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Praying...(Orton,Lacey,Mack(Extmere R/p#1

Started by The Legendary Steve Weigel, September 28, 2023, 08:39:16 PM

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The Legendary Steve Weigel

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:04/11/2009 10:38 PM
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Date Posted:19/05/2010 6:48 AMCopy HTML

. . W a r n i n g . .
The roleplay of  Steve Weigel that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!

The scene open to a church wear mr weigel is on his knee's in front of a cross.

Steve Weigel - God I'm not good at this, but if you deal with me for a second I will try my best at this. You and me have never seen eye to eye in the past, but right now I need you more then ever. They tell me that I talk to you like your by myside, yet its hard for me when I can't see you. My belief has always been that you believe in what you see, but right now I don't care anymore. See I need you and I have never needed anyone in my life.

He open his eye's and looks around at everyone for a second, before closing his eye's once again.

Steve Weigel - This week I'm walking into extmere for the first time scared for my life and well being. After listening to Orton's promo I started to think about what he said. He is taking this match personal. He is even dreaming about me. Now what happens in his dreams I don't want to know. But please god don't let him touch me in bad ways. See I don't want to be raped by him.

He stands up laughing and spins facing the camera like a bat out of hell. Weigel winks into the camera and smirks.

Steve Weigel - Welcome to church everybody. Now I know your think why is he at a church?! Well Christy Orton told me to pray to god and thats what I was just doing. I heard your little promo and everything you had to say to me and to tell you the truth I'm shaking in my boots. Dude why am I on your mind so much and I don't even want to know why your dreaming of me. You are one sick freak. Why do I need a savior? Let me let you on a little secert son. No one is my savior. I'm a skinny dippin' finger flippin' son of a gun. I do what I want, when I want and I anwser to no one. Surely not a god. See even I know that legends or the same as god. I believe what I see and I have never seen a god in my whole life.

Weigel pulls out a bottle of jack out of his jacket pocket. The priest start walking up to him and weigel gives him a look that could kill and the child molester back's off quickly.

Steve Weigel - Nothing like a bit of jack in a church. I dare that child molester to tell me I can't have this in here after they molested little boys in the church. See orton is just like them. He wants to molest me. He said he is going to do to me what he was going to do to mack. Sorry Christy I'm not like that. I got better things to do with my time then fooling around with you. See now I know why your with lacey. She is a cover up. That way you don't have to come out and tell everyone your gay.

Weigel takes a drink and begins to laugh a bit.

Steve Weigel - Then your talking about showing me no mercy beatting my ass. Dude your not touching my ass. See thats why I'm scared to show up for this match. Talking about showing my ass no mercy. You need help real badly. Then in your promo, out of your own mouth you tell the world that lacey fuck's you. Now I really don't want her. I never knew she had a cock. Is that why you walk so fun down to the ring everyweek? Damn you two are nothing but freaks.

Steve crosses his legs.

Steve Weigel - Damn I got to take a piss.

Weigel unzips his pants and pulls out his cock and starts pissing on the cross. When he is done he smirks and puts it away and zips his pants back up.

Steve Weigel - Damn jack goes right threw me.

People who seen it ran away, but a few women stay staring at him.

Steve Weigel - Thats what I think about your so called god. See I'm not like your god. I'm not going to hang on a cross for you and let you poke me.

Weigel starts laughing hard. He takes another drink of jack.

Steve Weigel - Fucking long nose jews. So you want to put me in a casket? Then lets make this a casket match and be over with it. But then you talk about ending my career. Do you really think you can do that? Then lets up this match. Whoever loses will retire. See tomorrow night we fight in that ring and I don't plan on going anywhere. What I do plan on doing is walking out of that match as the winner. See you think you were a good world champion, but truth be told you sucked ass.

He takes a long drink of his jack and shakes his head a bit and looks back into the camera.

Steve Weigel - Come to think of it career match with you would suck. Because compared to you I am jesus christ. Now don't get me wrong I'm not being a cocky son of a bitch. Just being a drunk right now. Did you really think you could take out shane? Do you really think you can punt off my head? Then try it and I will prove you wrong. Because you will find out real fast that there is no getting up from my suicide.

Steve walks drunkly to the holy water and pours the rest of his jack in it.

Steve Weigel - Now this water is blessed by me. I'm your savior orton. I'm god right now.

Weigel does the catholic sign and gives the cross a middle finger and begins to walk out but stops and moons everybody. As he pulls up his pants, two cop cars pull up as weigel is walking out.

White Cop - Mr weigel will you come with us.

Weigel tries to point at them, but almost falls over.

Steve Weigel - Is there something wrong? You can't do anything to jesus. I will hit you with lightning.

Steve acts like he is tring to stike them down.

Black Cop - Weigel we would hate to have to force you to come with us, but we will if you make us.

Steve Weigel - Listen here nigga. I'm your lord and savior. If you don't get back in that car and shut the fuck up I will send you to hell where there is all kkk member.

Black Cop - Oh I'm going to enjoy this.

The black cop walks up and swing at weigel but weigel moves and hits my suicide on him. But from behide the white cop hits weigel and sends him to his knees.

Eight hours later.

Weigel is sitting in the jail cell shaking his head as a cop walks in.

Sexy Female Cop - Weigel someone has came up with your bail. Your free to go.

She opens the cell and weigel walks out checking her ass out. She smiles and when weigel gets to the front mack is there laughing and shaking his head.

Shane Mack - Jesus huh? What was you thinking attacking a cop?

Steve looks mad for a second but begins to laugh a bit.

Steve Weigel - I was just doing a promo and before I knew it I was drunk.

Shane Mack - Dude you have a match tonight.

Steve Weigel - I know it. But really how hard is it to beat him? You have a million times.

Shane Mack - Your taking the match to lightly.

Steve Weigel - Whatever. Its to ever to piss me off. Remember I might be your lacky, but I will turn on you really fast and take that championship. You shouldn't have bailed be out, because I wouldn't have for you.

Shane Mack - I have to keep my lacky out of jail. Who else is going to do my dirty work. And like I said to you before whenever your ready, I'm ready.

Steve Weigel - I could lay you out right now with my suicide, but what good would that do? So lets put it this way whenever your ready... I'm will be there to take that championship off your pretty hands.

Shane walks off shaking his head.

Steve Weigel - Nothing to say. Now who's the bitch?

Shane stops and turns around nailing weigel with da shows ova. Shane walks off smirking and laughing.

One Hour Later

Steve wakes up with cops around him. They help him up.

Sexy Lady Cop - You ok mr weigel?

Steve Weigel - Guess I had that coming.

Sexy Lady Cop - Yeah I would say so.

Steve laughs a bit.

Steve Weigel - In front of the fans I'm a face and so is he, but after orton his time is coming really soon. I'm tired of playing by the rules. Play by the rules you miss all the fun. Orton I hope your listening to me right now. I'm going to come out to that ring and destory you. It will be your career that is on the line. See the funny part is the whole time I'm kicking your ass the fans will be cheering me on. When I'm done with you lacey will be calling me god in the bed room. This will be my match tonight. The match that says weigel is ready to take on the world champion. I'm going to take everything you care about in life from you in one match tonight. Your man hood and lacey. Remember everybody loves a country boy and you will find out in the end its always my suicide!

Weigel walks out of the police station as the camera fades to blackness.
This Layout Was Made For Steve Weigel  by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

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