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Night Falls Dreams hide your Fears but for how Long?

Started by Joe Daddy, September 29, 2023, 10:14:16 AM

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Joe Daddy

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Date Posted:08/06/2010 1:55 AMCopy HTML

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Friendship fades
Lives Changing
People Going Seperate Ways
What does our future hold for us
We Only wish to hear what we want or need
and the Truth hides from us till we seek it out
Underneath it all we are here together
We know whats right and whats wrong
Together we stand united as one
Alone we crumble falling to the depths of our own hell
What will our future hold for us
Do you believe in destiny? Will you let it hold you down?
Or will you step in and take Control

 P R O L O G U E
The rumors have ended and now the thrash talking begins. To hear a word a thousand times brings great meaning and also bores a crowd. Did Knighthawke go overboard with using one word in his limited vocabulary? Joe Daddy made a point that he didn't care who Knighthawke was it didn't matter what, who, he was but made it clear his message. He wont let a new talent such as knighthawke walk out of this match ontop. If he has to criple him, make him suffer he would. That's how Joe Daddy has always been, and now he looks to continue where he left off on the road to destruction for all his opponents. The question is can Knighthawke survice this Sunday night? Will Joe Daddy have to eat his words? Will this be a match for the ages or only dissapoint the people  who are buying into this hype. All these questions will be answered this Sunday night when these two men meet.
R O L E P L A Y - B E L O W

Joe Daddy is seen on the screen holding a slim jim with a little kid looking at him.

Joe Daddy:  One day you can grow up to be strong like me and get the ladies but not like me of course.

A frown cross the boys face and Joe just smirks.

Little Kid: But how can I be like you?

Joe Daddy:  You need perciverance, motivation and no matter what never give up. You have to work hard get really hard ...

Joe winks for the camera.

Little Kid: How do i get hard like you?

Joe burst into laughter while patting the boy on the shoulder.

Joe Daddy:  I hate to tell you boy but you can't ever "measure" up to your damn daddy. What you can do is  work out, take some viagra and of course step into a slim jim.

Joe again grins for the camera, and in the background we can hear some woman.

Woman: Ohhhh Yeah

The kid is handed a slim jim from Joe Daddy who again pats him on his shoulder. Joe whispers while the kid walks off, "I'm just simply delicious baby". A few minutes go by and we find ourself from commercial and back into live television where we see Greg Boone seated next to Joe Daddy. 

Greg Boone:
Welcome tonight Joe Daddy it's glad to have you hear on this house show.

Joe Daddy:  Thanks greg, and your one of the first intelligent men I've ran into in this company might I add.

 Greg Boone: That's quiet nice for you to say.

Joe Daddy:  I wouldn't come to expect that from me Gregery if I was you.

Greg Boone: During commercial you were talking about your opponent this coming Sunday night, Knighthawke.

Joe Daddy: Well you brought it up during the break talking about how he was calling me this childish name and what i thought of it. I know and agree, he sounded like a little child. I mean he couldn't expect me let alone everyone watching to understand one word that he said. All I got out of his promo was wanker this, wanker, that wanker at night, wanker during the day I want to wank you in our match but you know what son your daddy is not like that. See I will teach him the fundamentals of wrestling Gregory.  I wont  sleep with him like he wants and like he does with his butt buddy Vlad. See now I think I get it Greg. These two are  homo's wanting to wank around as Darkwing duck wannabe says  but the Daddy man doesn't go that way.  

Joe daddy looks directly into the camera as if to deliver a message personally for Knighthawke.

Joe Daddy: You talk all this bullshit knighthawke like if anyone cares what you have to think. I don't care if you are a vampire, mother Teresa or the popcorn vendor and his buttery fat wife as my friend Bobby James says.

He pauses for a minute again focusing his attention directly on the lens.

Joe Daddy: You want me to do homework on you? You want me to read up about your past? I don't see how any of that's relevant to our match' It doesn't come down to who knows who bitch boy. It comes down to who is the better man in that ring at that time. I'm sad to say Knighthawke that it wont be you. See you can try and put yourself over try and get people to think I'm ignortant that's fine and dandy i don't care at all about these people. They are just a waste of space and not just that but are a bunch of embreds like yourself who sleeps with anything. You know I bet your into beastiality Knighthawkey. Wait I know you are. When you and that butt buddy friend of yours come home during the day after a "hard" session together you see that female dog just laying there and say bitch I need some pussy get over here. Dontchya? You want that pussy. you want to make that dog yelp and scream for help imagining that it's  a real life person. Infact i bet you envy me. you want to be like the Daddy Man. You see me going around with all the ladies getting all the pussy I want and you wish just once instead of settling for Buster your weiner dog you could get a real woman I know it. The truth hurts I bet Knighty but soon it wont hurt  much anymore. See you talk about putting people out of their misery but the fact of the matter is it will be lights out and all over with when i hit the Daddy slam on your weak ass and make you my bitch. Than you like my other ho's can go on the street corner  and earn daddy some more money cause Daddy needs a new car, and I know your not worth mutch but maybe if your bitch boy Vlad humps you ... I mean helps you all night long ... you might just walk ... stumble ... crawl ...  find yourself bold legged.

He smirks again pausing look over at Greg.

Joe Daddy: Gregory you know that dictionary i gave you? Can you read the definition for bold legged for our friend Knighthawke?

He waits for Greg to get the dictionary from the chair beside him and look up the word.

Greg Boone:  It's a female/ male that has been boned so hard they can't walk right.

Joe laughs to himself.

Joe Daddy: I just wanted you to hear this Knighthawke so you know that if it's Vlad sticking you at night or me sticking my shoe up your ass you will fall victom and just be another notch on my record.

Gregory tries speaking but gets cut off by Joe.

Joe Daddy: I bet every night you wish you had an ounch of my stuff Knighty. You think about how you wish you looked like yours truely. Don't deny it, and don't run away from it. You wish you were half the man that Iam. Unfortunately your not me. You don't have the sex appeal ... the huge cock ... but one thing you have I can never have and thats a manly man to pack your fudge at night. So sleep tight Knighthawke have some wet dreams of your fairy friend and come prepared to our match because if you don't come preapred you will just  be another bitch boy getting bitch slapped by the man that can ... the man that matters .. yours truely ... Your Damn Daddy!

Joe throws off the headset and heads backstage with Greg looking astonished by what he just heard from Joe Daddy.

Greg Boone:  That was Joe Daddy and as he likes to say gracing us with his presence. Well that's all for tonight I'll see you tomorrow night when we hear from Knighthawke himself  and find out what he has to say about all of this.


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