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Justin's reaction pt 2 (extreme 3)

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 09:21:48 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:01/06/2010 10:56 PMCopy HTML

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Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Warning.x..This official ??? roleplay may contain sexual content, violence, coarse language, and/or drug used and is unsuitable for all readers. The younge, innocent, immature, and plain stupid are advise to STOP, for those of you that intend to read on remember you have been warned...

Roleplay Title
Lots of ppl
International Title BR
its long but it is for extreme too-just read
Justin Reaction
People Mentioned
Katana/Shattered Reality
Next Match
You'd have read his bio 
OOC Comment
{{We open on Justin.  He's sitting in the main room of the Damage Inc Gym and Wrestling school.  He's sitting in the middle of the ring with a bottle of water.  He looks up}

Justin:"Thanks for bring a camera in here.  {Justin stands up.  His hands are bruised and he looks drained emotionally and physically.  He takes a drink and stretches} "It's cliche but they say those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat it.  As much as I tried to honor my uncle and try to do things without bringing my family with me.....except my wife who is my best friend......they followed me anyway and brought all of their bullshit with them.  I get that my brother is jealous and spiteful and despite the big insane idiot he likes to pretend to be he's not.  He's cold and calculating as the fans of SEF are being to find out.  Five million, Knighthawk? Really?  There is nothing you can do that can hurt me anymore than my own brother attacking my wife when she was pregnant.  In fact, it was pretty clear to most of the women in my family that she was having symptoms that she and I had wrote off as post concussion syndrome.  The women, mainly my favorite cousin Maegan, notice almost right away that things weren't adding up to all the things that could happen with PCS.  Then again, Maegan just had a baby six weeks ago and Sara...Matt's wife three months ago.  With all of this going on it has kept me pretty busy but it doesn't mean that I've forgotten what I came to SEF for.  I came for the International title.  Different fed same title name....I have always wanted to hold the International Title, every since my uncle held it.  The whole reason to come to SEF was because I wanted a challenge.  I wanted to fight the best and know that any success I had was not due to nepotism or my size advantage.  I have even cut up and made fun of my opponents when they've gone out of their way to be stupid and I've worked out hard when I expected the unexpected from an opponent that I wasn't familar with was presented to me on an upcoming card announcement.  Now that my crew have dumped a beaten and battered Lucas in an emergency room driveway, {smirks} our special guest has dissapeared into the night like a shadow, and Hayden has been notified....you may be asking what now.  Well what now is I don't see Lucas doing a very good job in his match.  So his goal of Shattered pinning Shane Mack has gone from slim to practically non-existent.  Not that Shane would need any help and I apologize man for stepping on your toes but this was family business.  Lucas was so concerned with my making any progress I'm surprise he had so much time to plan and train for his main event match.  Now I have a less than 24 hours to get my head on straight so I can enter the battle royal with the right mindset to win the International title.  That way I can spend my time off making up my piss poor reaction to our child to my wife.  I kid and I joke alot but I miss being called Daddy and it meaning something.  It's part of why I love having my baby brothers and my baby sister Peyton around.  I love children.  It's why I have taught martial arts with my godmother for several years at her dojo.  {he looks sheepish} Well with the exception of my time in China while I mastered Changquan Kung Fu.  I still teach my classes on Monday when SEF allows me a day off.  Shit has really gotten out of control in my life and I realize that Lucas was the mastermind behind everything all along.  He may now have second thoughts about coming after me now.  Some people may think what happened was cruel but to be honest with you only two people put their hands on Lucas today despite what it looked like.  I was one and unfortunately I can not reveal the name of the other due to legal issues but I'm sure most people could figure it out.  Rumors can't be proven and so he can't be in any trouble for helping me with Lucas.  I will say that this person has never wrestled for SEF or even the WWE despite the things that Lucas likes to throw out and tell everyone who comes into contact with him just what family he married into.  {he takes a sip of water and leans on the turnbuckle} Family, its a pretty important concept to me too.  Even though I wanted to kill Lucas because he attacked my pregnant wife, I couldn't bring myself to do it.  Some people my call me soft, hell Knight Hawk will probably claim its another homo based decision but my sisters begged me not to kill him.  Three out of the four showed up here while Gracie on the other hand asked me if she could do some unimaginable torture that even made me cringe.  Which pretty much put the hex on the whole damn thing when we had to seperate Gracie and Dusty from killing each other two.  See Knight Hawk, families fight but rarely from a non-McMahon have I ever seen anything so cold againist one's own flesh n'blood.  I expect so much from you Hawk with your S&M fetish and your queer taunts.  Makes me believe that your speaking from experience, {he nods his head and the camera turns to see Ash and Matt come in, in their gear} they here?"

Matt:"Yeah, I had to send the jet for them and do some fast talking but Danika finally convinced them to come down here so you have as much variety in size and skill as possible.  Oh and your best friend told me to tell you that you're a bitch you should have called him personally for the group beat downs."

Justin:"He couldn't be on SEF cameras.  TO much legal drama and my mom has enough stress in her life."


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