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X Marks The Impact ----- Xanthus & Corez Extreme Promo

Started by Da Gangstas, September 27, 2023, 10:26:46 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:16/05/2010 2:57 PMCopy HTML

And here we find the two newest members of Impact X, Xanthus and Corez, they stand in front of the usual SEF backdrop, Xanthus wearing an Impact X shirt with the code on the front and holding a Singapore cane and looking amped up crazy ass insane as usual while Corez wears the same shirt, both wear their Tag Titles around their waists and Corez has a small logging chain hanging around his neck and says.
Knox, Riot, you two boys wanna bring your asses to SEF and think your top, tough shit and we are just shit? Well you got what you wanted on Extreme, a fight, hell, we even gave you the fucking win because unless these titles are on the line.
He pats his Tag belt and says.
We don't give a fuck if we win or lose, your facing two men who have no care, nothing to lose. When you earn a Tag Title shot then maybe something will be on the line, but all that is on the line is your so called pride. You got mad because I tapped your wife before she was your wife and then she dumped me, so I dumped her and that's just the way it is. Don't like it, fuck you man, that's what happened like it or not, so learn to live with it because it is the only truth of the matter. As for Extreme, your gonna find out much fight is inside of me because when you step into my face the way you and your family have done lately and three years ago as well. Last week was nothing, it was bullshit, it was a set up for this week because you heard my bro here spew it himself, Prison Yard, its what we want and obviously its what a lot want to see, so bad that Frankie made two of them for one night. We get to open the show kicking your asses all over that cell, beating your brains into mush, raping you with any weapon we want to use, annihilating your worthless carcass. Knox, when we get down with this match, your little girl, she's gonna look at you and not know who you are. Are you porepared to pick your little girl up and have her be scared, not know who you are, not recognize her own flesh and blood, her father? Are you ready to feel that intangible feeling in your gut knowing your whole world just got fucked with all because you got jealous of me and that is a fact! Say it ain't so, but Knox, you're the one who came to me, you got in my face, make up all the excuses ya want about getting lost in the arena. Fact is, you came to me first, I was minding my own business, hanging with my bro here. Suck it up pal cause your gonna have to deal with a whole lot more than any war you ever been in. Up until now, what you have experienced has been child's play, your in a bigger world than you ever been in!
He sneers and Xanthus just nods and now he says.
So much for collateral damage Knox! Looks like you proved to be talking out of your ass like when ya spewed your bullshit to Corez about the Dusty situation and ya know Knox, since your gonna be unrecognizable to your daughter after this match, then maybe I'll just have to swing by and be her new daddy! Don't worry, I'll until she's at least a teenager before I teach her about the "birds and the bees"!
He smirks in a disgusting manner as Corez just looks at him weird and says.
Damn dawg, that's fucked up!
Xanthus just shrugs and says.
I just don't give a fuck! Knox, you fucked with the wrong hombres and your gonna get fucked for it and when I'm done I'll fuck your daughter, your wife, your whole fucking family with this cane that I use to fuck you, so fuck off asshole! And Riot, ya little punk fuck bitch boy, trying to act all insane, oooh, I can do a triple twisting six hundred thirty rotation senton corkscrew moonsault into a shooting star leg drop!
He gets all wide eyed and that blankness behind the eyes that just makes ya go, what the fuck is there? Corez scratches his head and asks.
What the fuck kinda move is that?
Xanthus says.
The kind these fucking punk posers do, that's what. Riot, your gonna find out what a riot in prison feels like when your bounced into a concussion. You can throw everything you want at me, but X to the fucking A don't stay down or give up. I'm a fucking idiot, I'm too goddamn dumb to stay down or give up. I'll let ya break my arm or leg or neck before I give in, so do it, c'mon boys, break me, I dare you to try cause ain't no one ever broke me down and no one ever will. Many have tried, many have stated they will, but no one ever has and I can say it with a hundred percent honesty that no one ever will. So be like all those other liars and claim ya will, but be prepared to get let down. One way you can keep me down is to literally kill me, end my life, take me out for good, make me dead and that is something I wish you would fucking do, so c'mon, kill me assholes, end me, c'mon, fucking show what ya got, show your not afraid to kill me or to die trying. You can claim all you want, but until ya prove it, its all just bullshit! We have proven what lengths we'll go to, so prove yourselves or you better not even show up cause were not afraid to kill you!
Xanthus whips the cane up bringing it slamming over his own head, then swings cracking Corez in the ribs and grabs him looking for the Ghetto Busta. Corez swings him around and charges Corez into the fencing behind them. Xanthus slams forearms to his back and Corez backs off now, then kicks Xanthus in the gut and tries for the Corez Effect. Xanthus shoves him backwards and leaps up nailing a spinning back kick to his jaw. He lifts Corez in a firemans carry, then spins him nailing the Asshole Cutta to the floor and gets up, turns to the camera and says.
Just a fucking preview of what awaits you two jokes, you two pathetic pukes, your fucking dead, ya fucking here me, you two worthless cocksuckers are gonna die in prison, in the Prison Yard, your not over, your finished!
Xanthus grabs the camera staring into and yells.
He then turns whipping it down the corridor and the view is all jumbled before a crash and then static is seen before we fade to black.

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