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Shattered Reality Extreme 174 RP 1

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 10:05:40 AM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:204
  • Posts:143
  • From:USA 
  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:06/06/2010 4:03 PMCopy HTML

LucasBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97L

{{The men of Shattered Reality finished their workout early in the morning begining with a run that stretched Riot to his limit with a running hike through Andirondack Mountains in New York. Knox is still pumped up and is lifting weights like a mad man while Lucas is cooling down and Riot is leaning back on some mats drinking water.  He perks up a bit as a camera crew comes in.}}
Riot:"So Mack wants to bring in a new guy or pulls some guy from the past to help him since Shattered Reality is giving him to much for him to handle alone.  His boys Corez and Xanthus abandoned him even though we technically didn't put them out in the prison yard match.  So he has to bring in someone else to watch his back. I mean it's not if Lucas didn't come damn close to pinning him at the last Extreme."
Lucas:"I wouldn't call it like that.  I got the moral victory for sure.  It's all a process Riot.  I'm trying to get under Mack's skin.  The ppv is coming up next month.  I plan on being the one on one number one contender for the heavyweight title.  So this guy is big.  So are we.  It's not as if we're cruiserweights.  I just need a little time to formulate a plan to deal with this new guy.  I am damn close to having Mack's number."
{Knox finishes lifting weights and they slam together with a clank.  He gets up, shiny with sweat, but in a great mood}
Knox:"Justin Cage is a puny little criminal that didn't take long to get eliminated in the battle royal.  So I'm going to ignore him like the nobody he is.  As for Vlad, you act like no one knows the history of vampires.  {Riot starts laughing}  You forget that our, {he gestures to Riot} Uncle Speirr and Aunt Isabel are seriously into the goth subculture.  Speirr, Radu, Synn, and Armond all have fangs surgically implanted into their mouths.  As far as your line?  I guess you'd have to come from Vlad's fugly daughter.  I mean she'd have to be a princess with a sick bastard for a father in order to get anyone to marry her.  So its a diluted line because shortly after Radu sold his father out, he was beheaded.  He was what, Riot?  It was like the bedtime story Isabel liked to tell."
Riot:"Yeah he sold his dad out to the Turks and they beheaded him.  He was 18 I think."
Knox:"He has no known heirs.  So unless the line was polluted by Radu forcing himself upon some bar wench or some random poor village maid then being a direct line heir...well...{he holds his hands up}  How do you think my cousins got their names?  Speirr and Isabel even run a vampire tour in the French Quarter.  They've even been known in the past to have been favorites at Anne Rice's halloween balls, hence the younger two boys with names of vamps from the Vampire Chronicles.  I know you and Knight Hawk have a history that includes hating the Fox family.  {He frowns.}  Just for the record my wife is only Justin's half sister.  They have the same father...not the mother."
Lucas:"I thought I made that clear when I paid Knighthawk off."
Knox:"I'm making double sure that they'd better leave my wife alone.  Things are about to get really bloody around here and I'm not going to have my wife taken out just because these guys are related to the same bastard who could murder a child.  I know the autopsy said Chris put up a fight which is why he was stabbed before he was electrocuted but Katie and CJ..."
Lucas:"No, don't go there.  We never told Dusty or the other kids what happened with Katie or CJ.  They don't need to know and I can't be sure if Dad still lets Peyton and the twins still watch SEF."
Knox:"You know well should have thought of that before you let Knight hawk in on the inner dwellings of our families.  Now I have to put this sick bastard down before he gets his hands on someone he can really damage."
((This has been an official *Lucas Rodgers * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison


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