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OBannon, Lucas, & Jade Extreme

Started by Kristin Fox, September 28, 2023, 08:36:03 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:204
  • Posts:143
  • From:USA 
  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:18/05/2010 8:35 PMCopy HTML

This roleplay might be a little to risky for those of you who are little virgins, when it comes to sex, rough language, and violence! So if you don't think you can handle the heat the get the hell outta dodge! I warned you!
 Knox20OBannon20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97 
|| The O'Bannon Clan ||
{OOC: This is a combo rp for Extreme.}

{We open on modest ranch style in Dallas, Tx.  The family room is wall to wall carpet with a large fireplace.  On the mantel of the fireplace are pictures.  In the center, on the wall is a huge portrait of Knox in his dress blues and Dusty in an ivory colored Vera Wang gown.  The other pictures are assorted family pictures and a couple of Knox from the Marines: including one on a base somewhere with Knox in his uniform and Lucas in his MP uniform.  Both are leaning againist an MP jeep.  As we zoom out from the fireplace, there are two flags in the corner, one is Old Glory and the other is the red and yellow flag of the Marines flag featuring the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor symbol.  The plush carpet is hunter green and the couches are black vinyl.  The coffee table is black and covered with fabric samples and furniture magazines.  Dusty is wearing low rise jeans and a white baby doll t-shirt with an American flags with faux rhinestones in red, white, and blue making an American flag.  Her hair is pulled back into a pony tail and shades of the cute 18 year old Dusty she had been in 2007.  Next to her looking much more chic in True Religion jeans, Nike air shox, and a black tie up shirt is Jade Hart.}

Jade:"I don't see how you can be so calm!  Riot and Knox are in this barbaric match!"

{Dusty blows her bangs off her forehead in annoyance}

Dusty:"I was actually try to ignore it.  Besides, I thought you'd be used to this kind of thing.  I'm surprised Riot's even in Dallas.  I'd think he'd be in New Orleans getting all kinds of pointers from the Freaks."

Jade:"Ugh, no! I am so trying to keep him away from them!  If I had seen him there instead of how I met him here then I don't think I ever would have given him a chance."

Dusty:"Riot's really sensitive. He probably would have never thought he had a chance with you in the first place.  {Dusty giggles} If walking in on someone in the shower isn't a way to get someone's attention then I don't know how else he would have gotten your attention."

Jade:"Oh my God! I hope his parents don't find out!"

Dusty:"I think you underestimate Talon and Lacey.  I wouldn't be suprised if Talon didn't try the reverse to get Lacey's attention.  Next time when I tell you to go to the bathroom downstairs you will!"

{Jade flushes}

Jade:"I don't know.  I did like what I saw.  {she looks down at her engagment ring} "He says he's going to design our wedding set and then weld the metal himself."

Dusty:"He's artistic enough to do it. {she reaches underneath the samples for a flyer} What I wanna know is how Justin and Lucas are going to survive their fatal fourway without killing each other."

{Jade looks over the flyer and laughs}

Jade:"Lacey Daniels and Jade Hart vs Jade Hart and Megan Sorrow.  They want to see this again?  How many times has Lacey kicked Megan's ass?  Hayden's not booked but I bet she's going to be at ringside with us.  I know Julie may have left but I do not know if Jenom's going to be around so with everything going on...{she grits her teeth} with the fake bitch and her new 'relationship' with Corez."

{Dusty cringes}

Dusty:"That was so wrong!  He never made me do that."

Jade:"Good!  That was sick but the location!"

Dusty:"I'm sure it probably wasn't the real dungeon.  I don't see your Aunt Allison letting them in there to do that.  I mean a lot of people would be really pissed if that happened and I don't mean just the family either!  I bet Corez was just trying to make a point."

Jade:"It doesn't matter! I'm going to kill her!  I almost wish that I was put in a prison yard match with that bitch.  In fact, {she looks at her watch} I have to fly out to put in some serious strategy time in with Lacey.  We are going to try to make this match look spectacular since we're facing the same people again.  Now where is Riot?"

{They look around as the guys come in.  Riot and Knox are filthy.  Blood is mixed with mud.  Knox and Loki's camo fatigues are durable enough to withstand the hell they've been through but Riot's jeans and t-shirt are tattered.  Knox's face is frozen into a look of focus.  His black eyes are as hard as coal and lacks expression.  Riot's mouth is set into a grim line.  His eyebrow is split open and he has a myriad of cuts on his chest and back.  Lucas comes in with Hayden.  They look like they've just come from the gym.}

Lucas:"Dusty, look what I picked up on the side of the road."

{Dusty's mouth dropped open as she saw them.  Jade jumps up totally freaked out and runs to Riot.  She's trying to check him out all over, making noises of shock and horror.  He finally catches her hands and frowns at her}

Riot:"Don't.  It's fine.  It'll might be worse after Extreme."

{Knox turns back toward him}

Knox:"It will be.  It's going to be hell.  You think going through the course today was bad?  It's not going to be anything compared to this structure.  It's kinda like a PCWF Alcatraz match."

Dusty:"OH MY GOD!"

{both hands fly to her mouth and her eyes widen and start to tear up.  {Jade looks between them as Dusty runs to Knox.  He puts an arm around her but isn't looking at anyone}

Knox:"The only difference between the prison yard and the Alcatraz is that the Alcatraz match has bombs set to go off at periodic intervals, salt is on the ground around the ring.  The ring ropes are barbwire."

{Lucas takes a deep breath}

Lucas:"Jade has a right to know everything."

{Riot looks down at his fiancee}

Riot:"Alcatraz is done with a Tai Pei death match inside.  {Jade looks confused} Okay, you've never seen Kickboxer.  That could be a good thing.  There is all kinds of razor wire on this huge cage.  I've only been in these kind of matches before.  It's how the blood lust title is defended."

Jade:"Oh no, see, if you want to marry me, you'd better vacant that title right now.  {she stops her foot} If you love me you'll quit your sick sadistic uncle's company right now!"

{Riot gave her a wane smile}

Riot:"When was the last time I was in New Orleans?"

{Jade frowned}


{Riot nods and his voice goes all soft}

Riot:"I quit already.  {he then looks up at his brother.  complete opposites} "A challenge has been given to the Clan O'Bannon.  I've heard the things THC has said to Knox.  The things that have been said about Emily have been scarred into my brain forever.  Xanthus thinks he's crazy.  He has no idea what insane is until I get into the ring with him.  I hate bullies.  Especially when its adults threatening children.  Even with the way I look I've never been accused of hurting a child.  In fact in New Orleans, I'm actually looked at as somewhat normal but with the family there...."

Knox:"Fuck the family in New Orleans.  This is about what is happening here and now.  
Xathus is a sick fuck.  He needs to be put down like a rabid dog.  My problems with Corez were about Dusty.  X had no right bringing Emily into this.  He'll have to kill me before I ever let him near her again."

{Riot stepped around Jade and grabbed his little brother's head}

Riot:"Look at me.  {he finally does} "That will never happen.  I won't let it.  I plan on breaking that nasty little bastard's neck.  I doubt he'll every walk again.  For damn sure he'll never wrestle again.  You let me worry about Xanthus.  He wants hardcore. I'll give him hardcore.  You go ahead and handle your business with Corez."

{Lucas shakes his head}

Lucas:"and I thought I had problems being in a match with Justin.  I got a convict and a cry baby."

{Riot gave an eerie laugh}

Riot:"I do like how Justin claims Venom is a wannabe me.  He really is."

Lucas:"I know that.  I doubt that little punk even makes the match.  The convict, {shakes his head} "I thought I was done with criminals when I was discharged from the Marines.  At least on base, it was some drunken disorderly grunts on a tear.  This is a serious hardened criminal.  I know he likes to be manhandled.  I'll see if that little bastard Venom shows up and then make my move.  Otherwise, I'll be with you at the prison yard match.  I have a few ideas.  Starting with getting this knuckle head a pair of your extra fatigues cuz jeans and a shirt aren't going to cut it."

{Dusty is crying into Knox's shoulder.  Jade is stricken and looking back and forth betwen Dusty and Riot}

Jade:"I don't understand why she's so upset."

{Lucas sighs and nudges Riot.}

Lucas:"Get ready.  {He takes a deep breath}  This kind of match tore my dad's shoulder up so much that one of his artery's was nicked. He almost bled out."

{Dusty began to cry harder and Jade went into a panic and passed out.  Riot caught her}

Riot:"You didn't have to be so graphic.  You could have just said Josh was cut up so bad." 

Lucas:"She has to know the truth.  The last thing you need is to have her have the nightmares that my mom did for months afterward."

{Knox frowned}

Knox:"My mom did too.  I'm just barely old enough to remember."

Riot:"So how does Dusty know?"

Lucas:"Her mom made her watch it."

Riot:"Talk about a sick bitch.  You think maybe Cynthia and X are related?"

{Lucas' eyes narrowed}

Lucas:"Hell no!  That would mean I was biologically related to that dick!"

{Riot frowned{


Lucas:"Dusty and I biologically have the same parents."

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