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You made an mistake!

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, September 28, 2023, 08:41:54 PM

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Date Posted:19/05/2010 11:55 AMCopy HTML

RP Title:People Involved:OOC:TBCB:
You made an mistake
 Steve Weigel, Shane Mack, Lacey Daniels
Roleplay #2 for the show!
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
"Extreme" is on the air, the scene shows Chris Orton looking at footage of Steve Weigel stopping Chris Orton from kicking Shane Mack head off, and Lacey Daniels comes into the picture started speaking.

Lacey Daniels: Sweetie, you have watch that lots of times, so why you still watching this?

Chris Orton: I want to remember what Steve Weigel did to me, because he stop me putting an end on Shane Mack career stopping me from kicking his head in that's why I'm watching this to keep this footage in my head once I come out from that curtain that man is dead for making a mistake getting in my business.

Lacey Daniels: Don't worry about him! I know you will get even with him, so you gonna win this match. 

Chris Orton looks at Lacey Daniels, and he stands up got in Lacey face started speaking to her.

Chris Orton: I don't want to win I want to kill this son of bitch for what he did to me that's why I told him pray to god that he stop me from ass-kicking he got going receive facing me on "Extreme". You have no idea the images I see I actually like what I been dreaming seeing myself cover in blood looking at my hands cover in blood, and I realize it's Steve Weigel blood on my hands.

Lacey Daniels: He going to regret messing with you last week on "Extreme", so I'll see you soon.
Lacey Daniels kiss Chris Orton on the lips, and she leaves Chris Orton locker room, so Orton lift his hands just staring at them. "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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