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Dynasty Divas Extreme 174 promo

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 10:04:47 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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Date Posted:06/06/2010 3:25 PMCopy HTML

(Date Posted:05-31-2010 1:16 PM)Share to:   

__.xxDynasty Darlings
DynastyDarlingsBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
Final Word count: 
{{We open on a huge exclusive gym.  Dusty ad Jade are dressed in work out gear and they are watching Hayden pace back and forth.  She's furious and she's ranting like crazy}}

Hayden:"Who does that bitch think she is?  Run to my mommy and daddy!  Really!  Can't she read?"

{A door opens and Lacey walks in also dressed in work out gear with her belt around her waist}
Lacey:"Use it."
{Lacey points to the camera.  Hayden takes a breath and then takes a minute to put her blond hair into a pony tail.  She then walks up a little more calm even though her eyes show how pissed she is.}}
Hayden:"You know Amy let's start with the positive.  You are right.  When it comes to the fatal fourway on the next Extreme, Jade and I will work as a team.  We are on the same page even though you and Jayden are both screwed in the head since you both want Weigel.  This puts you at a disadvantage.  Now for why I am going to end your career.  I am not like you, full of hot air and making empty threats.  I won't go into a lot of detail.  The thing is you set me off.  Which is dangerous to you. I love my Dad but in case you are as stupid as you look then let me give you a history lesson."
Jade:"A history lesson nothing!  If she pays any attention to Harry and a slut like her would be panting like a dog in heat every time he's on t.v. they'd hear Lawler and Michael Cole say the son of the 'Late Great' British Bulldog."
{Hayden holds her hand out as if she's counting to ten to try to calm her nerves}
Hayden:"She's right.  {She looks up at the camera}  My dad died several years ago you glaikit slag!  {they all look at her funny} ye need a beating fancy ye 've never had before. A dingy sket fancy ye isn't worthy dooze to even speak my pater 's name."

Jade:"Ok calm your nerves Hayden.  She's not going to know what the hell you're talking about.  She's pretty stupid but that's really going to throw her off."

{Hayden sits down on a weight bench counts to ten and then looks up at the camera really evil}
Hayden:"Amy you call me the weak link in my team?  You must have watched Extreme.  Maybe I am when it comes to a match with Shane Mack and againist Whitney Marrett but {she starts laughing} if you think you are in their league then you are really brain dead.  See three years ago I had a run in with Whitney.  Maybe not as serious as the run in Dusty had."
Dusty:"Don't remind me!"
{Hayden shot a look at her.}
Hayden:"You really are a waste of my time."
{Jade stretches}
Jade:"I'd really hate to be you, Amy.  The paper bag?  OOOH you think you're original?  A lot of people do that!  In fact, in case you haven't seen my SEF entrance video then you would realize I do that a lot to people.  I beat them and put a paper bag over them that has my picture over it.  Amy, you and Jayden, {shakes her head}  When are you two skanks going to realize the Dynasty Divas have always and will forever be, better than you?  We are for real.  In case you didn't realize, I eiminated the former International Champion Bobby James from the battle royal.  If I can knock Boston's Best out of a match in which he is so determined on keeping a title he earned then what am I going to do to a skank like you?  {shakes her head} "I have already shown what I can do to my wannabe and sadly she is going to the bane of my existence like Megan Sorry Ass has become to Lacey.  Someone that I am repeatedly going to have to wipe the mat up with despite the fans still cheering for their lost causes.  They would never have a chance againist us even under the best circumstances.  It makes me wonder what Megan and Jayden did to piss off, Whitney I guess.  I mean Jayden did do Whitney's husband so that could be why she's on Whitney's shitlist....then again maybe Whitney just hates skanks as much as we do."
{{Dusty enters the frame fully.  She looks a little more buff than she had been when she first entered SEF a few weeks ago, thanks to the training with The Dynasty Divas}}
Dusty:"I see my match with Megan as an initiation to being the new member of the Dynasty Divas.  Watching Lacey's old matches with Megan made me realize that I still have a long way to go to reaching Lacey's level but now I know the mistakes Megan makes and how Lacey capitalized on them.  Am I taking this match lightly?  I don't take any match lightly even though the opponent is a joke.  Megan you and I have a lot of history in this business just not with each other.  You grew up in a family with psychos.  I grew up in a family with future legends and future hall of famers who were trained by Hall of Famers. You are trying to live down your family's reputation and I'm trying to live up to mine.  In SEF I cut the pressure down on myself since I only have to live up to what Lucas and Justin do, but your family was SEF.  I know what pressure that is.  I saw that in several different countries with the family I have currently in SEF and family that hasn't ever been here.  {She smirks}  Thanks to Lacey, I am learning to capitalize on the stress of the pressure that you always face when you step out of the curtain.  Megan, if this came a week or two later, I'd say you're my first victim, but, {she glances at the others} I'll save that when I beat you and earn the right to gloat at your expense."
©vindictive soul Made for ??? by Jen at DAF dont be stupid and steal... just come on by and request one instead of claiming it as your own...


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