade pulls my strings like I'm her little man puppet.  I'm nobody's puppet.  I am my own man.  I should ask you the same Justin.  Your brother, your sister, your sister-in-law, my brother......{he finally turns to the camera} my brother is your brother-in-law.  That makes us family.  You want to know why I listen to Jade.  She made family important to me.  She made me feel wanted.  The Hart Family accepted as I am, not as the freaky bastard son of an ex-Marine.  For all the hell my step-grandfather gave my father for his past, piercings, and tats....he still looks at me as the outcast.  Why do you think I spent so much time living in New Orleans with Speirr and Isabel?  Yeah, its a little odd that they named their kids after vamps from an Anne Rice novel but they accept people who are different.  They value the unique.  I am the Black Sheep in my family and now you are the black sheep in your family, except I know where I stand with my family.  I know where I stand in this match.  Chris and Lacey are a strong happy couple as I am with Jade.  I know that if Lacey says he's cool then he'll have my back in this match.  As for that Megan chick, I doubt she'll make it to the next Extreme.  She's so battered from her cage match with Lacey that she'll never make it to our match on Extreme. Not that I look forward to beating up a girl but if I have to then I will.  More likely than not Jade will take care of her if she even shows up to the arena.  {He pauses to stretch} I am not one who sets out to ruin people's dreams but I will have to hand you a defeat this Extreme, whether it be at my hands or at Orton's.  The Dynasty will be victorious on Extreme."



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