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You'll Never Be More Real Than Impact X ----- Mack & Tina's Extreme Promo

Started by Taylor Andrews, September 27, 2023, 07:36:12 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:11/05/2010 6:47 PMCopy HTML

A handheld camera view is what we see as usual when seeing Shane Mack who right now sits back on a leather sofa backstage, jeans and dark blue plaid dress shirt on and unbuttoned with a black bandana headband and a Heineken in his right hand. His eyes glazed and his title sits on the table near his feet which are propped up. No one else is in there, besides whoever holds the camera and she speaks revealing its Tina.
So your in a match now huh Mack, too bad you weren't in my match with me!
Mack just smirks and takes a drink of beer, then lowers it and says.
So we hear her answer now.
Because, I mean, Weigel? Too bad Julie was only around that one night, she'd be a great third partner, those fake girls were facing would stand no chance against us then.
Mack nods in agreement, but laughs at the choice of words, then says.
Ah, Steve is a good wrestler, I know ya don't click with him, but at least you and Jade click, though I wonder if she'll even show, girl just up and vanished quicker than Dusty did to Corez!
Tina now laughs and says.
That's true, but Jade did get put through a table, hope she is alright, haven't heard from her since I went to the hospital with her. Lacey, Hayden, and the other Jade all click together, but not like Impact X does, I so wish you were in the match too!
Mack smirks and says.
Yea, but I wasn't supposed to wrestle this week, you know why too, but when SEF needs Mack, they get Mack! Now you also know that tripod works, so you could sit over, I won't bite...much!
He smirks slyly and we see the view moving now, then it steadies and focuses more down the middle of the two sofas across from each other, a little more on Mack and then we see Tina wearing tight blue jeans and a baby tee of the Impact X code shirt. She sits down by Mack takes his beer taking a drink, then hands it back and says.
So why did ya want me over here?
Mack smirks and says.
Well obviously, you know, to cut a promo baby, damn, why did ya think?
He grins big and Tina elbows him, then says.
Ok, whatever, I thought it was your promo time?
Mack shrugs and says.
We'll do it together, how's that sound?
Tina smirks and says.
Mmmm, sounds as fun anything else done with you!
She winks and turns to the camera getting a little more serious and says.
Well the, Lacey, Hayden, and the other Jade, the self proclaimed real deal, but in reality the second version because I know all about the Hart family by talking to the man sitting next me who has very deep ties to them, so just shut the fuck up you dumb fucking poser! And so what if I fuck Mack, make porn, oooh, not like were acting, just being the free spirits we are. The fact is girls, it doesn't make you any less of a wrestler. Every match I have been in here I have carried the weight of it, something Mack has helped to deal with considering how much he carries!
She glances back at him and Mack is just smiling all smugly. She laughs and turns back saying.
So what if I haven't won, so what if I had a rough start, I still out wrestled every one I faced so far. It doesn't matter who trains you, what matters is how hard you train and girls, I busted my ass to make it here and I will not give up trying to make it. I can wrestle as good as any of you, so if you think you so great, step in the ring with me one on one or if ya want to do another tag team match, then here's a challenge, me and Mack against any two of you!
Mack looks confused for a second and says.
Um, you know about my leg right, what I eluded to earlier, I need less matches!
Tina just rolls her eyes and looks at him saying.
But your Mack, your Super Shane Mack, in and out of the ring!
She grins and Mack flashes a grin, but says.
Yea, yea, I know who I am, but I'm still a man, a human, even I have to take it easy and heal wounds once in a while, once every five years or something!
He laughs and Tina laughs too, then says.
Fine, but the challenge to those girls still stands, but only on Mack's time, only when he says or you can brave it and try me one on one and I guarantee I will not only beat you that I just may not even bother pinning you, maybe just make you tap out because girls, I know how to do it! Brush me off as just another piece of tee an ay, but just remember I am the real T & A around here and I can kick ass. My three matches in SEF have gone like this. First was a tag team match and my partner I was forced to team with turned on me making it two on one, then next I was involved in a triple threat and Lacey actually got the pin on me, although, if she has any clue as to how, she knows she never beat me, just got a technical win. My third match was a fatal four way in which I was not involved in the deciding fall. Could be said I wasn't good enough to stop the fall and win, could be said I had my attention drawn elsewhere, me, I don't care. I have yet to face anyone here one on one, the true, pure test of who good you are, so how about girls, any of you dare to be my first or will you be too scared to face some as real as I am?!
She smirks and leans back crossing her legs towards Mack leaning his way some and says.
Ok, your turn!
Mack looks confused and closes his eyes pretending to sleep now and Tina just nudges him, then says.
Wake up asshole!
She then exclaims real loud.
Mack perks up and looks with a huge grin, but sees nothing and just slumps down shrugging and says.
You're a real bitch, now go do your bitch work and fetch me a beer!
He downs the rest of his and Tina just glares, then elbows him in the ribs. Mack doesn't spill a drop though and sets the bottle down, then Tina says.
You have an official bitch now, Steve Weigel, so make him do it!
Mack smirks, thinking, and says.
Your right, I do and that little fucker is supposed to be around here again, he better hurry and fetch me a beer unless you want to and maybe I could give ya something in return?!
He winks and Tina just smiles saying.
Well I need one anyways, but I'll take anything you wanna give me!
She licks her lips and stands up walking out of view as Mack leans back smiling and says.
So it looks like Extreme can't get along without me for one week, I have to be on the card and I once again have to main event and who gets to stand in that ring fulfilling the greatest moment of their life, Nikky Venom!
Tina comes back into view with a Heineken and a Guinness Stout, both open and she hands the Guinness to Mack, sits down and they both take a drink now, then Tina says.
So Nikky gets to headline against you huh, isn't this his first one on one match against you?
Mack shrugs and says.
I think it may be, one on one, yea, though his partner Johnny Camaro and I had a couple matches and if Nikky can bring the fight Johnny did, I expect a good challenge. If he tries what he has been doing lately I'll expect to carry his ass, but either way the match belongs to me. Whether I gotta carry him and have a good match or he actually steps up and we have a great match, the match is mine, of course there is the third possibility. Maybe that masked wonder will cost me a match again? Whoever it is has been jumping me a few times and last week in a huge match, Chris Orton with a crack at the man, one more time, and it gets spoiled, ruined. Would suck for the same to happen this Thursday against Nikky, but if it does, then it does, so be it. I'm walking into the match prepared to wrestle Nikky Venom, prepared for anything, so come and get some Nikky, c'mon son, give a little, so ya can get a little or just fade away like your doing and be nobody!
Mack takes a drink of beer and Tina says.
Our matches should be combined, either person tag match, then Impact X could win as a collective unit!
Mack just smirks and says.
Your hell bent on wanting to team up together, why?
Tina rolls her eyes and says.
Well duh, I want to win!
Mack just nods in agreement and says.
Oh, well I get ya there, guess that's why ya want a one on one match too? Finally what YOU can do!
Tina nods yes and starts to say something when Jenom who is off camera say,
That feels better, nice, hot shower, so what are you two up to?
Tina turns and smiles, then says.
Cutting promos, now why don't you come over and drop that towel good looking?!
Mack smirks and agrees saying.
Hell yea, lets have some more fun!
We hear Jenom say.
Maybe later, besides, I'll wear something that leaves to the imagination anyways!
Mack keeps smirking and Tina gets up and jumps on the sofa and over the back out of view. We hear a smack and Jenom says.
Oooh, your gonna get for that little girl!
Tina is heard giggling and Mack just leans back sipping on his beer and says.
It is good to be Mack and Nikky Venom, its not so good to be you. A former International, European, US, and Tag Champ and just who in the hell is Nikky Venom? Rookie of the year last year, you came in at the right time and you got talent, but when more talent entered you failed to stand out and you lost it before you could make it. Me, I won more gold quicker than you ever could, I was holding this title I hold now within two months of being in SEF, held it a few times since and held on to it for some lengthy reigns and definitely memorable reigns. I have been in match after match defending this title against anyone and everyone and if I were in charge I would be defending it against you on Extreme! Thing is Nikky, the champion may make the title, but he does not decide who gets a shot. Influence yes, decide no, so your obviously gonna have to earn a shot at this title and maybe you could do it on Extreme, maybe you could beat Mack, but the odds are against you because you allowed them to be. No one believes in you to be able and beat me because you show no care for what you do, you give nothing anymore, your passion is not seen in your eyes, nothing is seen. I wish it were not so, but it happens, hell, I have been drained before, I lost my smile once, eh, but I found it. Sometimes it happens, so maybe ya need a break, I don't know Nikky, only you do, so either step up to me or get stepped on by me, your choice!
He takes a drink of beer and looks over the sofa smirking, his head turning as he says.
So ya finally dressed, damn you slow and even with Tina helping!
Jenom comes into view wearing a frayed jean skirt, a really short one and leather high heeled boots with a white halter top. She jumps down on Mack's lap and we can see a flash of her white thong, his hand comes up catching her some and she plants a passionate kiss on him. He grimaces in pain some and just scoots her back off his lap and rubs his right knee saying.
Damn, watch the leg will ya?
Jenom looks sorry and says.
Oh, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to, you know why I did it right?!
She smirks and Mack rolls his eyes and nods yea as the view is unsteady again, then moves across from Mack and Jenom. It steadies better as Tina apparently sits down, then Mack says.
Yea, I know why plopped down, ya can't enough of Mack, so grab me a fresh beer and make up for it!
He grins and arches a brow saying.
That one is still half full!
Mack takes a drink now and empties the bottle, then says.
Nah, its empty!
Jenom rolls her eyes and laughs, then gets up and takes the bottle, walks out of view and says.
Your lucky your hurt, but tonight I'm really gonna hurt you!
Tina speaks up now.
Were gonna hurt you!
Mack just smirks and says.
Ah well, price ya pay to be good like Mack, so about we relax a little right now?
Jenom comes back into view and sits on the sofa handing Mack an open Becks while she takes a drink from a bottle of Heineken. Mack pulls a big ass blunt from his shirt pocket and Jenom smirks as Tina says.
Oh my god, where did you get that big thing?
Mack just smirks and Jenom laughs, then Mack says.
Some of us are just gifted I guess!
He pulls out a BIC and flicks it lighting the end of the blunt and then the camera is set on the table limiting the view as we now only see level with the top of the sofa, Mack's legs seen and Jenom's which are crossed, damn it. We can hear inhaling and then coughing is really heard and soon the view fades to black, so that's it for now. Check back later, tune back into the same Impact X channel and the same Impact X time because their time is anytime!

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