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Justin extreme 3

Started by Kristin Fox, September 28, 2023, 08:43:54 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:19/05/2010 4:44 PMCo
Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
The Prodigy

{{Justin walks into the Hammerstein ballroom backstage area.  He's wearing sunglasses, a tight black shirt, jeans, and work boots.  He's dragging two bags.  We notice a few seconds in that Katana is following behind him.  She has a carryon bag over her shoulder but she's texting furiously on her smoky violet Blackberry curve.  She's dressed in Tommy coveralls and a midriff baring halter top.  Justin turns to say something to her when someone bumps into him.  He puts his hand back to stop Katana and turns to the person who bumped into him.  It's his brother Lucas.  Security is escorting him and Hayden to the opposite end of the arena.  Lucas gets a big grin on his face.  Katana comes up short almost clotheslining herself on Justin's arm.  She looks up and quickly stows her black berry in her pocket.}}
Justin:"What?"  {there is a scramble as a production team hurries over with a camera}  "You got this shit eating grin on your face?  I know you heard what I said.  {he nods} Stop trying to drag me into this crap.  I'm done with it.  From now on, {he holds his hands up} I went to Corez for answers.  I gave him some big brother hell and it should have ended when Corez explained his side.  Now you want to help Knox drag it out.  You want to walk on Dallas' most successful brother team since the heyday of the Von Erichs running roughshod all over WCCW?  Fine!  You go your own way.  I came here to prove myself to the fans, to myself, and to every wrestler who laces up a pair of wrestling boots.  I came here for the International Title.  I came here to prove that heritage does mean something.  It doesn't seem to matter to you but then I guess it wouldn't.  I'm not going to out you but then whatever.  I am going into this fatal fourway to win.  I want that title.  This match is just another step.  I've gotten positive feedback that thus far I am one of the contenders that could possibly get that chance at the next ppv.  I'm not going to let this whole drama you're starting with THC to interfere with that.  After this match, while you still continue this crap, you don't exist to me."
{Justin motions for Katana.  The two continue down the hallway to their room.  Justin stops to watch a Johnny Camaro promo.  He seems to disgusted}
Justin:"What is wrong with these people?  He thinks he's Jesus? Unfreakin' believable!  He must seriously be delusional taking Mack on like that!!"
{Katana shook her head}
Katana:"He's got issues.  Did you see Mack's face?"
Justin:"All I know is that he is crazy for even taunting Mack.  I think they must have both hit their heads pretty hard.  Venom might be a little more trouble then I thought because they are both nuts."
{Justin starts to say something.  He grabs Katana and jerks her forward but he ends up taking a 2x4 across the side of the head and shoulder.  He flips over with blood splattering on the wall and concrete.  Katana turns and ducks a clothesline from Hayden, nailing her with a jumping back kick.  Lucas turns back to her but security seperates them.  Lucas backs off laughing.}
{Justin's bell is rung.  The side of his head is busted open and his nose is bleeding from hitting the ground.  EMTs are all around him.  He's shoving them away.}
{She turns and crouches down by his side.  Once he is sure of her safety, he stops fighting the EMTs letting them check him.}
Katana:"Is he going to be able to wrestle tonight?"
EMT 1:"We need to get him to the observation room before we can make that decision.  He's concious so I'm pretty sure there is no concussion."
Justin:"I'm going to kill him.  Katana, call Maegan. Make sure she keeps my mom away from the t.v.  Lucas isn't walking out of the ring tonight."py HTML

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