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Jayden Hartley Extreme 2

Started by Kristin Fox, September 29, 2023, 10:12:45 AM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:07/06/2010 10:21 PMCopy HTML

__.xxJayden Hartley
JadeBanner.jpg picture by kristinbenoit97
info goes here...
{Jayden slips from the bed wearing a sheet to turn on the handicam.  Steve Weigel is in bed on his stomach comforter over him, asleep.  She carries the cam in the other room and leaves, only to come back wearing one of Steve's button down shirts.  She crosses her legs and sits on the couch}

Jayden:"I know what everyone is saying and right now I could care less what Lacey has to say.  I'll deal with her later.  Right now I am only going to focus on my match.  I know how much I piss off Hayden and Jade.  I do that on purpose, its fun.  Now Amy, you need to be locked in a padded room somewhere.  To bad Justin's family isn't talking to me.  I'd call his cousin's wife.  She's a Harvard trained shrink and get you locked up for good.  Unfortunately for you, I can get you strapped in a straight jacket and hyped up on enough thorazine to bring down an elephant.  So for me I get the fun of beating you down.  I spent alot of time having fun with Shane but unlike Shane, I didn't train much.  It's an explanation as much as it is an excuse.  I should have trained with him.  He would have taught me a lot.  I have been training.  I had to get my head straight and {now she smirks} I went to the House of Payne.  I know that doesn't mean alot to people in the SEF but for my opponents it will mean something.  I will expain to those who don't know.  For fans of MMA and longtime fans of wrestling, Ken Shamrock's Lion's Den is considered a pretty awesome training ground for MMA fighters.  Now you take that and you combine it with The 3D Wrestling School and a head trainer who used to be a sparring partner of Kurt Angle, Tito Ortiz, Samoa Joe, and Forrest Whittaker.  {she smirks} I was sadly lacking in basic rudimentary wrestling skills.  No wonder Maegan was so annoyed that I didn't pick up on the things she wanted me to learn.  Dusty was a piss poor trainer.  {she laughs}  Dusty, you know who I went to see.  She told me to say "Hi to her brother and not the replacement daughter."  So Justin, Gracie says hi.  She's was about to fly out to a photo shoot in Milan or she would have taken her step-mother's private jet to see you in the Battle Royal.  She promises to be front row center to watch you beat the hell out of Knight Hawk for the International title at the ppv.  She has the guts of her father!  The other Fox Kids.....the older ones....Dusty and Gabby are running like frightened children anytime Knighthawk is around.  Surprising how funny genetics can be, eh?  Justin and Gracie get the looks, the brains, the guts, and the talent, and well....I'd love to say it all came from the mother's side but then Gabby would have it too.  Then again, maybe she does.  She's only 17 and she's Daddy's girl so she'll do what he wants even if she'd rather be here fighting."

{she gets up and leaves and comes back with a Minute Maid OJ single.  She opens it and takes a long drink.}

Jayden:"Stevie made me really thirsty.  He's kinda salty if you know what I mean.  Then again we did drink beer so, {she gives a wicked grin, knowing she's annoying Amy}  "You want to play the psycho game, Amy?  I was in and out of foster homes with people more psycho than you're pretending to be.  You did half of my job for me.  You've sent off  Jade and Hayden off the deep end visiting Daveyboy's grave and talking shit about Bret.  So now that you've thrown them off their game.  All I have to do is sit back and watch them destroy you.  Hell, you're SEF's version of Rachel Summerlyn!  {laughs}  Anyway, I'm going to win on Extreme.  Then I'm going to ask Megan Sorrow for a match.  If I can beat her, then I'll move on to someone else because I plan on taking out Lacey Daniels.  To do that I'll have to go through each of her PMS Princesses.  {she thinks}  Oh wait.....I have two of them this week.  Then if I get Dusty and Megan in the weeks to come, I might be eligible for a title shot or at least a non0title shot againist Lacey.  Either way, I'd get in the ring with Lacey.  This time I'll be prepared."

{she starts to say something else until arms circle her neck and Weigel leans into view with a towel.  He kisses he on the neck}

Weigel:"Come back to bed."

{Jayden turns and smiles at him.  She holds her face with both hands and kisses him deeply}

Jayden:"I'd love to, baby." 
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