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Where is Jade?

Started by Kristin Fox, September 27, 2023, 08:33:45 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:13/05/2010 1:57 PMCopy HTML

dustybanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
{OOC: Moving my stuff because photobucket won't let me post my banner by Whitney

{{We open on a nice sized apartment complex in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  Dusty Rodgers O'Bannon is standing knocking on the door of one of the units.  She's dressed in low rise pinstripe slacks and a midriff barring matching vest.  She's wearing black Armani shades and glancing down annoyed at her Cartier watch and tapping the toe of her black Leboutin boots impatiently.  Across the lower part of her back is heart style American flag done in color with Staff Sgt. Knox O'bannon scripted across it.  Finally, she hears someone on the other side of the door}
Dusty:"Come on Jaydan, you know I'm here alone.  This better not be some Yolonda Saldivar kind of set up because I'll shove the gun right up your ass because I'm not in the mood for this psycho stalker emo shit."
{The door slowly opens to reveal the original SEF Jade Hart in yoga pants and a oversize black t-shirt.  Her hair has been cut short due to a bandage on the back of her head.  Ten or 15 staples will do that.  She lets her in and gestures to the couch.  She has a 42" flat screen hanging on the wall and its on SEF on Demand.  Dusty goes and sits down crossing her legs.  Jade sits across from her in a chair.}
Jade:"You've been keeping up with the.."
{Dusty rolls her eyes annoyed}Dusty:"Of course I have your friend Xanthus threatened to kill my daughter.  So yeah, I just came back from Texas because I had to take her home to my in laws because when it comes to family the O'Bannons are a little bit psycho when it comes to protecting their own.  Knox's dad is a bit of a survialist so if he gets within 40 clicks he'll have a sniper's bull's eye trained on his forehead."
Jade:"That's pretty damn serious.  I think he was probably just pissed and talking out of his ass."
Dusty:"I didn't know him very well and I didn't like what I knew then.  If Corez can't control him then Knox will kill him."Jade:"Okay, I need a favor."
{Dusty turns to her with a raised eyebrow}
Dusty:"Way to get to the point."
Jade:"My girlfriend has a six person tag match and she doesn't trust the guy she has to team with."
Dusty:"Againist my sister-in-law and her two closest friends."
Jade:"I know but you have this idea about fair play and Tina's only been out of wrestling school a few months.  Do you think she's ready to face Lacey's crew alone?"
Dusty:"They have a name.  They are the Dynasty Divas because of their training and family ties.  Just like I'm always going to referred to by Texas wrestling fans as a Furious Filly.  I'm not a stupid horse!"
Jade:"Don't you care about fair play?"
{Dusty sighed.}
Dusty:"Okay. I'll talk to Mack.  Maybe he can pull some strings."
{Jade hugs her.}
Jade:"I'll call him."
{Awhile later Dusty knocks on the hotel room she's been directed too.  Dusty expects Jenom to do a imposing glare down at her.  She didn't. She just pointed to where Mack was drinking a guiness and smoking.  Dusty raises an eyebrow.}
Dusty:"Jade said she was going to see if you could get the card changed?  {she brushed back her hair...actually a little curious and getting a little contact high} "She wants me to team with Tina.  What do you think?"
{Tina offers to pass to her}
Tina:"Wanna hit?"
Dusty:"If I get started then I'll never be able to go home again.  The K-9 crew will kill me.  {{she glances at the Corona}} "I wouldn't turn down a Corona though."


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Re:Where is Jade?
Date Posted:13/05/2010 9:22 PMCopy HTML

Mack actually hasn't been seen yet as Tina and Jenom talk to Dusty at the door. Dusty must of got a good contact buzz thinking she saw Mack, not to mention this is the arena, not the hotel, Extreme is tonight and Impact X is always at the arena early. Tina just says.

Come on in and have a Corona, Mack is in the bathroom, so when he gets out-

She tops as the bathroom door opens, the door closed and the view from the camera in the room on the tripod. He heads over sitting on the sofa and Jenom sits down with him handing him a Guinness Stout and Dusty comes over to say something when Mack says.

I heard from in the bathroom and I don't give a fuck, its not my match, its Tina's. Have a Corona too if ya want, I don't care.

Tina sits down on the other side of Mack and says.

As long as ya help me in the match I don't care if your on my team, just prove yourself in the ring cause Mack taught me not trust too easily, especially when you are tied to the crew that came after Corez.

Dusty just looks at Tina with a glare and Mack says.

Ah, they can fight their own battles, no need to bring that shit up in here. Just cause they got they fucked with first don't mean nothing, besides, if they want my help, they know where I am!

He just smirks and Tina says.

Alright, well Dusty, I still don't see us winning, but I don't care about that anymore. At least one of these girls tonight is gonna find out that I can go just hard and good as they can in the ring, maybe even better because we all may not know, but that means they don't either!

She leans back and takes a drink of water, then Mack just shrugs and looks at Dusty, then at Jenom, then says.

So what's up?

Mack takes a drink of beer.

Kristin Fox

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Re:Where is Jade?Date Posted:13/05/2010 10:03 PMCopy HTML
dustybanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
{OOC: Moving my stuff because photobucket won't let me post my banner by Whitney

{{Dusty raises an eyebrow and takes a seat opposite of them}}
Dusty:"Look, I came here out of well first because I trained Jade.  She asked me as a favor.  Now you want to basically insult me.  Yes, my husband did get in Corez's face.  I come in with my husband because he has problems with Corez.  Honestly, he has a problem with the way I was dumped...I think.  {she takes a sip of corona} I didn't come in with a crew.  As for my brother, he asked a simple question and now he's getting lumped in with my husband.  In case anyone noticed Justin and Lucas are two different people....{she rolls her eyes} they are very different.  Lucas is running with Knox now, not with Justin.  In fact, Justin seems to be running around with old ppvs from when he was 15 introducing his new promos which is weird.  I don't even get it but the point is this.  I'll team with you.  If I was hear to fight or to just get a match.  {she gives a sarcastic smile and takes s sip of corona} I'd have flown to New York.  Its not like the queens of wrestling travel in different circles.  My mom could have called Whitney up and asked a favor from her.  {she looks pointedly at Tina} You can say what you want about my sister-in-law and cousin's genetics.  You don't know them any more than I know you.  I was asked to tag up with you for the match and I gave my word.  {now she turns to Mack} As for Xanthus, is he in Impact X or is he just apart of the party?  Corez and I had our problems in the past but I'll back my husband's play.  Mack you've always said it like it is.  I know you do not respect my family but if you decide to ask them to join will you at least wait until after the match?"


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Re:Where is Jade?
Date Posted:13/05/2010 10:49 PMCopy HTML

Mack just looks at her with an arched brow and says.

First of all, you came in here, so chill ok, no one insulted you and contrary to your belief, I respect all, so your wrong there, admit it and get over it!

Dusty just nods ok and Mack says.

As for the shit with calling up Whitney for favors, um, doesn't really mean a whole lot. If your trying to show off that ya got some sort of pull, then think again. You and Corez had a relationship, right?

Dusty just says.


Mack says.

And you grew distant and problems arose with communication between ya two, right?

She again says.


Mack says.

And you did what for SEF while he continued to bust his ass?

She looks sad sorta and says.


Mack just says.

Look, ya had a problem ya had to deal with at the time, but ya should have thought about Corez if he was really important to you. Think about how he felt having his so called girlfriend treat him like he wasn't even there. I don't mean to get into this with ya, but ya did say one thing for sure, I do call it like it is. Do I condone hitting a woman, no, but will I wrestle one or put my hands on one inside the ring, yes. You and Corez had a problem, you need to work it out or leave him the fuck alone! I know who is who around here, but the point is that Corez was approached first. He was causing no one any grief what so ever until he was confronted and I saw it all, I talked to the guy about it all, were like this!

He crosses his fingers together and Dusty nods, then Mack says.

Xanthus as well and he is a hot head, but no more than Knox or Riot or even Justin appeared to be and that's a fact you better learn to accept. Them boys came back for the Tag Titles that had they not come back for would probably be sitting on a shelf somewhere vacated due to lack of tag team competition. I'm hoping your boy and his bro get into the mix, but it appears they don't care and that sucks as far as making it here. As far as them being with me, in Impact X, well lets just say this, if they wanted to be in my group they wouldn't even have to ask, but their not. I cannot predict the future no more than anyone else can. By the way, I know the Hart family just as good as anyone in SEF does, so you don't have the right to come in here and tell me about them, I know!

He smirks slyly at Dusty who nods and says.

Alright, I was wrong to say anything about it, just those girls are getting so annoyed with what Tina has been saying about them and their bugging me about it.

She makes a scowl face to the floor and Mack just laugh as Tina says.

If they can't the heat, stay out of the kitchen, right?!

Mack says to Dusty.

You defend whoever ya want, I got no care for where you go, chill in here with a beer or go to war, but if your gonna chill in here ya best be ready to shoot straight or shut up, were peaceful around these parts!

Mack smirks and takes a drink of beer as Jenom just laughs while Tina nudges Mack some and says.

Be nice ya big meanie!

Mack just looks confused and says.

I was, I just hate this drama being brought in, fuck it sucks!

He leans back looking around all relaxed and takes a drink of his beer.

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