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Ain't Nobody - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, September 29, 2023, 10:11:45 AM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:07/06/2010 11:03 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Fighters:Accomplishments:OOC:
Ain't Nobodyvs Steve WeigelChris Orton/Jade Hart & Hayden Smith/ Megan Sorrow & all other divasTV Champions'all tongue in cheek folks lol ;)


The scene opens with Lacey posing with her title for a photo shoot spread that will appear in SEF magazine. She tosses her hair and pouts like a true diva as the camera flashes and the photographer shouts encouragement. He finally holds his hand up and speaks.

Greg: Great work Lacey ... I need to take 5 minutes to reload and change the lens, so feel free to stretch those legs.
Lacey smiles genuinely and stands up and pushes her arms above her head before swinging the title which is never far from her side, over her shoulder.  She wanders down the hall away from the spot lights and grabs a bottle of water from a table as she hears a familiar voice coming from a nearby monitor. She tilts her head and wanders over to catch both promos from Steve Weigel and Jayden Hartley. She laughs as Steve tries to convince anyone that he's over his fixation with Lacey and the rolls her eyes at Jayden's desperate attempts at seduction. She snorts in amusement at Jayden trying to call her a cheater. When the screen finally fades to black she turns to find an SEF camera in her face recording her reaction. She scowls slightly and then fixes her gaze on the cameraman.
LD: Well, well, well .. looks like Stevie Weigel got his biggest wish granted this week and he finally gets me one-on-one! .. He gets to put his hands all over me at last, and I know that no matter how much he tries to deny it he's just drooling at the mere thought of it. Let's be honest, we all know I have what Stevie wants and it sure as hell ain't my title!!
Lacey laughs as she tosses her hair over her shoulder and winks at the camera.
LD: Oh let's not beat around the bush shall we? .. Stevie Weigal has had a giant hard-on for me since I arrived at SEF and yeah sure he may well have apologised for his stalker-like behaviour and wished me and Chris well but we all know that if I gave him the green light he'd drop Jayden Sluttly like a bad habit and break the land speed record to get to my side! That's why his latest whore is being so bitchy to me ... or maybe it's because I put her in her place so easily last week on Extreme when she actually thought she might be in with a chance of beating me? Hmmmm ... naw, I think it's because she knows that when she's at her most vulnerable, all naked and sweaty with her latest man ... when she's straddling his lap and riding him for all she's worth ... she knows that when he closes his eyes it's me that he sees. Me he wants to be with and that must just eat her up! It must be hard trying to compete with someone's idea of perfection eh Jayden? ... It must be always in the back of your head wondering when you're going to get dumped .. yet again. Men only want you for one thing and one thing only ... lucky you're such a whore eh or you'd never get a guy for any length of time!
Lacey laughs nastily.
LD: I knew you would check his phone to see if I really sent that photo, like the insecure little skank you are .. and I'll bet he told he'd deleted it right? Yeah right he did. I'll bet if you look in the right place he's still got a copy of it somewhere. You know, just for those private moments?
Lacey raises an eyebrow as she moves her hand in a fist slowly up and down before smirking.
LD: Aw Jayden .. bless you for trying to put me in the same category as you but unfortunately that's just gonna wash with ... well, pretty much anyone who has a brain! You have fucked your way through SEF since you got here .. in fact I think you've had more sex than you've had matches! .. Please correct me if I'm wrong but somehow I doubt it. You try to call me a cheater when I have only ever been with the one man the whole time I've been here? ... So I sent a photo of myself to another man, so fucking what? I knew he'd appreciate it and it's not like I send him a video of me fingering myself now is it? .. if you're so desperate to know what Chris thought of it then why don't you just up and ask him yourself, oh yeah that's right you can't because he doesn't associate with whores! .. I don't really care what some lame-ass radio show host said in a survey, it was probably only answered by skanks and losers like yourself who wouldn't know a moral if it up and slapped them in the face! So Jayden honeypie you better watch yourself or I'll beat the shit out of you once again, this time just for fun!!
Lacey flicks her hair back over her shoulder as she takes her belt from her shoulder and looks down at it with price before she holds it up to the camera.
LD: See this right here Stevie, this here is my baby and no-one but no-one is going to take it from me. Oh I know that people are talking about Lacey Daniels finally getting her comeuppance, finally getting her ass kicked, cos everyone knows there ain't a woman here .. Whitney excepted .. who could even come close to defeating me. So people are talking, muttering in corners, about how I have to face off against a man and how obviously I'm going to finally lose my gold.
Lacey looks at the camera with a worried look on her face and then cracks up.
LD: Oh please! I knew when I came here that SEF was inter-gender, truth be told it was one of the things that drew me in. I wanted to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that I was capable of getting in the ring, mixing it up with anyone and winning ... and that's exactly what I'll do on Extreme. Everyone has very selective memory because it wasn't so long ago that I pinned Stevie for the 1..2..3. Check the record books if you don't believe me. I already hold a win over him and if he gets the chance to have me draped all over his prone body can you really see him refusing? ..
Lacey shakes her head.
LD: Naw I don't think so either! .. Oh Stevie will talk a good game .. how he's gonna hit my suicide and take my belt but really all he wants it to get up close and personal with the one diva he truly craves and can't have. Don't worry Stevie sweetie ... you'll get what you want ... and I'll get what I want
Lacey smiles seductively.
LD: And that's not a threat ... that's a promise!
Lacey blows a kiss at the camera as the photographer hollers at her to come back. She spins on her heel and sashays away.
End of rp1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 

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