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An Impact X Chat ----- Tina's Extreme Promo

Started by Taylor Andrews, September 27, 2023, 08:09:34 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:12/05/2010 9:51 PMCopy HTML

Kicked back on a leather sofa in the Impact X room is Shane Mack in his gear with the title around his waist, smoke in the air and eyes glazed, same goes for Jenom who sits next to him wearing her jean skirt and an Impact X baby tee. Across from them on another sofa is Tina in black leather pants and an Impact X baby tee as well, her eyes also glazed and she says.
These dumb blondes still don't get it do they?!
Jenom looks up now and says.
Don't be calling them dumb because their blondes, they give blondes a bad name unlike us who give blondes a good name!
She smirks and Tina nods smiling as Mack just drinks a Becks. Tina says.
They think they have my number, they think little Tina is scared and I have to beg for a new partner, but yet none of them have said they want to face me one on one, so it would appear the only fear coming from anywhere is their locker room, not to mention the smell of skank as well!
Jenom nods in agreement as Mack laughs. Tina continues.
These girls are just getting me more and more ready to step in that ring and show them what's up, show them that it doesn't matter where you trained, what name you claim to have, if your gonna make it, YOU make it, not some false family they wish they were a part of, right Mack?!
She grins and Mack just looks shifty eyed and says.
Huh, what, I didn't say anything!
He grins big and holds a hand over his head trying to make a halo and Jenom just laughs slapping him playfully, then Tina says.
Yea, more like devil horns for you. Sucks these girls have to constantly lie about me and their so called family and what's with the whle training spiel they did? All because I explained my background, I never gave no intention that I believed I was anything big. I know all about learning, something these girls need to do more of around here. Anytime ya come to a new place ya have to learn a lot, so whether they like it or not, I got that advantage over them. I unfortunately have no advantage to win because Steve is my only partner I think will show up.
She looks disappointed and Mack says.
Yea, that sucks, so fuck the match and just tear them a new one, make them stand up and say, whoa, we fucked up in not taking this chick seriously which I have a feeling is gonna happen.
Tina smiles and says.
Yea, oh yea, their fucking with the wrong woman and you know what, you know what my biggest motivation to make them eat every word they uttered? What they said about Whitney, saying Lacey is better-
Jenom cuts her off with a laugh and a half, then says.
Please, that is the biggest lie said!
Mack shrugs and nods in agreement as Tina says.
I know and don't worry, whether I win or lose this match, one of these girls is gonna get brutalized if not all three. I don't care if its during or after the match, they want someone to bring a real fight to them, then they need not look anywhere else, but in my direction and maybe one of these weeks we can show them how a real team works, Mack?!
She smirks and Mack just looks shifty eyed again and says.
Yea, well, maybe, I don't know, these girls and that whole bunch coming in with them or associated with them is fucking funny, sad funny, but funny. I mean fuck, they all think their shit don't stink, that their morally good and shit, what a crock! I got half a mind to cut something real hardcore on them, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt like I did when Chris Orton got here. Who knows, maybe they'll step up and show they can work instea dof run their mouths about shit they got no clue about?!
He tosses back his beer and Tina says.
Careful, they already think I tried to make it sound like they were calling you out, I don't want more lies spewed about me!

Mack shrugs and says.
People in this business very rarely speak the truth anyways, so get used to their lies. Don't sweat what they say cause I speak from what I hear and see of them, not what you try to talk me into, besides, your just being a half ass comedian, wonder where ya picked that up from?!
Jenom nudges Mack and Tina rolls her eyes and laughs saying.
Yea, gee, I wonder...Mack!
They all laugh some now and Mack pulls out a blunt and says.
As much as this stuff gets put over in this time were living in, so many are still down on it because if what our government made them believe, its sad ya know. Nikky needs to get a clue about more than just this shit, he needs to realize that no one ever thought he was god and carried shit and me, well I may joke about being god-
Jenom cuts him off.

But your really Satan!
Mack smirks and strokes his beard giving a slight evil yet comedic grin and says.
Yea, well you know who I am. Least you do, fucking Weigel still don't know dick about me either. He thinks I'll pay for my sins, cheating on Whitney, but what no one understands is that we have a relationship that is not like most. I have never left her for any chick and I never will. She is number one and as long as it stays that way I get to play all I want, plus she gets to have Julie!
He smirks and takes a drink of beer, then Tina says.
I want more of Julie, damn it, I only got that one night like Jade!
Mack shrugs and says.
Least you got to have her!
Mack takes a drink of beer as Jenom just grins and gloats saying.
Guess I'm the only one to have gone steady with Julie!?!
Mack has the blunt in his mouth now and pulls out a BIC as Tina gets up and walks over to the camera. Mack fires it up and tokes up, then passes it to Jenom as Tina clicks the camera off and fade to black we go, so yea, enough said.

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